Prosecutor Simmons Bible Study Time, pt 2
Short Intro
This podcast episode uncovers the layers of legal persecution faced by Sound Doctrine Church in Washington State, emphasizing the intersection of faith and justice amidst societal challenges. Through heartfelt discussions and testimonies, we explore what truly draws individuals to their faith, the implications of biblical teachings, and the resilience required to persevere in the face of adversity.
• Examination of Washington State’s financial struggles
• Insight into the controversial job posting related to gender-affirming care
• The ethical implications of legal persecution
• Discussion on purity and corruption in relation to faith
• Personal stories from church members regarding their convictions
• Reflection on the communal bonds within Sound Doctrine Church
• Call to action for faith-based communities to prepare for challenges
Timothy: 0:03
How’s it going, Jacob? It’s going good. Don’t actually have a question for you. Today I have a job for you. I found a good paying job. We’ll talk about it right after the intro.
Jacob: 0:12
Welcome to the Consider Podcast, where we examine today’s wisdom, folly and madness. More information can be found at wwwconsiderinfo. Now here are your hosts, timothy and Jacob.
Speaker 3: 0:34
It’s Prosecutor Bible Study Time. Same old persecution by prosecution. Join us for Washington State, king County, prosecutor Jason Simmons Bible Time where we answer prosecutor Bible questions, bible questions demanded in corrupt legal courts rather than by attending church. John 18, 19, and 20. The high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. I’ve spoken openly to the world, jesus replied. I always taught in synagogues or at the temple where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. The Consider Podcast Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness wwwconsiderinfo we’re doing, uh, prosecutor simmons bible study time.
Timothy: 1:33
Actually he’s not a prosecutor now, so it’s mr simmons bible study time, but all the questions and things that we’re looking at he posed in a court of law. Jacob, remember I said I had a job for you.
Speaker 4: 1:46
Timothy: 1:47
It goes along with Titus 115. So go to Titus 115, and I’ll kind of describe this job to you, because you know, washington State has, shall we say, a little bit of a financial problem.
Speaker 4: 1:58
Yes, they do.
Timothy: 1:59
They’re like billions of dollars in debt. 10 to 12 billion is what I’ve received so far. One can only wonder what they’re doing with that money. I mean going after grandmas, who won’t arrange flowers for a gay individual, and certainly attacking a righteous Christian church. Going after that, and we’ll see why here in just a moment. Well, on December 2nd. Now, here’s a job opportunity for you, okay, and it pays quite a bit anywhere from $200,000 to $270,000.
Speaker 4: 2:28
That’s a lot of money. That’s like upper income, upper income. This is like high middle class.
Timothy: 2:35
Yeah, well, anymore.
Speaker 4: 2:36
Hard to tell with inflationary.
Timothy: 2:37
I don’t know, it could be poverty level for all you might get food stamps out of the deal. But here’s what you do get. You get eight hours of paid sick leave per month so you know, everybody always gets six. That time you get uh, 25 paid vacation days per year. Oh wow, 25, 25 12 paid holidays, man, you know. I wonder if does that include christmas? Because, uh, we were persecuted and prosecuted for not celebrating Christmas the proper way. I wonder if they have a present allowance for this.
Timothy: 3:08
Maybe Because you’ve got to do the Santa Claus Correct. We were doing it all wrong. We were giving to the poor, which obviously that’s worth dragging us into court for you don’t want to be giving to the poor box, no? Or to the poor people. There is also a generous retirement plan. It gets better.
Speaker 4: 3:26
I’m not done yet. We’ll see if you can cash in on that retirement with all of their state budget problems, but anyway, supposedly Supposedly my guess is this one.
Timothy: 3:33
you’re probably going to get it. You probably will. He just posted this job after announcing their $12 billion in deficit. All right, there’s also access to a flex spending account.
Speaker 4: 3:45
I don’t even know what that means, I don’t quite know either. I’ve heard of that kind of thing, though, meaning it’s flexible you can go get whatever you want. I think it’s like you get money and you can use it on like your medical needs. You can use it on this needs, Like there’s criteria but you get to like ooh, you can save some bucks.
Timothy: 4:02
It’s like the, the laws of war state. They’re so loosey goosey. It covers everything he could be. He could be getting cough drops or a candy bar when he’s out starbucks coffees.
Speaker 4: 4:10
Who knows what you get exactly.
Timothy: 4:11
And then I don’t even know what this next one is department care assistance. What’s that mean? A?
Speaker 4: 4:17
secretary. I know, I don’t know what is it department care assistant.
Timothy: 4:21
Anyway what it’s for and I’ll just read the paragraph on december 2nd, democratic governor jay inslee issued a directive for for a hiring freeze in response to 10 to 12 billion budget deficit, despite record revenues. So they’re raking it in. Yes, it’s going out faster than they can bring it exactly, yeah, and I’m an evil cult leader because you know we took up donations to do works for the Lord. Anyway, on December 6th the Department of Corrections, Health Service Division posted the job for are you ready? Oh, I think I heard it, Can you?
