#74 Simmons Bible Study Time, pt 3

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Prosecutor Simmons Bible Study Time

It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub, how much more the members of his household! (Matthew 10:25)

No, Sound Doctrine Church was not a cult; in fact, it was the very antithesis of one. The church bore the fruit of holiness and faith, demonstrated through the love of Jesus until corrupt authorities undermined it.

The opposition, persecution, and prosecution by anti-Christian prosecutors Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith of Washington State serve as clear evidence of the positive impact of Jesus that was present in Sound Doctrine Church.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men.


City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall deleted evidence, scripted out accusations, and refused to investigate the actual crime because he was engaged in a hate-crime.

Prosecutor Jason Simmons and the gang of Prosecutors used the accused crime to take down a righteous Christian Church.

The "trial" by Judge Lori K. Smith, who corrupted every means against the defense lasted 28 days. Normally such trial last from 3 to 5 working days.

28 days of relentless the church is bad rather than focusing in on the accusations, which King County Prosecutors admitted they had no evidence for.

74, Simmons Bible Study Time, pt 3


No question today, Jacob. Let’s get to it. We got a lot of cover.

He had a lot of, Mr. Simmons had a lot of questions.

Welcome to the Consider podcast, where the whole gospel message is used to examine today’s wisdom, folly, and madness. Acts 520, go stand and speak to the people in the temple, the whole message of this life. Join the hosts, Timothy and Jacob, as they pick up their cross to follow Jesus, as we pray that God enlightens the mind, according to verse 25 of Ecclesiastes chapter 7.

So, I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things, and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly. Ecclesiastes 7.25. The Consider podcast, examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness with the whole gospel. www.consider.info Are you familiar with a group called the Sound Doctrine Church? How was it that you came about joining the Sound Doctrine Church? And where was Sound Doctrine Church located? Back then, around that time, how many people would you say were members of the church?

What was it that drew your family to the church at the beginning? Did your joining the Sound Doctrine Church have any impact on your connection with your family other than Jessica and the daughters we currently talk about?

And is Winepress Publishing associated in any way with the Sound Doctrine Church? And would those friends from homeschooling group be members of the Sound Doctrine Church? Are you familiar with the Salt Shaker Bookstore?

To begin, what is a rebuke? For those of us who don’t understand, what is a rebuke and what does that mean in the context of the church? And when you say fellowship, what does that mean?

While you were a member of the Sound Doctrine Church and a member of that community, was it important for you to follow the various teachings and doctrines of the church? What was your understanding of that doctrine? While a member of the Sound Doctrine Church, did your beliefs come from your understanding of the doctrine of the church?

Did you have any neighborhood friends that were not members of the Sound Doctrine Church? Other than just kids and even fathers? And at that time, what was the kind of leadership?

How was it? Who was in charge? How did it work?

When you say your salvation, was that an important thing for you during your time in the Sound Doctrine Church? Do you in the Sound Doctrine Church really celebrate birthdays? How about, was there any particular holiday celebration for Christmas or anything of that nature?

Why was it that you left the Sound Doctrine Church?

Jacob, was your salvation important to you while you were at the Sound Doctrine Church? I think it’s important all the time, but yeah. Some of these questions are just ludicrous.

It’s just designed to make people hate the church. Okay, I’m assuming from that question that there’s a lot of churches you can go to where your salvation’s not important. No, that’s…

Well, yeah, you just show up, you ask Jesus in your heart, and you’re saved. But everybody’s going to say you’re… Why would he ask the question?

Because he was trying to establish that it was this fear-mongering thing. Yeah, but he didn’t say that. He just said it was important.

Yeah, but that’s what he’s getting at. I mean, every one of his questions is to say the Sound Doctrine Church was evil and twisted. That’s what his stuff is coming back to.

They’re not real answers.

Again, if logic had anything to do with this, this trial would have never happened.

Well, exactly.

Malcolm Fraser would not be in prison. But logic, reason, evidence clearly had nothing to do with it. But again, I’m kind of like, was salvation important?

No, it was just kind of mediocre. Well, you know what? Clearly, if they were going to answer, they’d have to say no, because they fell away.

They decided they didn’t want it. Correct. So clearly it wasn’t important enough.

All right, this question… If Simmons thinks any of these questions… I’ve never heard these before.

He’s delusional if he thinks all of this stuff was just kind of floating out there, and I’d never been confronted. All right, so here’s this question. How many people would you say were members of the Church?

And the whole implication… I’ve heard this forever. The implication is, well, you only have a few members, and this Church over here has a bunch of members.

