101 Ways To Deny Self

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101 Ways To Deny Self

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Sometimes, one might hear a discussion on the need to deny self and pick up a cross, but seldom does one witness seeing a person who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is, in reality, denying self. Understand that denying self does not mean just denying aspects of self or the aspects of your life you do not like. Instead, denying self is the offering of self unto a living God to do as He wills. A will like Jesus that is always heading toward the cross and suffering with Jesus.

Case in Point:

  • How often have you heard a discussion on the various ways to deny self within the church?

Who counts it as joy in Jesus to deny self?

  • Even more, when was the last time you witnessed church members sharpening others unto specific ways they should be denying self without them becoming defensive?

Yet, this is a core issue for one’s salvation and judging whether something is the actual gospel call of Jesus.

Jesus connects an individual being saved with denying self. The very self of who they are, a life of self-discipline, cross-bearing and denying self. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it, Jesus said.

Next time you are at church or at a Bible study meeting, go around and ask individuals how specifically God is calling them to deny themselves. If they are true disciples their discussion would be specific and hours long.

If you are non-Christian, ask your Christian neighbor exactly how they deny themselves as they follow the will of God. This will cut through all the soundbite Christianity they preach at you.

To "all," Jesus demanded a cross-carrying, denying self, self-disciplined life by obeying the will of God each hour of the day.

Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his ## life for me will save it. (Luke 9:23-24)

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Deny Self* and see the reaction you get just for suggesting such a study – never mind actually living it out by following the Holy Spirit.

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