Speaker 4: 4:56
guess what is it? This is the one. Ew, this is a nasty one. You’re like some sort of gender gender affirming care for the inmates that’s what it is yeah, this is in the news.
Timothy: 5:06
Gender affirming medical specialist and then you’re responsible for the whole state.
Timothy: 5:11
Blah, blah, blah, and it goes on and on and on. Um, you know. My point here, mr simmons, is and, by the way, this is not your normal bible study. Uh, normally a bible study is something much more personal, slower and gentle, you know, and you get a chance. Proverbs 25, 15 says a gentle tongue can break a bone. I’ve been in many bible studies. I can’t remember ever having to raise my voice because the truth itself, as it goes out, is very powerful to break people, make them mad, mad, whatever the response might be.
Timothy: 5:46
Anyway, the problem with Prosecutor Simmons, judge Lori K Smith, rich Anderson I think he didn’t. He wear the tennis shoes in court. Yes, I think that’s who that was, and I can’t even remember all the other names. I mean, there was this group of five, gang of five prosecutors going after. I guess anyone going after grandmas isn’t going to think twice about going after a Christian church, correct, all right, here’s the problem, mr Simmons.
Timothy: 6:08
Go to Titus, chapter 1, verse 15, and I’m not going to wait for you to get there, because that could take a while and you can just listen. Go ahead and read that, jacob, because what Simmons is doing is he’s looking at his own heart, he’s looking at the King County Prosecutor’s Office. He’s looking at Judge Lori K Smith. He’s looking at the whole legal system within the state of Washington, this perversion that’s going on all the way down into the prison system. Because this is who they are and they think I’m like them. They think I’m a liar, they think I’m a cheater, they think I’m fraudulent, because that’s what they do. Go ahead and read verses 15 and 16. To the pure.
Speaker 4: 6:47
All things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
Timothy: 7:06
Looking at the last part of that in verse 16, as we review the transcripts, as we watch the videos, there wasn’t one decent aspect to this whole trial. No, from the so-called investigation all the way up, it was all detestable. They were disobedient to every law, every right that we had. There wasn’t a good aspect about anything that they did and I won’t keep me from going out that way because that’s not our focus today. A lot of them claim to know God. Now I don’t know if Mr Simmons claims to bea Christian or not. Most of them did that were involved. Mark Larson claimed to be a Christian. I’m pretty sure Judge Lori K Smith you know just by her answers and what she does, she thinks she’s a Christian. They claim to know God but by their actions they deny him. They oppose the truth, they oppose rights, they oppose anything that was reasonable, good, all right. So it’s verse 15. To the pure, all things are pure, that is, to somebody that has a good heart. They can see things for what they are. They see them in their pure essence. In other words, I can look at Prosecutor Simmons and go that’s impure, it’s unclean, because I have a pure heart that comes from the living God. By the grace of God, I obey his laws and his righteousness and I let him work my love so I can see what he is about. But to those who are corrupted and do not believe because it’s very clear they don’t believe God’s word it says nothing is pure. Notice what it says nothing is pure, there isn’t any aspect. They looked at Sound Doctrine Church or my Life or whatever and said you know, that’s pure, he’s doing noble things. You had Detective Grant McCall in his simplistic, self-righteous and I’m not condemning all Baptists, but he was a King James only Baptist cop using his abusive powers of police to go after a church. You know, he’s a classic Pharisee that thinks he’s doing God a favor by destroying us and the end result was a lot of destruction. But anyway, to those who do not believe God’s word and do not believe God, but anyway to those who do not believe God’s word and do not believe God, nothing, zero, nothing is pure. It says in fact and notice the word fact. That’s evidence, fact, truth. Both their minds and their consciousness are corrupted. On Mr Simmons’ current gig, where he’s working at, he boasts and brags that, oh, I prosecuted a couple controversial abuse cases. That’s right. Boast and brag about other people’s misery and the fact that you cheated and that you lied and that you manipulated everything and you lined yourself with a corrupt cop and you got a judge to go along to deny everybody’s rights so we couldn’t get to the truth. Oh yeah, for sure You’re going to boast about those things. Any comments on all that, jacob? No, all right.
Timothy: 9:50
Again, this is more of a contempt contemplation of what took place. I’ve invited Mr Simmons to be my friend. I’ve invited him for Bible study. I’ve had telephone numbers. Everything’s been available for at least 10 to 12 years. You wanted to talk, let’s talk. You want the truth? I’d have been glad to sit down with truth. I can’t tell you you’re going to like what you’re going to hear. Probably not, but it would have been the truth.
Timothy: 10:13
And in fact, everything we’ve done, all the investigations, all the videos, all the research, every, every examination, has proven that what you did was wrong and based on full lies. Correct, jacob, correct, all right. Psalms 31.18 says let their lying lips be silenced. This is again a Bible study, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.