And if there’s a bunch of members, they must be right, and you must be wrong. Yeah, you must be, yeah, correct. That’s where it’s coming from.

Oh, but by the way, there’s cults that are huge. There’s cults like, you know, there’s like real, you know, extreme Mormon cult-like stuff. They’ve got thousands and thousands of members.

Well, in my mind, King County prosecutors are in a cult. They serve a higher authority. They have to follow all these rules.

They get punished if they don’t follow them. Then they get rewarded if they do follow them. They’re really the ones in a cult, not this.

But you got to, you know, it’s laughable to think there’s this number game. By the way, Mr. Simmons, go to John 3, verse 24, because this question goes all the way back to Jesus and John the Baptist and the Church. This kind of numbers game of who’s right or wrong based on the number of people that believe.

In fact, when they bring Jesus in, they go, have any of the Pharisees or any of the religious leaders or any of the Bible scholars, you know, one of the things that actually proves Dr. O is right is none of the Bible scholars agree with what we were saying, because that’s exactly what happened to Jesus Christ. I’m not going to dwell too long on this. I just want to make a very, very quick point, if I can.

In John 3, verse 24, now this is John the Baptist they’re talking about. It says, this was before John was put in prison. And by the way, this will be a good example, Mr. Simmons, when we get to the, what is a rebuke?

This was before John was put in prison. John 3, 25, an argument developed between some of John’s disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. So it’s a doctrinal question.

It’s a debate about Bible stuff. You following this so far, Mr. Simmons? You see, this is what the issue over here is, ceremonial washing about something, this, that, or the other.

And if you want to get into what that debate was, well, then you can go talk to a lot of other people. When they come to John, they don’t go, well, we’re discussing this issue over here, can you settle the issue? No, what they do is exactly what you did.

They played the numbers game. Jacob, go ahead and read John 3, verse 26. They came to John and said to him, Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan, the one you testified about, well, he is baptizing and everyone is going to him.

Okay, what’s that got to do with the Bible question at hand, Jacob? And I really like the part where they don’t call Jesus anything.

They don’t call him a teacher.

That man over there. That man, that group. It’s not sound doctrine, it’s that group and that leader.

They depersonalize the individual on the attack. It all has to do with the numbers game. They came to John and said to him, Rabbi.

And see, they’re flattering. Who, John? Rabbi, that man who was with you, that man on the other side of the Jordan, on the other side of the issue, the one you testified about, the one trying to make him jealous.

See, at this point, he’s got more numbers than you. Well, as you can just hear, well, he is baptizing. He’s doing this stuff and everyone is going to him, which isn’t quite true, right?

But everyone is going to him. Therefore, John, we must be right or wrong or whatever they’re trying to do, right? They’re playing the game.

It’s true. Sound doctrine church never had a lot of members. It would fluctuate up and down.

People come, people visit. But in John 3, verse 27, John says this. And again, we’re back to God.

We’re back to looking to only him. And that’s what sound doctrine church was about, loving the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul and strength. It was him and only him.

And that’s all it was about. To this, John replied, a man can receive only what is given him from heaven. God had determined a certain number of people at a certain time would come to sound doctrine church.

I had no control of that. I wasn’t supposed to go out and try and find 50 extra members for God. I was supposed to do what God called me to do.

And if that involved 5,000 people, fine. If it involved five people, fine. And you’ve succeeded in getting me down to one or two people at this point.

So that’s what God has allotted. That’s what he’s allowed. That’s who he’s drawn.

And I’m fine with that. I’ll preach the whole word. They’ve got churches they need to go to.

They’ve got places they need to begin to go to. And I’m totally content with this. This is not a numbers game.

This is not like who has the biggest church and what’s going on. But you know what? Your sinister little hissing of the, ooh, how many members did you have at that time?

And where were you located? And all that kind of evil suspicion that, again, had nothing to do with anything going on. Anything you want to add to that, Jacob?

No. All right. Let’s go.

And I think this is probably one of his, Mr. Simmons’ favorite. Correct me if I’m wrong. Feel free to say no.

That’s not one of my favorite questions. But you asked, to begin, what is a rebuke? For those of us who don’t understand, what is a rebuke?

And what’s that mean in the context of the church? Man, that is a loaded question. That’s a mouthful.

Yes, it is, indeed. Well, after probably 10 years of you destroying the church, me doing the podcast, you really kind of should have
a little bit of a good idea on what a rebuke might be. But let me explain to you.

Here’s a definition of a rebuke. It’s up to you. To a person with a soft, teachable heart, nothing’s a rebuke.

