#72 Simmons Bible Questions Pt 1

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It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub, how much more the members of his household! (Matthew 10:25)

No, Sound Doctrine Church was not a cult; in fact, it was the very antithesis of one. The church bore the fruit of holiness and faith, demonstrated through the love of Jesus until corrupt authorities undermined it.

The opposition, persecution, and prosecution by anti-Christian prosecutors Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith of Washington State serve as clear evidence of the positive impact of Jesus that was present in Sound Doctrine Church.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men.


City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall deleted evidence, scripted out accusations, and refused to investigate the actual crime because he was engaged in a hate-crime.

Prosecutor Jason Simmons and the gang of Prosecutors used the accused crime to take down a righteous Christian Church.

The "trial" by Judge Lori K. Smith, who corrupted every means against the defense lasted 28 days. Normally such trial last from 3 to 5 working days.

28 days of relentless the church is bad rather than focusing in on the accusations, which King County Prosecutors admitted they had no evidence for.

Judge Beth M. Andrus, Judge Lori K. Smith and Prosecutor Jason Simmons have turned themselves into fools with their practice of extortion.1

Extortion turns a wise man into a fool. (Ecclesiastes 7:7)



Washington State prosecutors brought a Christian church to trial during the same period that Attorney General Bob Ferguson was targeting a Christian grandmother for refusing to arrange flowers for a same-sex wedding. Prosecutor Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith utilized absurd corrupt legal tactics not only to undermine religious freedoms but also to obscure Detective Grant McCall’s hate crime. This intense 28-day trial persecuted through prosecution the truth and love of a holy God associated with Sound Doctrine Church and Timothy Williams. These podcasts aim to address those concerns, at least for those willing to listen. From planting lies to destroying evidence every, and all, corruptions were employed by Prosecutor Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith. Click here for a Consice Recap. Judge Beth M. Andrus whitewashed the crimes of Detective Grant McCall of the Enumclaw Police and set into motion the complete destruction of many innocent lives. There will be hell to pay on that great Judgement Day if they do not repent. Note this well when called to jury duty. Which, by the why, prosecutors referr to jury duty as their "dog and pony show."

Consice Recap of Prosecutor Corruptions


How’s it going, Jacob? It’s going good. Got a question for you, this is where I get to get even for all the times you’ve proven me wrong.

Okay. If you had a choice, you’re a family man, you got some kids and stuff, and you had two different villages that you could choose to live in, and one village is an Amish village. Hard work, you’re living dangerously on the edge, you’re drinking raw milk, maybe not having vaccinations, working hard all day long, I mean, it’s an intense environment.

You’ve got the Amish community over here, right? Then you have one that’s called It Takes Village by Hillary Clinton. Which particular village would you like to live in?

Which one would you put your family into? Welcome to the Consider Podcast, where we examine today’s wisdom, folly, and madness. More information can be found at www.consider.info. Now, here are your hosts, Timothy and Jacob. It’s prosecutor Bible study time, same old persecution by prosecution. Join us for Washington State, King County prosecutor Jason Simmons Bible time, where we answer prosecutor Bible questions, Bible questions demanded in corrupt legal courts rather than by attending church. John 18, 19, and 20, the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching.

I’ve spoken openly to the world, Jesus replied. I always taught in synagogues or at the temple where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.

The Consider Podcast, examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness, www.consider.info. Well, before you answer the question, the point of this is we’re going to begin to answer prosecutor Simmons Bible questions, church questions that he pounded in court. And it’s not really a Bible study, because a Bible study implies somebody actually wants to listen, and you open the Bible, and you sit down. I know when I do normal Bible studies with somebody, you sit down, they open the Bible.

You usually have to wait for them to find the book, because they’re not even familiar with where to go. And I give them time to contemplate, to think, to answer, to respond, or to sit there like, explain to me more, or get out of my house, or whatever it is. But it’s a very gentle kind of situation.

This is not going to be that. This is a contemptuous Bible study, meaning I’m pouring contempt on what he’s doing, because he didn’t want any answers. This was more Satan hissing in the Garden of Eden and going to Adam and Eve.

Did God really say, why did you really join the church? What is leadership like? It was all the sin of evil suspicions in order to get a guilty verdict.

And by the way, all these questions had nothing to do with the actual crime. The crime was used to go for the church. And that’s explained later on.

Go onto the website. You’ll find even more information. All right.

So this is Prosecutor Bible Study Time. And I posed the question to Jacob, which village would you want to live in, an Amish village or a Hillary Clinton village? Which one would you like to live in?

Which one would you consider the best choice for your family? Amish, hands down. I didn’t even know.

I don’t know what the Hillary Clinton village is. But I want nothing to do with that. She wrote a children’s book.

Did she?

I didn’t even know.

It takes a village. It takes a village. Well, clearly, it’s supposed to be her village, the Hillary Clinton village.

Oh, yeah, exactly.

So the Nazi village, or I don’t know what, Communist China village. Well, cocaine, trafficking, Arkansas, forget the humidity, everything else that goes on with that, all the corruption that was going on. That’s the village.

Well, why this is significant is King County prosecutors under Dan Dan Satterburg, he was out promoting Hillary’s book and saying it takes a village. And he’s trying to make it sound like it takes this whole community. And we’re your friendly prosecutors, and we’re all working together with this.