Timothy: 10:43
If there’s one thing about Simmons’ questions and his attitude, wasn’t it arrogance? All through the trial. Oh yeah, super arrogant and just total contempt on everything. Oh, why’d you need an abuse prevention program and why did you do this? And why was this going on over here? It was complete contempt on everything. And don’t even give me this business about. That’s your job. It’s nobody’s job to be contempt with lies. You should at least be prosecuting something that has to do with the truth, all right. So in the same way, I’m looking on what he did with loathing Psalms 119, 158. I look on the faithless with loathing, for they do not obey your word. Tell you what, mr Simmons. Let’s crack open the Bible and let’s examine what you obey in terms of Scripture and what I obey in Scripture, and let’s see who is the winning person in that particular thing.
Timothy: 11:35
All right, let’s play the questions, Jacob. This is a condensing version of some of the questions, in contempt that Prosecutor Simmons and his team of prosecutors came after us on. Well, just play it.
Speaker 6: 11:51
Are you familiar with a group called the Sound Doctrine Church? How is it that you came about joining the Sound Doctrine Church and where was Sound Doctrine Church located Back then around that time? How many people would you say were members of the church? What was it that drew your family to the church at the beginning? Did your joining the Sound Doctrine Church have any impact on your connection with your family other than Jessica and the daughters we currently talk about? And is wine press publishing associated in any way with the Sound Doctrine Church? And would those friends from homeschooling group be members of the Sound Doctrine Church? Are you familiar with the Salt Shaker Bookstore? To begin, what is a rebuke? For those of us who don’t understand what is a rebuke and what’s that mean in the context of the church? And when you say fellowship, what does that mean? While you were a member of the Sound Doctrine Church and a member of that community, was it important for you to follow the various teachings and doctrines of the church?
Speaker 6: 12:48
what was your understanding of that doctrine. While a member of the sound doctrine church, did your beliefs come from? Your understanding of the doctrine of the church? Did have any neighborhood friends that were not members of sound doctors, other, just kids and even fathers At that time? What was the leadership? How was it? Who was in charge? How did it work? You say your salvation. Was that an important thing for you during your time at Sound Doctrine Church? Do you in the Sound Doctrine Church really celebrate birthdays? How about? Was there any particular holiday celebration for Christmas or anything of that nature? Why was it you left Sound Doctrine Church?
Timothy: 13:26
Okay, it’s hard not to laugh with some of these questions, correct?
Speaker 4: 13:30
You know Simmons is really in the wrong state. He should really go to like Pennsylvania and, just like you know, pretty much arrest all the Amish Because, like the Amish, you know they have their own religious beliefs. They have a certain way of doing it. You could just question the Amish all day long on what they do or do not do. And, by the way, the Amish also have a thing where, like if you leave the Amish church, they shun you and they really do not talk to you.
Timothy: 13:56
I mean, if you want to talk about, like not talking to families, just look at the Amish, oh well, just look at the Biden voters. Yeah, exactly, oh yeah, if you voted for Trump yeah, you’re.
Speaker 4: 14:01
Oh, I’m not talking to you, you’re dead to me. Get out of here.
Timothy: 14:04
I don’t see. Well, let’s add the word yet, king.
Speaker 4: 14:07
County prosecutors for Trump.
Timothy: 14:10
They would have done it if they could get there if he hadn’t won.
Speaker 4: 14:12
They had the time and resources.
Timothy: 14:14
Oh well, not only you’re correct, he’s not only in the wrong state, he’s in the wrong country. He should be in Iran, because then they go for Christians and at least it’s an honest fight.
Timothy: 14:24
I mean, it would have been one thing if Simmons had said let’s put sound doctrine church on trial and let’s focus here. But that’s not what they did. They took a false crime that’s horrendous by nature and use that to go for the church. It was just unclean, like, okay, fine, if you want to outlaw Christianity in Washington state, put it on trial. I’ll be more than happy to sit on the stand and, believe me, we’ll be there a long time because I’ve got a few things to say and discuss. This Bible study is just too fast as far as I’m concerned.
Timothy: 14:52
And, by the way, mr Simmons, you’d have won If he’d have brought me in and put Sound Doctrine Church on trial and asked all these questions. I still would have been found guilty. Oh sure, yeah, because nobody wants Christianity Correct, nobody wants to follow Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is offensive. So he’s using the offensiveness of the cross or the message of Jesus he wouldn’t understand what that means, the offensiveness of Jesus Christ to win a guilty verdict. And that’s easy to do because most people do not want God Correct, all right. So I’m not going to be able to answer every single question. I’m certainly not going to be able to go to the depth of it. So let’s start with kind of the generic first one what attracted you to Sound Doctrine Church? All right, jacob, and I’m going to not try and mention those people that are on the stand he’s asking the question to, we’ll go to there in a moment, just the lies that went on. But what attracted them to Sound Doctrine Church?
Speaker 4: 15:52
What would come off the top of your head. Most of these people had horrible lives beforehand.
Timothy: 16:02
Wait are you sure? It wasn’t the promise of wealth.