To somebody that’s hard-hearted and somebody thinks they’re self-righteously right, somebody who can go into an environment and there’s a judge that controls the conversation and a jury that can approve and they can be manipulated and you don’t really have to reason things out and everything’s kind of put in its place and you can object to the way a question is framed or where it’s coming from. Any type of correction, the slightest correction to a spoiled child, is what? A rebuke.

Right, Jacob? Correct. Let’s just take children here for a second.

You’ve got a child that cleans its room, generally is very good, is very obedient. Then you’ve got the typical public school child that’s spoiled, rotten, part of the Washington State corrupt system, being lured away from their parents. They don’t do anything.

They’re not allowed to do anything. They can’t even do push-ups. So you go to them and you go to both children.

One is kind and submissive. The other is rebellious and stubborn and selfish. And you say to each one in the same way, the same tone, go clean your room.

What are the reactions you’re going to get? To the one child that is kind and nice, I’m going to go, yeah, go clean your room. And it could actually become a fun thing to go do.

Because why? They’re not a rebellious kind of child. They’re not spoiled.

But to a spoiled child, you always do that. You don’t love me. You’re being mean.

Start crying. Start weeping. Throwing a fit.

Correct? So Mr. Simmons, it has to do with your heart on what a rebuke is. That’s the first thing.

Now there’s a whole gamma and level of different kinds of rebukes, styles of rebukes, how they come in. There’s counseling. There’s corrections.

There’s laws. There’s admonishments. There’s a lot of general type stuff.

But you honed in on rebuke. And in your mind, I’m assuming in your mind, I walked around rebuking. Oh, you’re rebuked.

Go do this. And you’re rebuked. Go wash my car.

And you’re rebuked. And go do this work and this labor over here. I’m assuming that’s what it is.

If there was any rebuking going on, you need to get this square between your eyes. It had to do with righteousness. Loving your family.

Being obedient. Doing what’s right. Telling the truth.

Walking in the light. I’m getting ahead of myself. But what applies to King County Courts is Amos chapter five verse 10.

Jacob, go to Amos chapter five verse 10. Because I remember right after your little victory that you had in getting the guilty plea, I called, what was his name again, the tennis shoe guy? Rich Anderson.

Yeah, Rich Anderson. I called him on the phone because you guys weren’t going to look into the hate crime. And I was just trying one last time.

No, we’re not going to do that. So I call him. And he’s answering the phone.

He’s all puffed up. We won. We’re there.

So he picks up the phone in all his arrogant confidence. And I ask him a simple question. What is humility?

And he said, well, humility is when you went above my head to Sattersburg and asked him to look into the situation, that’s humility. Well, that told me everything. His pride was wounded.

No wonder he was vicious. No wonder he went after me. No wonder you guys were all fired up.

You didn’t like your little authority. You didn’t like people calling into question and going above you and implying that somehow you would do something wrong. You were the spoiled child.

That’s Amos 5, verse 10. Now, that’s Old Testament. Amos 5, verse 10.

You hate the one who reproves in court, and you despise him who tells the truth. Remember the little social worker you were asking questions to who was a part of the church? And she wasn’t testifying according to all the other social workers would have done, and so your little attitude was like, well, thank you very much.

And we could pick up on the tone. And by the way, the department she was working in began to retaliate against her after that trial because she didn’t conform to the way that you wanted her to answer. Amos 5, verse 10.

You hate the one who reproves in court, and you despise him who tells the truth. That certainly was the case through all of this. We sent over Buchum out of truth.

We sent over, at our own expense, all kinds of research, proof of everything. We’re like, we’re still doing it, and you just hate us because we reprove. We reveal the fact that you call jury duty a dog and pony show.

And instead of reforming your ways, now you just change it so, well, the judge may want to talk to you separately. You’re not going to allow anybody to disparage in any way that there might be a question about what’s going on in the corruption of King County Courts. Verse 11 of Amos 5.

You trample on the poor, and that’s what you do. You bring anybody into that courtroom. The first thing you try to do is to make them full of poverty.

Your goal was to destroy Wine Press Publishing, Sound Doctrine Church, the Salt Shaker Bookstore, to deprive everybody of their money and their means to defend themselves. You trample on the poor. You do worse than that.

You make them poor, and you force them to give grain. We’ve got to pay for our own lawyer. We’ve got to pay babysitters to keep you in line.

That’s what mostly the lawyers are paid to do, is to watch you so you don’t get so far out of hand. And, of course, the rules and laws and Judge Laurie K. Smith will let you do anything.

So it’s a futile attempt. So you’re broke, you’re poor, you ran out of town by the time you’re done. You win even when you lose.