All the government agencies are coming together to be sure that the philosophy of the Hillary Clinton village is imposed on you. Now I’m giving you the truth of what was taking place. So you have sound doctrine church, which is after righteousness, holiness, denying self, loving one another, the family unit, everything that’s positive and holy and good, and then you have Hillary Clinton’s village.

The damage or the real crime here is that Dan Satterburg and King County prosecutors are not about prosecuting the law or things that are illegal. They’re actually promoting an agenda. They’re actually promoting their village, and they’re prosecuting people that will not follow that village.

And that’s what happened in this particular case. You were there. You actually filmed most of the trial.

You went through the hate crime. This was all about ideology, wasn’t it? Yes.

It was about this is what the church believes. This is what we represent. Why were you there?

What do you feel like? And so that’s what was pounded and destroyed. This really was, in its essence, clean, pure persecution, wickedness against righteousness, and they were coming at us with everything at that time.

I’m not going to go into all those details. That’s everywhere. Do a recap because I don’t want to have to go through this whole thing again.

The following podcast centers around the legal trial of Washington State versus Malcolm Frazer. Mr. Frazer was charged with an impossible-to-commit-sexual-assault crime by Washington State prosecutors. The fact is even the manipulated accuser’s testimony proves the crime could not have taken place.

The prosecutor and hate crime agitator’s goal was never to go to trial but to destroy a Christian church by the weight of the accusations alone, a tactic so common that it is in the news today, every day, at every level within the court system. The following discussion is taken from actual court transcripts, video recordings, and investigations. Many of those speaking on the podcast personally went through the mud pit, unprofessional, and illegal prosecution using a hate crime as the foundation.

This concise recap is backed up by overwhelming evidence that the city of Enumclaw Police, Washington State prosecutors and judges, for nefarious reasons, corrupted every aspect of the non-existent investigation and unconstitutional court proceedings, corruptions now so common that all but unreasonable individuals know it is standard operating procedure within the legal system. In short, the Sound Doctrine Christian Church was a victim of what is now termed lawfare. The year 2010 saw the compilation of a hate crime against Sound Doctrine Church by city of Enumclaw policeman Grant McCall and his co-conspirators.

Seattle, Washington State prosecutors of King County used an innocent man to attack Timothy Williams of Sound Doctrine Church. Timothy Williams was not charged with any crime. Thus, the state of Washington proxy-prosecuted Malcolm Fraser to destroy Timothy Williams.

More than ample evidence can be found at www.consider.info. The podcast and history of these events are important to prepare true disciples of Jesus for what could soon take place in their lives or in the lives of their children. The proxy-prosecution of Malcolm Fraser by Washington State judges was a perfect storm of persecution by prosecution. All would do well to prayerfully prepare themselves and their children for what sin-stained dark-souled judges, prosecutors, and police will gladly, happily do.

We on the Consider podcast pray that God may grant them repentance because it is, as the scriptures declare, a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. As Jesus encouraged us when He walked the earth, the Holy Spirit does admonish the Christian today. If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.

Mark 4, verse 23. The Consider podcast. Examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness.

www.consider.info. I won’t play that every show we do from here, but always just tack it on the end, Jacob, so people can get a frame of reference. You know, as a side note, the current King County prosecutor that won an election was trained by Satisferg. So she’s carrying on this corruption of trying to force everybody to follow their ideology, their lifestyle.

In fact, she boasts and brags that she’s a woman, the first Korean woman to be voted a prosecutor. And at the time of the election, the paper said that she was shacked up with a police chief. Now, I don’t know which is worse, being shacked up or shacked up with a police chief.

And you’re talking about some very narrow-minded people who are not in touch with reality at all. So if her goal, if her pride is that she’s a woman, and she did nothing to make that happen, by the way, and that she happened to be living in the United States with lots of good laws that allow her to be elected, and if that’s her boast, and that’s what she’s bragging about. She’s not bragging about justice.

She’s not bragging about truth. She’s not bragging about purity. She’s not bragging about protecting the rights of everybody.

Her first words out of her mouth is, I’m a woman. I’ve been elected. And I’m Korean.

And what? That is either North Korean or South Korean law. I’m not sure which is which.

And neither one is particularly good at the moment. All right. So that ideology is being forced on us, and they’re coming in through channels and back channels to destroy the family, to destroy churches, to go after Christians.

And we all kind of know that, for one thing, because Satan is in charge of governing authorities. But that’s the reality of what’s taking place. What churches should do, and it’s not going to happen, is they should take this particular trial and turn it into a Bible study, because it really was a perfect storm of righteousness against and wickedness coming against it.

There’s a lot of learning that could happen
to prepare people for what is about to take place, because this is the thing that’s going to just keep getting worse and worse across the nation. Any comments or anything before we go on from there? No.

All right. When this trial, when this whole situation, this ordeal, started to break open, prosecutors sent over to the police department a request for information. So you have this horrendous accusatory crime of sexual misconduct, which, of course, is always just as easy to crank out.