Speaker 4: 16:06
Didn’t I say in the other poem you know I’ve got cars and boats and prosperity. No, there was no promise of wealth. What there was no promise of wealth, it was not TBN. You didn’t have, like golden rings, so they weren’t attracted sound doctor because of the wealth promise and they were not succeed and prosper?
Timothy: 16:16
no well, what about all the fun and the recreation I, every sunday I’m going, we’ve got this event going on and we’ve got this fun going. There was no basketball courts oh yeah, no, uh, nfl sundays, oh nfl sunday super bowl sundays no, there was none of that what? I.
Speaker 4: 16:27
No soccer fields. Oh yeah, no NFL Sundays.
Timothy: 16:29
Oh, nfl Sundays no Super Bowl, sundays Super Bowl.
Speaker 4: 16:31
Sundays no, there was none of that.
Timothy: 16:33
What I didn’t do, that kind of thing you did not. Okay, so was it an appeal to their pride to become something? In Jesus, you can fulfill your destiny.
Speaker 4: 16:43
Oh, you’re special, you are so special. No, there’s no special.
Timothy: 16:47
I flattered them and brought them in and everybody’s saying oh, come on in, you can fulfill your dreams. In Jesus Christ, you can get whatever you want and pray and seek the Lord. No, wasn’t that why they were attracted? It was not that, are you sure? I’m sure. What about all the cars and boats and taking life easy, we’d go out skiing and do all these things and picnics, and what? That wasn’t there either. That was not there either.
Speaker 4: 17:13
Uh, oh, I know it’s because I’m a laid-back pastor.
Timothy: 17:14
Yeah you were so chill out. You know I’m a good old boy pastor. No, wasn’t that? When I speak it’s so broad and it’s not specific.
Speaker 4: 17:21
You really, you know it’s just kind of platitudes and you oh, you can just take what you want to get out of it. Yeah, you know, I’m just a nice guy wasn. No, it wasn’t that.
Timothy: 17:30
I’m never clear about. Well, this is what it would mean to join and this is what it would mean to follow Jesus Christ. I never did that because, well, no, because it’s like come on in, we’ll pray for you, pray over you, pray with you, I don’t know right? No, it was not that. So it wasn’t a lack of clarity that drew them, was it? No? No, mr Simmons, they were drawn, and you need to get your Bible out here. I’m going to show you why.
Timothy: 17:56
Anybody was drawn to Sound Doctrine Church. Now, I can’t verify for other churches they have their gimmicks, but this is why and this is the truthful answer they showed up to Sound Doctrine Church to join John 6, verse 44. John 6, verse 44, and that’s in the New Testament, by the way, jesus said now, this is Jesus talking, this isn’t Tim Williams talking. And if I were in a court of law, I would be quoting John 6, verse 44, and you would object because you’d say your Honor, he needs to use his own words. Well, mr Simmons, you should have figured out by now. These are my own words. Well, mr Simmons, you should have figured out by now. These are my own words. This is how I quote. This is how I live. This is what dwells and works and is by the power of God. This isn’t religious Bible study. This isn’t theology, this isn’t some abstract concept. This is why people were drawn to sound doctrine church. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him and I will raise him up in the last day. It would have to be just on the environment. Anybody coming and staying at Sound Doctrine Church. God was moving in their life and they could feel his power and his presence, drawing them Correct, jacob, Correct, and this is going to be important in a little bit. So again, mr Simmons, these things build on one another. You can’t just take one and hiss at it and leave it. These things build on knowledge. It takes a great deal of time to pray, to contemplate, to get in the prayer closet. That’s what you should be doing. That’s what a Bible study is.
Timothy: 19:24
This is not a Bible study like you normally. Go to whatay school and what does everybody do? The guy usually a guy, it could be a girl, for now read a particular passage and everybody goes around the room, right, and gives their opinion about what they think it means, right, yep, that, yeah, you’re not going to bump into that, mr simmons? Not at all. You take this. You go back before god. You ask god if it’s true and if you have a good heart, he’ll show. Show you. If not, guess what, you’ll go on your way, all right.
Timothy: 19:52
John, chapter 6, verse 45 is exactly what I just said. I got ahead of myself. It is written in the prophets. Again. Now we’re talking about the prophets. That’s the Old Testament, all of Scripture condensed down. They will all be taught by God. Now did you catch that, mr Simmons? When you ask and I’m a little bit ahead of the game when you asked, what was the leadership like? This is what the leadership was like. They will all be taught by God.
Timothy: 20:22
It’s not me running around putting opinions or ideas or concepts or say you will believe this or this is what you have to do. What I taught, what I lived, what I showed, is that they need to get back into the prayer closet and be taught by God himself. It’s an individual, specific relationship and it all depends on whether you pick up your cross, deny yourself, hate your own life and follow Jesus Christ. If you don’t do that, then go to any other church that you want to and get some Bible theology, but when it came to sound doctrine church, what was taught was God and God alone, alone. And that’s actually why most people got upset and left. They wanted me to give them answers, they wanted me to walk the walk for them, and I wouldn’t do it. I’d point them in the right direction, that is, to the living God, and if they persevered they remained, if not, they left. But you know, again I’m getting ahead of myself. Anything in all this, jacob, no, all right.