Amos 5, 12. For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. You oppress the righteous and take bribes, and you deprive the poor of justice in courts.

That’s you. Judge Laurie K. Smith, because she’s Woman of the Year, ensured that the person that was lying about all the activities that went on was able to say whatever she wanted.

In fact, didn’t the judge order you to allow the defense to question the accuser for 30 minutes? Okay, well, send off the fireworks, 30 minutes. Okay, so we got three minutes.

But did you comply? No, you didn’t comply. You just ignored it.

Your excuse was, we couldn’t find an adult to bring her to the meeting. You know, I do agree with you. There are no adults up there at King County.

But you didn’t even comply with the judge’s order there. You oppress the righteous. That’s all that you and Judge Laurie K.

Smith and the system did. And Beth Andrews, White Wars, Detective McCall, and set into motion all of this destruction. You oppress the righteous.

You take bribes. You just want to be patted on the back. You sold your soul at a pizza party where Satisford talked you into becoming a prosecutor rather than a defense attorney.

You oppress the righteous. You take bribes. You deprive the poor of justice in the courts.

Well, that’s a rebuke. You can do with what you want. Let’s keep digging a little bit more.

Now, here’s what goes on. In King County courts, I doubt that I’ve made very many friends. Right, Jacob?

Correct. I don’t think there’s – certainly no judge has called me and said, Thank you, man. We really needed that.

We need to clean up our act, and we’ve gone too far. There’s certainly been no call for fasting and to loosen the bounds of injustice, right? Nope.

They just go more and more into their darkness and corruption. What they’re doing is exactly what happened to John the Baptist. Let’s go to Mark 6, verse 17.

And John the Baptist, again, was not that read. He spoke very clearly and bluntly, and it was a matter of the law. Sound familiar, Mr. Simmons?

So John the Baptist is rebuking him because he’s breaking God’s law and taking another man’s wife. You know, shacking up, that kind of thing. Mark 6, verse 18.

It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife. I mean, it’s just basic common sense. I’m not trying to minimize what he’s saying, but my point is, everything that we’ve talked about with King County Courts and the justice – it’s just basic stuff.

Basic rights denied. This is not complicated. They make it complicated so they can get by with it.

All right, well, here’s the response of Herodias. Mark 6, verse 19. All that’s happening is everybody’s nursing a grudge.

You know, like a baby at the tit, they just keep going back to it and they just keep sucking on it every 15, 20, 30 minutes, and they keep, oh, man, he didn’t need to say this, and blah, blah, blah. So that’s all that’s happening. Nothing’s changing.

Nobody’s being more righteous. It’s all just becoming more dark. All right, so that’s a rebuke.

That’s one style of rebuke. There are all levels of rebuke. Rebukes can be soft and short.

They can be strong and sharp. The whole goal, though, and this is what you don’t seem to understand, is it has to do with righteousness, loving each other, avoiding sin, doing what’s right, being lawful. That’s what all this is about.

That’s what those rebukes are about, and this is just one aspect of sound doctrine church. There is much more laying down your life, counseling, admonishing, praying for one another you just happen to hone in because, you know, it’s a rebuke. And here’s another angle that he’s forgetting.

When somebody becomes stubborn, in other words, the people you put on the trial, the reason they came to sound doctrine church is because their family life was a mess. Divorce, remarried, we kind of covered that. Involved in all kinds of, they hated one another.

When you ask the question, like, well, do you have any neighbors that, you know, were friends within the church? Well, there’s a whole doctrinal issue I could go into, but here’s the case. The woman that you’re asking that to understand fought

She got in an argument with her neighbor, and she eventually had to write out a note and go put it in their mailbox and apologize in a letter. She’s constantly fighting with everybody. So if she was being truthful, what she was being rebuked for was not loving other people, not being gentle, not being kind.

Right, Jacob? Correct. And eventually she got tired of being rebuked for being called to love one another, to love her husband, to love her children, to do what’s right, to be gentle.

She fought at every level, on every level possible. One of the reasons why such and such didn’t spend time at home on the weekends is because it was a miserable situation, and they would not repent. But, you know, hey, Judge Laurie Kay Smith is not going to let that come out in court, is she?

No. No, of course not. Let me give you an example of humility here.

Now, I don’t know, again, I don’t know how much you know your Bible. Clearly not enough. King David is considered one of the holiest examples in Scripture.

Everybody talks about wanting a heart like King David, and he’s a good man. He was after God’s own heart. He made a lot of mistakes, did a lot of problems.