So you’d think they’d send over a request saying, send us everything you’ve got on Malcolm Frazier, send us everything you’ve got on this situation, the house layout, your witnesses, who you’re going to bring, who you’re going to put on trial, what evidence have you gathered together in order to establish that this man is guilty, that we can prosecute, right? Wouldn’t that be the logical thing? Yeah, DNA evidence, phone records, the living records, receipts.

I mean, this is all common lingo.

Dates, calendar. Yeah, dates, calendars.

Talk to everybody in the house. Photos. Yeah, where’s the evidence, the math, the papers?

Where is it at? And the interview of the person that supposedly is the victim would be pure, clean. You’d have witnesses.

There’d be no prodding. A good investigation. Well, let’s just even go on it.

Even a half good?

How about a halfway honest?

I don’t know what a good one even looks like anymore. Well, yeah, I don’t know. And by the way, he was promoted.

So technically to King County Prosecutors. Oh, he did a good job. Oh, yeah, he did a great job.

When you manipulate a witness, when you lead, when you shut the recorder off, when you delete evidence, when you don’t go look for evidence about the crime, hey, that’s promotion material. I mean, why not? Let’s just go there.

All right. So Prosecutor Jason Simmons, who’s no longer a prosecutor. I say that.

He’s no longer with King County. He’s doing some other things. Is he once a prosecutor, always a prosecutor?

Oh, absolutely. I’m just throwing that out there.

Until you repent. Yeah. Don’t drag me off into why they become prosecutors, because it’s not humility.

Correct. And it’s an opera. And they’re not trying to do us any good.

Yeah. There’s lots of other dark reasons why. So this is a reading of the actual written email, whatever they send over to the Enumclaw police, saying, this is what we want.

These are the important things that we must have in order to establish that this crime actually took place. This was number one, top of the list, bang for the buck. This is what they’re after.

Have I emphasized enough that this is what they were after, Jacob? Yes. All right.

Let’s play. And let’s listen to what prosecutor, Jason Simmons, King County prosecutors. And by the way, it was a whole gang of prosecutors.

They didn’t just assign one. I think they had, what, a total of five to start with. So you got five prosecutors going for this one person who committed a crime.

And according to Dan Satterburg, they were the best. And this is the best question that they’re going to ask. Play it.

The humble in the land will find this legal corruption to be unbelievable. However, the evidence is overwhelming and can be found at www.consider.info or by listening to the Consider podcast. Police, prosecutor, and an inflamer of a hate crime conspired to destroy a Christian church.

Though Timothy Williams was never charged with a crime, he was made the focus point as an innocent man was framed for a crime impossible to commit. The following is the first and top request from Seattle, Washington state prosecutors. The net result of this request was less than 10 vague complaints about the church being sent to the prosecutor’s office.

One of the complaints stating, I have never visited the church was considered credible enough to send to the prosecutors by city of Enumclaw detective, Grant McCall. No tracks, sermons, emails, reports, no materials of any kind were sent over to King County prosecutors regarding case 12-1029, Malcolm Fraser and Sound Doctrine Church. Request for information, King County prosecutor office.

Requests received December 17, 2012 via email for the following. One, a detailed inventory of any and all materials and documents produced by or related to Sound Doctrine Church or any member thereof in the possession of detective Grant McCall or the Enumclaw Police Department. Such materials and documents may include but are not limited to books, tracks or sermons by Timothy Williams.

Number two, any and all documents, materials, records, forms, notes, recordings, correspondence, emails and logs created or altered by any employee of the Enumclaw Police Department that either directly or indirectly related to the investigation of Malcolm Fraser. Request to provide copy to each of the following addresses. Jason Simmons, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, MRJC 401, 4th Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032.

The Consider Podcast. Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness. www.consider.info What do you think, Jacob? Man, that was a mouthful that they were asking for, huh? Madness. This is level of madness.

This is number one. Again, Malcolm Fraser supposedly committed the crime, but what’s the focus? I know we’re going to repeat what’s here, but we’re going to do it.

Look at this. A detailed inventory. Now, Grant McCall testified according to his research and according to his investigations, he found such and such and such, right?

That was all vague statements. We found according to our research that Timothy Williams is a selfish individual and everything comes back to him. Okay.

Is Timothy Williams on trial here? Is the church on trial here? Well, yes, the answer was yes, but no, that’s not what was going on.

Did he produce one single example, Jacob? No. None.

Did the prosecutor’s office offer one simple example? No. None.

Zero. None. But it was taken as, well, that must be fact.

It must be true. Therefore, Malcolm Fraser, because Timothy Williams is supposedly self-centered, should be sent to prison. Yep.

That’s a real connection there, isn’t it? Yeah. So let’s go again back over there.

Well, let me back up. Jacob, how many tracks do you think I’ve written? At least, I would say, dozens and dozens.

At least a couple, two dozen tracks. I’m going to throw out a number. Well, actually- Like official, official printed tracks, a lot.

Well, I was writing tracks before you were born. Okay, that’s true.

And they’re out there somewhere. The ones that I’ve seen. I know, I hear what you’re saying.

It’s literally up there. And I’ve written books. Well, in fact, Jason Simmons, in closing arguments, told the jury, I write the books, therefore Malcolm Fraser obviously should go to prison because I write books.

So a detailed inventory, detailed. Now remember, less than 10 complaints. And I don’t even know what those complaints were.