Timothy: 21:20
Verse 45, jesus goes on to say Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me, and learns from him comes to me. Oh, we’re back to that same theme again, where God is calling an individual to join the church. So what attracted you to sound doctrine church, mr Simmons? It was the living God, it was God himself, and if he wasn’t doing the attraction, there was nothing about sound doctrine church. That in their flesh and okay, I have to probably define flesh for him. Can you define flesh for him so he knows what I’m talking about?
Speaker 4: 21:53
We’re saying define it to Mr Simmons.
Timothy: 21:55
Yeah to Mr Simmons. I don’t know that he knows what I’m talking about, because he’s not here.
Speaker 4: 21:58
There’s no.
Timothy: 21:58
Bible, I can’t go. Do you know what the flesh is? Correct and explain and go from there. I can’t do that. Recreation, the fun, the comradeship, the more of a church club, everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me. You have to be drawn by God to join Sound Doctrine Church. And that’s the truth of the situation and that’s what went on. And you know, just as a side note, I’m not interested in anybody else. I wasn’t interested in large numbers. I wasn’t interested in large numbers. I wasn’t interested in drawing a large crowd. If you don’t want God, go away. I mean, I think I’ve been clear on that, right? Yes, all right, let’s go to Luke 7, verse 24, and let’s finish this section up. I would think by now most people who have at least listened to the podcast are ready.
Timothy: 22:54
In my messages I’m not known as kind of mushy or wishy-washy, right? No, is there really any question about what I’m saying? No, I’m not generally vague on stuff. If I’m vague, I’m saying something like well, I don’t have the full answer for that or it has to be worked out, but the clarity is there. There’s no mistaking about what I’m saying.
Timothy: 23:19
In John, chapter 7, verse 24, it says, after John’s messengers left, jesus began to speak to the crowd about John, and this is what he says what did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? Am I a reed swayed by the wind? The doctrines are clear. Everything is solid. Nobody can show up to Sound Doctrine Church and go oh, I didn’t know what I was getting into, right, correct? I mean, yeah, I had tracts, books, all kinds of tapes, sermons, talk to me, whatever. I’m as clear as possible on this is what it’ll mean. In fact, I warned her that you will be persecuted. I just didn’t know we’d also be prosecuted at the same time. But there was the clarity that this is coming. This is what’s happening. I mean, that’s been going on since the day I started following Jesus Christ. And, by the way, scripture does say, mr Simmons, anyone who wants to live a godly life will be persecuted. In Jesus Christ. The reason you’re not persecuted for Jesus, you’re not seeking to live a godly life. All right, verse 25,.
Timothy: 24:16
Jesus goes on to say if not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes Must have been the fine suits, right, jacob? I got a tie. Well, I don’t know. They do ties. Now I mean some. Some do the flysheels, some do, and I’m not known for wearing t-shirts with little pockets or sayings right, jacob, correct, all right? No, those who wear expensive clothes and indulge in luxury are in palaces. None of those things I ever had in fact been on the move, and so on. All right, I’ve been clear on that one. Yes, all right. So let’s hone in a little bit here and let’s go to the question, and we’re going to go to Romans 6, verse 20, mr Simmons, so you might want to be turning there while I talk about this a little bit.
Timothy: 25:00
One of your questions was how was it that you came about joining the Sound Doctrine Church and where was the church located back then around that time? And I don’t remember what their answers are, but they weren’t according to the truth, mr Simmons, the reason people joined Sound Doctrine Church is and this is something you’ve never experienced they were convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin. They were convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit and wanted to repent, and the message I preach by the power of God is clear, is solid. They were worn out with the mushy gospel calls out there. They knew they were in a desperate situation. They felt that desperation and that need for God. Nothing else was working in the regular church because everybody’s just a mushy kind of swaying in the wind, and Sound Doctrine Church was not about that. Total clarity, brutal honesty. Any Bible study that you would experience with me would be brutally honest. I’m not saying you like it, I’m just saying it’s going to be brutally honest. So this is really kind of one of my favorite questions, because you’ve got people on the stem that have fallen away from Jesus Christ. They’re full of anger because now they know where they’re headed and he’s asking them in a court of law. So why did you join Sound Doctrine Church? Why is it that you wanted to belong?
Timothy: 26:31
Mr Simmons, in order to answer that question, they would have to admit to crimes. They would have to be on the stand and I’m just going to be generic at this point, but these are specifics. They would have to talk about prostitution in downtown Denver. They would have to talk about drug use. They would have to talk about adultery, drunkenness, the fighting and the quarreling, the self-centeredness in their lives, the divorce, the lack of love in the family, the amount of hatred they had in their own families and friends.