He walked with humility. And I’m going to play this next clip, which is this Scripture. This is one of mine.

I have too many favorites, don’t I, Jacob? All right. And let me set the situation just a little bit.

King David has been disciplined by God. And when he’s being disciplined by God, he’s on the run. He’d fallen into some sin, some very serious sin.

And so he’s on the run away from his kingdom, being disciplined. It’s not pleasant. That’s part of it.

So when, you know, you ask somebody on the stand, so did you leave sound doctrine at some time? Yeah, people go through struggles, Mr. Simmons. And when you talk about God disciplining them and trying to deal with them and they go through struggles, they worked through it clearly, didn’t they?

They were on the stand. When you ask the question. The crucified life following Jesus Christ is serious suffering business.

God didn’t make hell because our sins are minor. Anyway, David’s on the run, and out comes this old man throwing stones and pebbles at him, walking along. Well, I’ll just let you enjoy the Scripture.

Go ahead and play it, Jacob. As King David approached Behurim, a man from the same clan as Saul’s family came out from there. His name was Shimei, son of Gerah, and he cursed as he came out.

He pelted David and all the king’s officials with stones. Though all the troops and the special guard were on David’s right and left. As he cursed, Shimei said, Get out!

Get out! You men of blood! You scoundrel!

The Lord has repaid you for all the blood you shed in the household of Saul and whose place you have reigned. The Lord has handed the kingdom over to your son Absalom. You’ve come to ruin because you’re a man of blood.

Then Abisai, son of Zeariah, said to the king, Why should this dead dog curse my lord, the king? Let me go over and cut off his head. But the king said, What do you and I have in common?

Your son is Zeariah. If he is cursing because the Lord said to him, Curse David, who can ask, Why do you do this? Then David said to Abisai and all his officials, My son, who is of my own flesh, is trying to take my life.

How much more than this Benjamite? Leave him alone. Let him curse.

For the Lord has told him to. It may be that the Lord will see my distress and repay me with good for the cursing I’m receiving today. 2 Samuel 16 5-12 The Consider Podcast Examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness www.consider.info Now that is a lesson in humility. King David and all that power, all that authority, being disciplined by God, everything about him would want to justify himself. And this old man is coming out throwing pebbles and stones, saying the vilest of things. And other people saying, Let me defend you.

This would be as if King David were a prosecutor in court. And you’ve got this old man in court calling him everything, you’re a liar, you’re a conniver, and the whole bit. And the prosecutor and the judge wants to shut him down.

The bailiff wants to handcuff him and put him in prison. And the prosecutor turns and says, No, no, he’s right. The Lord has sent him.

Maybe God will see it and have mercy on me. Have you ever seen that kind of humility in a court of law? No.

Not even close. Let alone, you very seldom see it in life today. But that’s a lesson of humility.

When an old man’s throwing rocks at you and you glorify God, what can you say but amen? Proverbs 1531, Mr. Simmons. This is the nature of a rebuke, and it has to do with what you will do or not do.

Proverbs 1531. He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise. You see, a life-giving rebuke.

Simmons, you’ve never, ever, one time in your life given a life-giving rebuke. There’s not a single prosecutor in the land that has accused somebody that’s a defendant with a life-giving rebuke. You’ve rebuked.

You’ve hissed. You’ve made them look bad. You’ve promoted all kinds of lies.

But you’ve never, ever given a life-giving rebuke, a rebuke with meaning and love and power. And if you obeyed and submitted to it and you humbled and you wept over it and you gave it, you’d have rich life in Jesus Christ. But see, you have to listen.

Proverbs 1531. He who listens to a life-giving rebuke. You won’t listen.

I watch you, prosecutors. I watch you. You’ll come by.

You’ll look at a message on the board, but you won’t read it. You’ll look at the title. That way you’re not accountable.

You don’t have to look at these things. You don’t have to examine. There’s no depth to you.

You people are just dogs that will tear anything to pieces if you can win it. Proverbs 1532. He who ignores discipline despises himself.

All you do is despise yourself. But whoever heeds correction gains understanding. Now, technically, a correction is not a rebuke.

Again, it depends on the heart. Jacob, don’t you and I correct each other all the time? Yeah.

Do I strike back? Am I some type of snake? Hey, I’m in the Lord.

I’ve been here longer than you. What are you doing? You’re wrong.

Or get huffy or mad or spend the day pouting. No. No, of course not.

I want the corrections. Excuse me. I need them.

We all do. He who ignores discipline. And again, see, we’re back to a disciplined life.

It’s a little sharp. It’s a little touch. It’s not a rebuke.