One was like, I’ve never visited the church, but I’m sure these things are going on. That was sent over to King County prosecutors as evidence that Malcolm Fraser had committed a crime. Totally absurd.

This is just like mad territory. Okay, we keep trying to go there. A detailed inventory, detailed.

A breakdown. I have made information requests after information requests saying, send me over this detail. It’s never there.

There’s nothing. Now there’s more that’s going on behind the scenes, but that’s probably the point. Let’s take them at their word.

A detailed inventory of any and all materials and documents produced by or related to Sound Doctrine Church or any member thereof. That means everything Carla wrote. That was my wife before she passed away.

Anybody else that wrote anything, anybody else that taught classes, which they did. That means Grant McCall surely had all this information. If we were so deadly, if we were so dangerous, surely they sent in some undercover police people to examine the church.

Wouldn’t you think, right? Sure, if it were that evil. That evil.

It’s busting up a ring. Evil and twisted, McCall testified.

Evil and twisted. Even a twist.

If there’s something evil and twisted, what would you do? You’d send somebody undercover, right? Sure.

You’d certainly do an actual investigation. I kind of laugh. It would have been a pleasure for them to send undercover because they’d have been easy to spot, number one.

It’s not like you can come in and fake interest in the gospel. Not with the gospel that’s being preached at Sound Doctrine Church or was. All right, all materials, documents produced by or related to Sound Doctrine Church or any member thereof.

Of course, a lot of this is intimidation factor, but the point is McCall said he had nothing. In the possession of Detective Grant McCall, there’s a Salt Shaker bookstore. Not one track from the Salt Shaker Christian bookstore.

Off the free rack. Not one track. Not one book.

There were sermons. How many sermons have I done just in the time you’ve probably known me? A couple hundred.

A couple hundred. I think you’re underestimating, but that’s just because I’m preaching. I’m thinking of the member of the rack for all the tapes.

He literally could have sent over 100 CDs of different sermons, right? They didn’t send over any, though. I mean, even if you go to the free rack that was at the Salt Shaker, there was at least a couple dozen CDs and then the tracks.

Sure, and pictures of the tracks.

Yeah, all this stuff. So you would think in the possession, that Simmons has all the answers he needs because all these sermon tapes were sent over. All these books were sent over.

All this information was sent over. There was no need for him to ask any questions during the court trial because it was all answered
before he ever got there. Because McCall would have sent over all this information.

Now, let me ask you a question. You have to think a little bit like a good detective, right? You tell a policeman, hey, you’ve made all these accusations.

This is huge. The church is bad. Because they’ve talked behind the scenes.

It’s an evil twist. Send me over everything you’ve got as this super detective that’s gonna be promoted and all these things. Send this over to me.

And he sends you over less than 10 short little letters that state, we don’t like the church. Now, what would be your initial reaction? Wait, if I was an actual good detective?

Yeah, or a prosecutor. Well, you’d be like, well, this is a joke. You’re wasting my time.

This isn’t real evidence. And then you’d combine it that he said along with the accuser that he manipulated.

You’d go down the line.

No, none of that. Yeah, of course not. Any member thereof in the possession of Detective Grant McCall or the Indian McCall Police Department and the Indian McCall Police Department, which implies other detectives had other information.

Well, they didn’t have any other information. Yeah. But I bet they had Indian McCall Detective Grant McCall’s slander.

All right. Such materials and documents may include, but are not, limited to books, tracts, or sermons by Timothy Williams, which means the other people that preached, as I’ve already mentioned, my wife who passed away, all of her teachings, all the things that were done. I mean, there’s a buku amount of material there if he wanted to send it over.

He had none of it. He sent zero over. Because why?

There was no interest in the truth of the situation, not only in the supposed crime that Malcolm Frazier committed, but no truth into what Sound Doctrine Church was about. By the way, we paid at our expense a private detective or a private investigator to come in and look at the whole church situation. They were highly impressed with what the church was.

So there’s a file there. There’s no excuse for what King County prosecutors did, other than their criminal activity and corruption. All right, number two.

Any and all documents, materials, records, forms, notes, recordings, correspondence, emails, and logs created or altered by any employee of the Enumclaw Police Department that are either directly or indirectly related to the investigation of Malcolm Frazier. None were sent over. Huh.

There was no investigation. Well, they had a lot of indirectly related material or slanderous comments, I guess, but nothing that was directly related. No.

Well, he says indirectly related. Yeah. I’m not even aware.

Do they have indirect? What was the indirect stuff? Well, no.

The indirect would. OK, because number two, if we’re talking about Malcolm Frazier specifically, indirectly would be like all of the church stuff, which they, of course, didn’t produce either. So I’m just saying there was there is or no, I guess.

Well, because you don’t mean indirectly would be like these extra things floating out there that we might get a nibble on, which was just a bunch of garbage. So they did drag in indirect related material to the investigation of Malcolm Frazier. It was all just garbage, though.

Well, I understand that, but wasn’t it limited to like nine? You may know. The reason why we have to go back and forth, there’s so much junk to this thing.

And when they’re saying indirect, you’re going, OK, well, what’s indirect mean and all that? Because even indirect by the nature of the word is whatever you want to make up, whatever’s indirectly. So it’s not even related indirect means it’s not directly related to the investigation.