Timothy: 27:02
It is a total lie and a misconception to think that when the sound doctrine came along, that somehow it upset all these loving families that were just getting along just fine. That’s one of the biggest lies that’s going on. They were attracted to Sound Doctrine Church because they were convicted of sin and in many of those cases, in this particular trial, these people that are testifying would have to admit to crimes. But instead you gave them an opportunity to lie, to vent, because you don’t prosecute liars, not liars who lie for you, do you, and that makes you in line with who. I’ll let you do the Bible study on that one Romans 6.20,.
Timothy: 27:44
When you were slaves to sin. They were slaves to sin and Sound Doctrine Church was offering them freedom to no longer be slaves. It goes on to say you were free from the control of righteousness. Before Sound Doctrine Church, they were able to do what they want when they wanted, no matter how they wanted to do it, in the most hateful, vile divorce, destructive, drug-induced prostitution, anger you name the sins that went on. They were allowed to do that. There was no control, no influence. When they came to sound doctrine the preaching, the lives, the power of God, the truthfulness of the gospel. Then they started to fall under the control of righteousness, by God’s grace. Not by rules, mr Simmons, not by me controlling everybody. And, by the way you know, let me stop right there. Let’s just say I was controlling everybody, right, jacob? But let’s just say, and again, this is a lie, so nobody kind of cut and paste this thing. Let’s just say I was controlling Exactly. What would I be controlling them in?
Speaker 4: 28:48
Jacob. Well, the accusation is that I believe you were like hoarding all the money, right yeah?
Timothy: 28:53
but I’m asking if I was really laying down rules, what would I be laying down? Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t cuss, get along with your family. Sure, lay down your life for each other, love each other. Yeah, and I didn’t even do that, because that has to be done by the power of the Holy Spirit. You can’t let look, mr Simmons. You can’t prosecute to righteousness. That’s not how it works. If it were, the more laws Washington State makes isn’t the more it’s crumbling apart. Correct, so Sound Doctor Church is not about a bunch of rules and laws. That does not work. If you don’t want to change and you don’t want God to make you different, it’s not going to happen. And I want to say to you bye-bye, go away. I want nothing to do with you. I’m only interested in people that are willing to love the living God. Anything else on that, no, all right.
Timothy: 29:40
Romans 6.21 is what they should have shared when you said what drew you to sound doctrine? Why did you want to join? This is what they should have said, romans 6.21. What benefit did you reap at that time from the things that you are now ashamed of? They would have had to testify and each one could have testified. Well, I was ashamed of this and I was ashamed of that. Had they spoken the truth, those things result in death. They were drawn to sound doctrine church because they didn’t want the death of sin. It’s really that simple Romans 6.22,. But now that you have been set free from sin, they were drawn to sound doctrine church because they were being set free from sin.
Timothy: 30:21
Is there a cost? Yes, do you have to carry a cost? Yes. Do you have to carry your cross? Yes. Do you have to hate your own life? Yes. Do you actually have to give up self to love other people? Yes. Do you have to give up your pride? Yes, all those things. And you can stop that at any moment and decide I don’t want to do this anymore. You know, mr Simmons, let me ask you this question how many people that you send to prison that are given sentences and spend their time in prison actually reform their ways and don’t wind up coming back? It’s very minuscule the number of people that actually come out better than when they went into prison, is it not?
Speaker 4: 30:54
Oh yeah, I think it’s like it’s so few.
Timothy: 30:58
And so you’re going to whine at me about people leaving sound doctrine, or why do so many people leave? Most people don’t want to change. They want to change for a little bit, they want to change for a little while and they want to kind of clean up their life on a little superficial way. But they don’t realize Jesus Christ is serious about dealing with sin. This is not a joke. If you ask the living God, mr Simmons, to crucify your pride, hang on to your hat, because it’s going to happen and it’s going to hurt and it’s going to go deep and it’s going to go hard, and only those that are in love with Jesus Christ will persevere long enough to allow them to gain the humility of Jesus Christ. So don’t whine at me, don’t judge me by your impure heart and say well, why do so many people? And, by the way, that is a question. He didn’t ask that in the trial. I just know that floating around in the background. I know the lies you’ve been told. I’ve heard them for 30, 40 years. Nothing new under the sun there, all right. But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, you see, eventually a lot of people decide they don’t want to be slaves to God. They want to please themselves, they want to be independent, they want to be who they are, they want to fulfill themselves, and that’s what the false churches and the false Christians appeal to. You can be this have this and do this. If you came to Sound Doctrine Church which, as you know, no longer exists because you achieved your goal of running us out of the city of Enumclaw, you would be set free from your sin. But the only way to be set free from sin is to become a slave of God. Now, I wish you were here. I wish you had a good heart. You know, the only reason I’m using wish is because I don’t know that the prayers are making any difference. I wish you were here, because then you could let it sink in and you could see I have to become a slave to God.