Discipline involves… I understand Warshaw State. It says you can’t discipline anybody anymore.

So nobody knows what this means. But discipline has a little bit of an edge to it. But it’s not a full rebuke.

He who ignores discipline despises himself. I learned the hard way. I had to be humbled.

It took time. My pride had to fall. It had to go.

When I started heeding them, I gained understanding in life. You got to also be afraid. Proverbs 1533.

The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom. You have to be afraid. You had absolutely no fear about what you’re doing.

Bob Ferguson, attorney general who likes to attack grandmothers, absolutely had no fear about attacking a grandmother, an older grandmother. I mean, what a fool. You know, you prosecutors and authorities, you really need to back up and go, you know, there’s just certain things.

They may be breaking the law. They may be wrong. But they’re old people or we just don’t need to touch it.

It’s just not a bad enough example to go there. But no, you’ll grab anything because why? There is no fear of the Lord.

The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom. There’s no wisdom about going or not going toward a grandmother. There’s no wisdom about, hey, maybe we’re bringing in all these liars because that’s what we want to hear.

And humility comes before honor. I understand by law that when Judge Lori K. Smith comes in, we have to say the honorable Judge Lori K.

Smith, but that’s by law. That’s by force. That’s what your cult’s about.

You see my cult, quote unquote, the church there, there was nobody was forced to call me anything. I wasn’t known as Mr. Pastor or Mr. So-and-so. In fact, there’s a whole book that was not sent to you called Insanity in the Church.

And surely by now you’ve read it because you want to know the truth. That kind of knowledge. But I’m not Pastor so-and-so, Mr. Spiritual so-and-so. I wasn’t even addressed that way. I was a fellow servant with everybody else. Isn’t that correct, Jacob?

Correct. All right. Proverbs 123.

If you had responded to my rebuke, think how much pain and suffering Washington state and everybody else can spare themselves. We’re not even at the judgment seat yet. If you had responded to my rebuke, a spoiled child doesn’t respond.

Well, okay. They respond. I’m going to play the legal thing.

They respond. They get angry. They throw a fit.

They wet their pants. They kick the floor. They go tell everybody, my mommy’s mean.

My mommy abuses me. Right. Goes all the way down the line.

That’s not the kind of response we’re talking about. We’re talking about a response that’s humble, that’s teachable. That yeah, you’re right.

I need to clean my room or I wasn’t feeling good or whatever. If you had responded to my rebuke. Now look at the promise here.

Proverbs 123. Here’s the promise. I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you.

See, it’s all about God. The reason why these people are so bitter and you brought them in and encouraged them to lie is because they didn’t respond to the rebuke. Had they responded to the rebuke that God gives through his word, the rebuke through sermons, rebuke through fellowship, rebuke on their own, analyzing their own life, bringing themselves under judgment, humbling themselves, God says he would have poured out his heart and made his thoughts known to you.

And we know that God has a heart of love and he’s full of wisdom.
And the reason why you didn’t see that joy and that’s not there because they did not respond to the rebuke or they responded with lip service or they went just a little bit into it, but they didn’t respond unto picking up their cross, denying themselves and following Jesus Christ. Proverbs 124.

But since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand, since you ignored all my advice, you see rebukes also have to do with advice, but advice is different looking than a full fledged rebuke. So when you ask a question, what does a rebuke look like? That can’t be answered.

Jesus Christ is not a sound bite religion. There’s advice, there’s admonishment, there’s correction. There’s everyday things.

There’s voicing back and forth. There’s praying about things. It’s a lot of effort and a lot of work to go around and pray and seek the Lord and get one another’s counsel and go back and forth.

There was not in any way, shape or form. Anybody walking around with a super, super authority that rebuked everybody telling them to keep in line. I don’t know exactly what you were told.

I can imagine I’ve kind of heard it forever, but it’s a complete lie. I called and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand. Since you ignored all my advice and would not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh at your disaster.

You’re only reaping your own doom. God is reaching out his hand day and night. Just this podcast alone has been going on for years.

He’s reaching out to you. He’s reaching out to the jury pool, to everybody who’s involved, to the bailiffs, to everybody, the warden, to everybody that’s involved, all of King County, Bob Ferguson, Inslee, all these, everybody God is holding out his hand to deliver you from your pride and from your sins and for your life that is completely a mess. Or shall we talk about some of the specifics?

I don’t think so. It’s not proper at the moment. I will in turn laugh at your disaster.

I will mock when calamity overtakes you. There’ll come a point when God will just quit speaking, when it’ll stop. Or like John the Baptist, you’ll cut off somebody’s head, you’ll silence them, they won’t be able to say anything.