Can you think of an indirect thing that wasn’t actually related to it that they actually sent over? See, I can’t think of anything. Oh, well, at the time.

Well, sure, McCall’s didn’t he send over garbage emails like between Athena and about Athena’s Athena’s mom, maybe.

Yeah, I get to see what that’s what they’re calling.

I mean, there is, you know, it was just garbage, though. It was there was no evidence, but it was indirectly related. It had nothing to do.

There was no relation, but they’re asking for indirect material. Well, it was McCall writing to Frazier’s mother, saying that we need to find the true Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He was preaching his gospel.

I hear what you’re saying. Yeah, this is the problem. There’s so many words.

It was everything. But when you all backed up and looked at it, it was a nothing. Oh, yeah, there was nothing.

All right. So the main point here is we’re going to play the clip in a minute. This is throughout the trial.

Prosecutor Simmons and his gang are asking all of these questions about the church. Now, Judge Laurie K. Smith decided that they could say anything bad about the church, but we couldn’t say anything good even about Malcolm Frazier.

So this is a total setup about the church. So supposedly it was about the behavior of the church, and we may be into a little bit of debate here, but these aren’t behavioral questions. These are doctrinal questions that he’s mostly asking.

There are a few that could kind of qualify as behavior, but for the most part, it is, well, what’s this concept and what’s this here? I realize it’s a little mixed up. Any comment on that, or am I just, I’m trying to explain the unexplainable?

Well, yeah, some of it’s explaining the unexplainable here. All right. We’ll play his questions, and we’re going to address these as we go on in future shows.

Did your joining the Sound Doctrine Church have any impact on your connection with your family other than Jessica and the daughters we’ve currently talked about? And is Winepress Publishing associated in any way with the Sound Doctrine Church? And would those friends from homeschooling group be members of Sound Doctrine Church?

Are you familiar with the Salt Shaker bookstore? To begin, what is a rebuke? For those of us who don’t understand, what is a rebuke, and what’s that mean in the context of the church?

And when you say fellowship, what does that mean? While you were a member of the Sound Doctrine Church and a member of that community, was it important for you to follow the various teachings and doctrines of the church? What was your understanding of that doctrine?

While a member of the Sound Doctrine Church, did your beliefs come from your understanding of the doctrine of the church? Did you have any neighborhood friends that were not members of the Sound Doctrine Church, other than just kids And at that time, what was the leadership? Who was in charge?

How did it work? When you say your salvation, was that an important thing for you during your time in the Sound Doctrine Church? Do you in the Sound Doctrine Church really celebrate birthdays?

How about, was there any particular holiday celebration for Christmas or anything of that nature? Why was it that you left the Sound Doctrine Church?

Okay, this is an accordon law talking to people who have decided that they don’t want to follow Jesus Christ anymore. And you’re asking questions here that literally could take years to explain, to work out, and to live. Now, I’m going to address these, but it’s going to be a very quick kind of fashion.

And none of these questions have anything remotely to do whether somebody committed a bad act or not. Correct. Most of it, as you’ll see, is feelings.

What did you feel like? And where did your doctrines come from? Did you really expect them to come up with the truth about all these things?

And we’ll get into that here in a moment. But I want to explain something. And this is for people that are going to face this kind of persecution.

Because what he did is a perfect example of the persecution that Jesus faced and Jesus promised that we would face. And there has to be, if you’re doing what is holy in Jesus Christ, and you’re following the Holy Spirit, picking up your cross, hating your life, and you know that you’re walking in the truth and you’re not actually in any sin here, you haven’t really committed any crimes, but they’re setting you up in every way that they can to demolish you. This needs to be your central attitude.

Now we’re going to play, this is from the book of Daniel, Daniel chapter 3, verses 10 through 20. It’s a little bit long. But it’s very important we lay a proper foundation right here before we start moving forward.

So go ahead and play this. And let’s listen to the Scripture and then I’m going to emphasize one particular section of this passage.

You have issued a decree, O King, that everyone who hears the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, pipes, and all kinds of music must fall down and worship the image of gold, and that whoever does not fall down in worship will be thrown into a blazing furnace. But there are some Jews whom you have set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who pay no attention to you, O King. They neither serve your gods nor worship the image of gold you have set up.

Furious with rage, Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. So these men were brought before the king, and Nebuchadnezzar said to them, Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the image of gold I have set up? Now when you hear the sound of the horn, the flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes, and all kinds of music, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image I made, very good.

But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.

If we are thrown into the blazing
furnace, the god we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed.

He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual and commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace. Daniel 3, 10 through 20.

Doesn’t that sound just like a prosecutor?


Noisy, bombastic, bow down, submit to us. This is who we are. These are our laws.

This is what we represent. Most every Bible study group, children’s, knows this story. But what’s important here is notice that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, and this was their attitude.

Oh, Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. I do not owe Prosecutor Jason Simmons, King County Prosecutors, or any other government organization an explanation for living and following Jesus Christ. Everything that was done was done holy, was done righteous, was done in the utmost of love and laying down my life for other people.

And I do not, on any level, owe them an explanation. And I might explain, and I might preach, but you need to understand very clearly, I owe you nothing. You have no authority in this matter.