Timothy: 32:48
Then he goes on to say the benefit you reap leads to holiness and the result is eternal life. See, it’s not a matter of like. Okay, I get baptized or I ask Jesus to make sure I’m saved. That’s not how it works. It’s a life of discipleship and you have to go from being a slave of God going on to his holiness and he works that holiness. That’s why I can’t describe to you what’s going on. You’re not making anybody holy in prison. They’re not getting out of prison going. Oh, we were made holy by this experience. Well, if you persevere with sound doctrine, church, and you became a slave of God and you let God deal with your sin, you’re going to come out being made holy by his power and then you will reap eternal life. Romans 6, verse 23 says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Now you can hear that quoted anywhere else. It’s true, I’m not ignoring it, but all these other things have to follow first. Anything else on that?
Timothy: 33:44
jagup nope, all right, I’m going to let you go to acts, chapter 19, verse 18. Mr simmons, I want you to read this now. Read this, listen very carefully because, again, when you ask people on the stand why did you join sound doctrine Church or why were you drawn to the church, they would have to answer this way. Go ahead and read that, jacob, acts 19, verse 18.
Speaker 4: 34:09
Many of those who believed now came and openly confessed their evil deeds Did you catch that.
Timothy: 34:16
I hope you have a highlighter, at least a highlighter, in your heart. They came and openly confessed their evil deeds. See, that’s called walking in the light. It’s called wanting to be cleaned, cleaned up and pure all the way to the heart. So they would have confessed before you, on the witness stand to Judge Lori K Smith, all of their sins and openly confessed. This is what I did and this is who I was and this is what my family was and was not, and these were all the things I committed. I’m not going to repeat what they did. It went even further than that. Anything else I need to add on that? No, all right, well, let’s just keep rolling, mr Simmons, because I’m demonstrating to you why they joined Sound Doctrine Church.
Timothy: 35:02
Let’s go to 1 Thssalonians, chapter one, verse one. First, thessalonians, chapter one, verse one, because there’s a. There’s a. It’s a little bit of a long passage, but there’s one central set of words. You need to pay attention to paul, silas and timothy, to the church of the thessalonians in god, the father and the lord jesus christ. Grace and peace to you. Did Lord Jesus Christ, grace and peace to you? Did you catch all that? Grace and peace to you, sound Dr. Church was not this oppressive, legalistic, destructive cult. It was the complete opposite. What you were fed, what you believe because your heart is impure, is complete, total bunk of lies. We always thank God for all of you mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember you before our god and father, your work produced by faith. Oh yeah, sound doctrine had a lot of work, didn’t it, jacob? We were busy, no doubt about it. Your labor prompted by love. Up until they fell away, we all labored together. This was a labor of love when, whatever whether it was a salt shaker wine press, whatever I out in the community, we were busy, busy, busy. It was a salt shaker wine press, whatever, out in the community, we were busy, busy, busy. It was a lot of work, but it was done out of love and joy.
Timothy: 36:08
And naturally, once they decide, oh, I don’t want to do this anymore, then of course, then you wind up in a court of law and your endurance, inspired by the hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, all right. Their hope, their endurance to keep carrying their cross and denying themselves, comes because why they’re in Jesus Christ and he’s inspiring this hope. Once you turn your back on Jesus Christ, once you say I don’t want to obey anymore. What do you lose? Your hope, hope. And that’s why you see the anger, that’s why you see the frustration, that’s why you’ll hear a lot of people that never joined the Bel belong still hate me because the reality sets in. They have no hope, their pride is blocking the hope, their division is blocking the hope, their sin is blocking the hope. And so when you live in this world without any hope and you do that, you know this is a worldly example again. But you do that to prisoners. You put them in prison. And you do that. You know this is a worldly example again. But you do that to prisoners. You put them in prison and you suck away from them any hope and possibility of redemption. And you see the result of that.
Timothy: 37:12
All right, verse four of first thessalonians one, for we know, brothers loved by god, those in sound doctrine, as long as they stayed there, felt the love of God. It was not an oppressive cult, legalistic kind of thing. That’s just a convenient lie, you were told, because they know you’d sop it up. You know, if there’s one thing the state of, I mean again, you’ve got perversion going on in the state of Washington. You think they’re going to want a gospel call that says being transgender and all these things, and this stuff is corrupt and sins? Really no, they’re going to come after me. They go after grandmothers that won’t arrange flowers. For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you and this is how we know they were chosen. This is how I know.
Timothy: 38:00
When somebody comes to Sound Doctor Church and they want to be baptized and follow Jesus Christ and become a disciple, this is what happens 1 Thessalonians 1, verse 5, because our gospel came to you not simply with words. This is not about tracts. It’s not about podcasts. It’s not about ink on paper. It’s not about a Bible study. It’s not simply with words. There are words.
Timothy: 38:21
I did preach. Yes, I did write books and yes, I did do tracts. Yes, I did all those things, but also with power. Also, do you see that, ms Simmons? But also with power, with the Holy Spirit. And here’s the words you need to pay attention to With the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. The reason they joined Sound Doctrine Church was because God was drawing them to the church and they were deeply convicted about their sin. And that came from God. It didn’t come from me, I didn’t bother to produce.