Proverbs 127, when calamity overtakes you like a storm, it’s just going to come sweeping in. When disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you, it’s coming. That’s a promise.

And it’ll come in such a way you won’t be able to control it, you won’t be able to respond to it. It will overwhelm you. I don’t, again, have time to go through all this.

You need to go back and meditate on these things. Let me put it to you this way, don’t take my word for it. If you think this is a bunch of bunk, go in, pray, get on your knees and say, God, is this true?

Ask him to send the whirlwind. Ask him to send the judgment. And see what happens.

Proverbs 128 says, at that point, then they will call to me, but I will not answer. They will look for me, but will not find me. Since they hated knowledge.

Man, how you people hated the knowledge of what Sound Doctrine Church was about. You tell Detective McCall, send over everything you have on the church, anything written by anybody else, and you get like nine complaints, or nine somethings, rather. And he deleted evidence, and he did all the other things.

Again, no books, no tracts, no sermons, no nothing. You hated the knowledge. Because let me tell you something, all of those books, all of those tracts, all of those sermons, would have given you a very good picture of exactly what Sound Doctrine Church was about.

But you didn’t look. You didn’t want to examine. And then we hired a private investigator to come in to give you an independent view of what the whole church was about.

But that didn’t even matter to you either. You wanted all the lies. You wanted all the corruption.

Nothing that could be said that actually had to do with the truth. You did not want that knowledge. Since they hated knowledge, and did not choose to fear the Lord, there was absolutely no fear that, you know what?

We could be listening to liars. These people could be of God. There was nothing, not even a question about what was going on.

Since they would not accept my advice and spurn my rebuke. Again, rebukes and advice and all, it just kind of depends on you and your situation and your heart and what needs to be said. I could say it in the most gentle way like, yeah, it’s not proper to be shacked up with a police chief.

And say that in the most gentle, kind, loving way, and I’ll still get the same reaction as if it were a solid rebuke. And by the way, those are the people you work for. You work for a state that takes away children from parents, that undermines parental authority, that has a family court that only is about separating families, demeaning the father.

You have a state that will lure children and daughters away to get birth control without their parents’ knowledge, mutilate their genitalia. Everything that you participate in, you think that’s what we were, and you have the audacity to think you could possibly understand the righteousness that was in sound. You work for the cult of cults.

You work for or you did work for a system and a state and a government and a set of laws that are completely, absolutely bankrupt, both physically, morally, and legally. There isn’t one good thing left within Washington state. Since they would not accept my advice, spurn my rebuke, they will eat the fruit of their ways.

And this last part describes prosecutors, judges, and police to a T. So I’m going to back up and read Proverbs 1 31 a little slower because this is what it’s about. They will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.

Aren’t prosecutors known for their schemes, Jacob?


Hiding evidence, altering evidence, partial evidence, delaying everything. It goes on and on. I remember one of the things that I did, I sent over to the Union called police.

We were doing a newspaper at the time trying to get out our side of the story. And so then King County prosecutors said, yes, send us over everything you got. But they didn’t send over the newspaper.

They didn’t send over anything that I had sent actually in our defense. So we had to re-request that. So you see part of the scheme is send me over everything knowing that Detective McCall is not going to send over everything.

That’s just how it works. And that’s just one scheme among a hundred schemes that went on with this trial. The delaying that you people did, the coming in and twisting of everything that you did.

You set out a scheme to destroy. Your goal was never to go to trial. Your goal was to make these accusations sensational.

You let the false accuser’s mother and the mover of the hate crime try to destroy Winepress Publishing, Salt Shaker Bookstore, and the Sound Doctrine Church before the trial. That’s why you delayed and delayed and delayed when we asked for a speedy trial. They came by this Salt Shaker.

They came by Winepress looking in the window. Their whole goal was to just bring everything down and we wouldn’t have a chance to defend ourselves at all or get the truth out. And you went along with the scheme.

In fact, Athena Dean Holtz, do you remember her? I’m sure that you do. You allowed her to continue in the hate crime for the whole time.

And then we show up on the day of the trial, the first day of the trial. I mean, just moments before it begins and you go over to the defense and you go, oh, we’re going to drop Ms. Dean from our witness list, meaning she couldn’t be cross-examined. You weren’t going to put her on the stand.

So you let her and encouraged her and protected her crimes all the way up until that point. You did that scheme to destroy us, to weaken us, so that we couldn’t speak, hoping that we would collapse. And then when that didn’t happen, you dropped her from it.