This was none of your business. Grant McCall’s simple Simon, Baptist doctrine, King James only, you gotta procreate doctrine, is not the standard by which Jesus Christ is measured, nor that which is holy. And you chose to accept a corrupt cop, and your pride, and you came in and you told me you were happy to send forth all your forces and all your fire, and all that you could bring against to destroy.

And you did destroy much. And you will be held accountable. There will be hell to pay unless you repent.

But I’m gonna repeat it one more time. I don’t owe anybody any explanation for doing what is right and what is holy. And unless the church wakes up and has this attitude, they’re gonna be mowed down.

They’re gonna do what everybody else does. They’re gonna forsake Jesus Christ. They’re gonna begin to try and defend themselves.

They’re gonna reach out to protect themselves. And they’re gonna fall away from Jesus Christ. This is not a game.

I love Jesus Christ with all my heart, all my mind, and all my soul. And he is a good God. And I do not owe you anything.

You pearls. I am not gonna throw pearls to pigs. Any comments on that, Jacob?

No. The next clip that we’re gonna look at comes from somebody that was involved at Sound Doctrine Church. They were a member.

They were baptized. And I actually admire the person. They decided they didn’t want to follow Jesus Christ.

They decided that they understood what the cost was. I don’t remember if they were there for the whole hate crime or if they left somewhere in the beginning or whatever. But at one point, this person had stated, look, I know what the cost is.

I just don’t wanna pay. But they’re honest. They’re clear.

They’re not slandering. They’re not out making anything up to justify themselves. They’re not ganging up and refining their lies and telling authorities what they want to hear so they can get all puffed up.

They’re not using lawfare. They’re not doing anything else. He’s very truthful in what he says.

The Jezebel that was involved in doing this hate crime did so on a worldwide scale. It was everywhere to everyone. Multiple lies.

Every time something was answered, it just multiplied over and over again. Anyway, one of the things this Jezebel tried to do in the middle of this hate crime with Jason Simmons and King County prosecutors and Grant McCall and getting us run out of Enumclaw was to get National Geographic to come in with their cameras to follow the cult around. So she’s contacting National Geographic saying, yeah, you really need to follow them around.

Not because there’s anything there, but it just adds to the confusion. And any response in front of cameras following you around could be misconstrued to be anything cult-like, right? This post that’s being read was his response to Jezebel doing these kinds of things.

Go ahead and play this and listen to carefully what he’s telling you because righteousness is boring. Doing the right thing is boring. There was nothing defined in sound doctrine.

There was nothing out of the norm. They could have come to church at any time, and they would not have found anything out of the norm, correct? Correct.

All right, go ahead and play this.

The following read was in response to the hate crime activity. Though this person decided that following Jesus was not for them, they still maintain the clarity of truth. December 22nd, 2012, 246 p.m. I can only laugh at both your absurdity. Having known you both personally, it makes it even more funny. One step more, as I now no longer attend sound doctrine, your request is more ludicrous. What exactly are you wanting to film?

Maybe you’ll see some people walking to work in the morning and a group of highly dedicated individuals who serve their community and their fellow man. Maybe you should try doing that instead of inciting hatred. Or do you really think the church window getting shot had nothing to do with your antics?

Oh yeah, and I’m just making sure, but that $3.5 million company is the one you ruined twice, ran a Ponzi scheme with, and wouldn’t even be around it if it weren’t for Timothy Williams and his godly leadership? God gave most of us brains. Maybe you should start using yours.

Pretty bold statement for somebody that wasn’t even in the church at that time. All right. Anything before we kind of press on, because I’m going to try now to answer Prosecutor Simmons’ Bible questions.

Anything you want to say? No. Anything I need to clarify or come in and hone in a little bit on?

No. All right. Well, let’s lay a foundation.

Okay, Mr. Simmons, you have to understand, let’s go to Matthew 22, verse 29, because you ask all these Bible questions, I’m sure you have your Bible open, and let’s go look at that. I mean, you’ve read my books, you’ve looked at everything. Matthew 22, verse 29.

Jacob, why don’t you go ahead and read that? Are you there? All right, go ahead and read that.

Jesus replied, you are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. Mr. Simmons, because you didn’t want to look at scripture, because I’ve watched prosecutors, I’ve watched how police look. If they don’t want to look at something, they just don’t look.

That way they can say, well, I didn’t see it. But what they do is they live a lie by ignoring the truth. But there’s two things that are required to understand sound doctrine church.

One are the scriptures. Wouldn’t you say my sermons are pretty scriptural, Jacob? Yes.

And you got to have number two, the power of God. That’s something that Prosecutor Simmons, King County prosecutors, let’s go down the list. I won’t keep going down.

They’ve never experienced the power of God, nor did they even bother to look at scriptures. If they looked at the scriptures and what I preached, they would see just how balanced it is. There’s nothing out of the norm.

It might be offensive, and it might seem to you that’s, well, how do you live this out? Well, that’s the whole point. You have to know the power of God.

You have to live these things out in order to understand them. I can describe certain details to you, but this is the foundation that was sound doctrine church. Let’s read Galatians 5, verse six.

Actually, I’ll go ahead and read it. I’ll give you time to get there. Go ahead, Mr. Simmons. Go to Galatians 5, verse six. That’s in the New Testament. This was sound doctrine church.