Timothy: 38:55
You know, again, I’m repeating myself. I have no desire to force conviction or guilt on anybody. Zero, none, because that won’t last. That’s just ridiculous, childish. That’s what you do, mr Simmons. That’s what the court system does. In fact, you extort guilty pleas out of people so that they’ll make your job easier, so they don’t have to go to trial. You come along and deny them their rights, you make them impoverished, you do everything to do with injustice and you go. Well, if you don’t agree with this, we’re going to take you to trial and we’re going to add on 15 more charges to the crime. But if you agree to this and you plead guilty to this, that’s what you do. That’s not what I do. I’m going to keep repeating that. That is not what I do, because that doesn’t last, that doesn’t produce life, that will draw no one to God, that’s not lasting, that is selfish, it is vindictive, it is prideful, it is arrogant.
Timothy: 39:52
It is Judge Lori K Smith, all wrapped up in a black robe, sitting behinda bench, pounding her gavel upon that, saying no, you can’t say that and you can’t do this. But the prosecutor can do it all he wants. But the word of god came with power, with the holy spirit, with deep conviction. And then he goes on to say and it’s not boasting, it’s not your arrogant boasting. You know how we lived among you, for your sake. My life at Sound Doctrine was devoted to righteousness, holiness, obedience, humility, self-sacrifice. When Detective McCall is up there saying everything comes back to Timothy Williams. He is flat out lying. Williams, he is flat out lying. Verse six you became imitators of us and of the lord. In spite of severe suffering, you welcome the message with joy given by the holy spirit. What was it? What was his name? Bo, I can’t think of his name.
Timothy: 40:54
He came in chavez, chavez came into the store, slanders us saying, yeah, everything’s given to timothy williams. He manages everybody’s checkbooks, by the way, I’m a terrible accountant, I, but that’s beside the point. So he comes in, he spreads his slander and he goes. But they all appeared happy enough. So he lies, totally, slanders me, totally lies about what the church is, but he can’t deny the joy that he sees. That is first, thessalonians 1.6. You welcome the message with joy, given by the power of the Holy Spirit. Believe me, mr Citizen, I’m not walking around, going, jacob. You need to be happy. Jacob, put a smile on. God loves you. Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about your sin, right? I mean, do I do that? No, I invite you. Whatever, I’m not going to keep going on. All right, verse 7,. And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. All right, we’re out of time for today. We’ll pick up again and do another episode of the Consider podcast.
Jacob: 41:57
Nothing on the Consider podcast should be considered legal or life advice. Nothing on the Consider podcast should be considered legal or life advice. Each is admonished to seek a holy God and obey by picking up a cross to follow Jesus. The Consider podcast wwwconsiderinfo.
Speaker 5: 42:16
The following podcast centers around the legal trial of Washington State v Malcolm Fraser. Mr Fraser was charged with an impossible-to-commit sexual assault crime by Washington State prosecutors. The fact is, even the manipulated accuser’s testimony proves the crime could not have taken place. The prosecutor and hate crime agitator’s goal was never to go to trial, but to destroy a Christian church by the weight of the accusations alone a tactic so common that it is in the news today, every day, at every level within the court system. The following discussion is taken from actual court transcripts, video recordings and investigations. Many of those speaking on the podcast personally went through the mud pit unprofessional and illegal prosecution using a hate crime as the foundation. This concise recap is backed up by overwhelming evidence that the city of Enumclaw Police, washington state prosecutors and judges, for nefarious reasons, corrupted every aspect of the non-existent investigation and unconstitutional court proceedings, corruptions now so common that all but unreasonable individuals know it is standard operating procedure within the legal system. In short, the Sound Doctrine Christian Church was a victim of what is now termed lawfare. The year 2010 saw the compilation of a hate crime against Sound Doctrine Church by City of Enumclaw policeman Grant McCall and his co-conspirators. Seattle Washington state prosecutors of King County used an innocent man to attack Timothy Williams of Sound Doctrine Church. Timothy Williams was not charged with any crime. Thus the state of Washington proxy prosecuted Malcolm Fraser to destroy Timothy Williams. More than ample evidence can be found at wwwconsiderinfo.
Speaker 5: 44:06
The podcast and history of these events are important to prepare true disciples of Jesus for what could soon take place in their lives or in the lives of their children. The proxy prosecution of Malcolm Fraser by Washington state judges was a perfect storm of persecution by prosecution. All would do well to prayerfully prepare themselves and their children for what sin-stained, dark-souled judges, prosecutors and police will gladly, happily do. We on the Consider podcast pray that God may grant them repentance, because it is, as the scriptures declare, a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. As Jesus encouraged us when he walked the earth, the Holy Spirit does admonish the Christian today. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear Mark 4, verse 23. The Consider Podcast Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness wwwconsiderinfo.
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