She flew on to Texas so we couldn’t subpoena her up. And you knew that it’s the power of cross-examination where all of this would have been revealed. Oh, yeah, your schemes were all over the place and they had absolutely nothing to do with justice.

So then when the destruction was done and everything was over with, lo and behold, there was this big miracle that somehow the false accuser’s mother was on the register agent for Redemption Press. And so they were able to steal the company inside information as Athena Dean had lured people into doing what? Turning against her.

Because everybody goes into self-preservation when prosecutors are involved and when the law is involved. And so our stuff was being stolen before the collapse so that when it did collapse, they had all of it there. The paperwork’s out there, the truth out there.

Have you done anything with it? Nah. And this is only just one example, folks.

It’s abundantly everywhere. Jacob, I’m sure I’ve left out a bunch of stuff, but have I left anything out? Nope.

Take us out of here. The following podcast centers around the legal trial of Washington State v. Malcolm Frazer.

Mr. Frazer was charged with an impossible-to-commit sexual assault crime by Washington State prosecutors. The fact is even the manipulated accuser’s testimony proves the crime could not have taken place. The prosecutor and hate crime agitator’s goal was never to go to trial but to destroy a Christian church by the weight of the accusations alone, a tactic so common that it is in the news today, every day, at every level within the court system.

The following discussion is taken from actual court transcripts, video recordings, and investigations. Many of those speaking on the podcast personally went through the mud pit, unprofessional and illegal prosecution using a hate crime as the foundation. This concise recap is backed up by overwhelming evidence that the
city of Enumclaw police, Washington State prosecutors and judges, for nefarious reasons, corrupted every aspect of the nonexistent investigation and unconstitutional court proceedings, corruptions now so common that all but unreasonable individuals know it is standard operating procedure within the legal system.

In short, the sound-doctrine Christian church was a victim of what is now termed lawfare. The year 2010 saw the compilation of a hate crime against sound-doctrine church by city of Enumclaw policeman Grant McCall and his co-conspirators. Seattle, Washington State prosecutors of King County used an innocent man to attack Timothy Williams of sound-doctrine church.

Timothy Williams was not charged with any crime. Thus, the state of Washington proxy-prosecuted Malcolm Fraser to destroy Timothy Williams. More than ample evidence can be found at www.consider.info. The podcast and history of these events are important to prepare true disciples of Jesus for what could soon take place in their lives or in the lives of their children. The proxy-prosecution of Malcolm Fraser by Washington State judges was a perfect storm of persecution by prosecution. All would do well to prayerfully prepare themselves and their children for what sin-stained dark-souled judges, prosecutors, and police will gladly, happily do. We on the Consider podcast pray that God may grant them repentance because it is, as the scriptures declare, a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

As Jesus encouraged us when he walked the earth, the Holy Spirit does admonish the Christian today. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. Mark 4, verse 23.

The Consider podcast. Examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness.

www.consider.info This has been the Consider podcast with your hosts, Timothy and Jacob, where the whole gospel message has been used to examine today’s wisdom, folly, and madness. For more information, drop by www.consider.info. The Consider podcast. Examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness with the whole gospel.

Disclaimer & Information


The Consider Podcast aims to convey opinions rooted in God’s holiness. Any discussions about justice or injustice should not be construed as legal advice or a call for action. There is no political agenda present. We do not provide individual moral guidance. Ultimately, each person is accountable to God and others for their actions or lack thereof. The sole focus of The Consider Podcast is the importance of surrendering to a life of repentance in accordance with the full gospel.

The Consider Podcast focuses on the importance of living a life of repentance in alignment with the complete gospel. This aligns with 1 Corinthians 2:2, which states, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Nothing but the whole gospel is preached and lived on The Consider Podcast.

Acts 5:20
"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the whole message of this new life."

Articulated Perspectives

The opinions shared are those of the speakers, Timothy and Jacob, stemming from a self-critical stance. They reject sin to allow the righteous truths of God to be conveyed through His Spirit of Truth.

We sincerely regret any errors, misunderstandings, or lapses in knowledge. As stated in Proverbs 18:15: "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out."

The Consider Podcast is not associated with any group organization or church. This is not out of choice but because the whole gospel is preached and lived others do not desire to fellowship in the Light.

No, Sound Doctrine Church was not a cult; in fact, it was the very antithesis of one. The church bore the fruit of holiness and faith, demonstrated through the love of Jesus, until it was undermined by corrupt authorities.

The opposition, persecution, and prosecution by anti-Christian prosecutors in Washington State serve as clear evidence of the positive impact of Jesus that was present in Sound Doctrine Church.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men.


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