The only thing that counts, are you following me? The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. You attack directly love.

Everything that was done at sound doctrine church was by the power of God’s selfless love, and you turned that into something vile. You did the old Satan thing where Satan comes into the garden and go, did God really say? Or when Satan took Jesus up on to be tempted in the desert.

Well, it is written here, and if you do this here. It was all sinister. I really call it the snake-ass Bible study where you’re just hissing.

No matter what you say, they’re not interested in answers. They’re only interested in being skeptical. I mean, after all, Prosecutor Simmons objected to us having an abuse prevention policy in place of the church.

Remember that? Yes, I do. Let me repeat that, Terry.

Yes, everybody, write this down. Prosecutor Jason Simmons objected to us, sound doctrine church, having an abuse prevention policy. What he said was, well, why is it so necessary in a church so small that you have an abuse prevention policy?

That’s just madness, which is also the standard. That’s even the standard in most churches is that the Sunday school teachers get a background check. That’s the standard.

And we did the standard. We even did the minimum, but we went on with the power of God. Everybody kept everybody in count.

Everybody knew what was going on, walking in light. But he’s picking it out like it was an evil, twisted thing when it wasn’t. Correct, but what kind of vile darkness has to be in…

Correct. Judge Laurie K. Smith would let that kind of insinuating type thing, like having…

And a jury sitting there hearing that, like he’s attacking an abuse without any evidence. Okay, what’s the evidence that that was somehow something evil? It’s just a question.

It’s satanic in nature. Philippians chapter four, verse five. Jacob, I’ll let you read that one.

Philippians four,
verse five. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

In everything that was done at Sound Doctrine, wasn’t it gentleness? Yes. If it wasn’t, I would have confessed it.

I’d have gone back and said, I’m sorry, I went over… I’m not saying that you weren’t rebuked, and I’m not saying some things weren’t made clear. In these podcasts, some people may not say they’re gentle.

There’s a gentleness through it all. Is there not just woven within this, like repent, change. There’s a gentleness that comes through.

This doesn’t mean you’re milly-miley in the corner just saying nothing, but it is evident that this isn’t coming from viciousness or hatred. It’s not a prosecutor kind of, oh, I’m happy to put you in the corner, and I’m gonna torment you here with questions. This isn’t a cross-examination to make you just look like a complete idiot.

Correct? Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

That’s right. The Lord is near, and if I was anything remotely, even close, I would be thoroughly judged by the Lord, and rightly so. All right, here we go.

This was, you know, churches go dressed a certain way. I hate to bring this up, Jacob. What do they come dressed with today?

What do people show up in church? Well, a mainstream church, you come as you are. Come as you are.

Sweatshirts, T-shirts, sandals. I’ve seen pastors. Are you at the beach, or are you at the pulpit?

Hoodies, yeah. Printed T-shirts, all that kind of thing.

All right.

That’s a little dig at Jacob. Is that what that’s about? All right.

This is what sound doctrine church was like. This is how we dressed. Colossians 3.12. Therefore, as God’s chosen people. Oh, hang on, Mr. Simmons. This isn’t, we’re all puffed up, and I’m Mr. Tim Williams, and I’m chosen. No, no, no.

That’s not what this is about. This is the power of God that can crucify pride. Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved.

That drives us to our knees when we realize that God is holy and that he loves us. I don’t know about everybody else, but it drives me to my knees and speechless in tears that he would love someone as unworthy as myself. Clothe yourselves with compassion.

Clothe yourselves with compassion. At one point, Simmons, remember he’s asking, well, she actually was a social worker at the time who he got mad because she wouldn’t answer according to the governmental social worker system. Said, well, why did you put up with this Jezebel for so long?

And she goes, well, we just don’t give up. That’s right. It’s called compassion.

It’s called kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Let me read that again. Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion.

Clothe yourselves with kindness. Clothe yourselves with humility. Clothe yourselves with gentleness and patience.

And let me tell you, that only happens because of a church pursuing righteousness and holiness. This doesn’t come about because we all decide to be like, what? Little timid people in the corner.

This is a very active, powerful kind of faith. You got to know the power of God that can clothe us with these kinds of things where we really do love one another and lay down our life for one another. Let me keep reading.

Colossians 3.13. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. You see, what happens when you’re in the body, we all make a lot of mistakes. And even when we’re doing our best and doing our best, we still fail in the doing of our best.

We kind of bruise each other up, don’t we? So we bear with each other’s failings until we mature and grow up, forgiving whatever grievances we may have against one. There was a tremendous amount of forgiveness and let’s move forward.

As long as a person wanted to continue to pick up the cross and follow Jesus Christ and seek God with all their heart and all their mind and their soul, the greatest amount of bearing with one another and forgiving one another was present at all times and every place. There was so much joy and gentleness within the church that when I think of what you have done and your prosecutors have done, it drives me to several emotions. One, tears and pleading for God that you repent, anger and frustration of your stubbornness.

It’s now been what, 12 years at least, 10 years, a decade, and we’ve proven every single lie behind the scenes that I know they were told and the ones that were in court, have we not thoroughly proven all of them to be wrong? And they still will not repent on any level. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Wow. You see, Simmons, this is why it would take years. How could I possibly discuss in a courtroom and on a podcast within a limited amount of time to forgive as the Lord forgave you?

Is that not profound and deep and powerful? Difficult to explain, difficult to live. How do we live that kind of thing?

Then, in spite of that, Colossians 3.14 says, and over all these virtues, all these things. You see, that’s why Sound Doctor could not be busy in all these nefarious things you talk about. We’re too busy trying to do these things.

And over all these virtues, put on love, put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. You know, when McCall blasphemed the Holy Spirit by saying everything comes back to Timothy Williams. What he was really seeing was the unity that comes from God’s love that brings a church together.

And we’re gonna answer that question about what about leadership? What about leadership? But it’s love that binds all of us together in perfect unity.

What you destroyed, Mr. Simmons, and your fellow gang of prosecutor was the perfect unity and love of Jesus Christ in a church. Nothing on the Consider Podcast should be considered legal or life advice. Each is admonished to seek a holy God and obey by picking up a cross to follow Jesus.

The Consider Podcast

Examining Today’s Wisdom, Folly and Madness

Reality Check

In the case of King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff, vs. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant, Case No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt, it is essential to clarify that the actual plaintiff is King County Superior Court, State of Washington, against Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw, Washington. Washington State Prosecutors have engaged in abusive legal practices and are pursuing an impossible crime with the goal of eliminating Timothy Williams or Sound Doctrine Church from Enumclaw. The defendant, Malcolm Fraser, has been improperly used by King County Prosecutors and the Enumclaw Police to proxy-prosecute Timothy Williams.

Location: Seattle, Washington Involved Entities: King County Court, City of Enumclaw Police, King County Prosecutors

Timeline approximately 2010 Frame-Up

Overview of Corruption:

The corrupt practices involving judges and law enforcement within King County’s legal system raise serious concerns:

Judge Beth M. Andrus has whitewashed the misconduct of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, contributing to the ongoing criminal activities in the City of Enumclaw against Sound Doctrine Church or Timothy Williams.

Judge Lori K. Smith has compromised the integrity of criminal trials by introducing a "family court" atmosphere, dismissing evidence and the rights of the accused. Her biases, influenced by a close relationship with prosecutors, undermine fundamental criminal law principles. Judge Lori K. Smith is bribed by her "Woman of the Year" award and became a people-pleasure rather than a judge of honor.

Together, Judges Andrus and Judge Lori K. Smith have perpetuated lawlessness within the Washington State legal system. Detective Grant McCall sat alone with a manipulated accuser literally scripting out the accusations.

The practice of the King County Prosecutors included dismissing jurors who value evidence in criminal cases was most abhorant. Potential jurors who believed in the necessity of evidence were systematically excluded from participating in the trial.

The City of Enumclaw Police has supported Detective Grant McCall’s conflicting religious beliefs through abusive policing tactics, enabling his criminal acts to bewcome a hate crime.

As a result, the Enumclaw Police successfully framed an innocent man without any evidence, fabricating a crime that did not exist. If any authorities had fulfilled their responsibilities, the misconduct and crimes of Detective Grant McCall and his main co-conspirator would have been swiftly uncovered.

Main Bad Actors

Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus, Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, Chief Judge Lori K. Smith, Seattle King, Seattle, King County Washington, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Seattle, King County Prosecutors Judges, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson, Prosecutor Leesa Manion carrying corrupt Dan Satterburg’s torch, Prosecutor Jason Simmons, Enumclaw Police, Washington State Prosecutors

For further details, please visit enumclaw.com and consider.info

Video Playlist Evidence


The Consider Podcast aims to convey opinions rooted in God’s holiness. Any discussions about justice or injustice should not be construed as legal advice or a call for action. There is no political agenda present. We do not provide individual moral guidance. Ultimately, each person is accountable to God and others for their actions or lack thereof. The sole focus of The Consider Podcast is the importance of surrendering to a life of repentance in accordance with the full gospel.

The Consider Podcast focuses on the importance of living a life of repentance in alignment with the complete gospel. This aligns with 1 Corinthians 2:2, which states, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Nothing but the whole gospel is preached and lived on The Consider Podcast.

Acts 5:20
"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the whole message of this new life."

Articulated Perspectives

The opinions shared are those of the speakers, Timothy and Jacob, stemming from a self-critical stance. They reject sin to allow the righteous truths of God to be conveyed through His Spirit of Truth.

We sincerely regret any errors, misunderstandings, or lapses in knowledge. As stated in Proverbs 18:15: "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out."

The Consider Podcast is not associated with any group organization or church. This is not out of choice but because the whole gospel is preached and lived others do not desire to fellowship in the Light.

No, Sound Doctrine Church was not a cult; in fact, it was the very antithesis of one. The church bore the fruit of holiness and faith, demonstrated through the love of Jesus, until it was undermined by corrupt authorities.

The opposition, persecution, and prosecution by anti-Christian prosecutors in Washington State serve as clear evidence of the positive impact of Jesus that was present in Sound Doctrine Church.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men.


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1 Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus, Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, Chief Judge Lori K. Smith, Seattle King, Seattle, King County Washington, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Seattle, King County Prosecutors Judges, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson, Prosecutor Leesa Manion, Prosecutor Jason Simmons, Enumclaw Police