76 Happy Birthday Simmons pt 2
To King County Prosecutors proof of a crime is the fact a church, religion or culture does not celebrate birthdays.
In their pursuit of justice, the King County Prosecutors fail to recognize the honest truth of evidence before them. For them, the absence of birthday celebrations becomes a twisted indicator of guilt, revealing a self-serving agenda that prioritizes their own interests above genuine justice. Prosecutor Leesa Manion continues to uphold the corrupt legacy of Dan Satterberg, perpetuating a system steeped in deception rather than truth.
Bonus Song
[ Timothy ] Let’s continue our discussion about birthdays, but I’m kind of out of words because this is astonishingly stupid. Welcome to the consider podcast, where we examine today’s wisdom, folly, and madness. More information can be found at www.consider.info. Now, here are your hosts, Timothy and Jacob. How’s it going today, Jacob? It’s going good. My breath is taken away because as I contemplate more and more in fresh new ways this trial, this setup, it’s so astonishingly obvious that this had nothing to do with reason or logic.Certainly, we already knew evidence was meaningless, but they really were after Christianity at its core, and it comes out really well in this whole birthday thing that we’re looking at. Go ahead and play this court clip, Jacob.
[ Jacob ] Her life was the same every day. She didn’t celebrate Christmas. She didn’t really do anything that was unique.Her day was the same, day in and day out. Well, she had her birthday. She didn’t celebrate her birthday.
She didn’t celebrate holidays in the sound doctrine church like that. For her, every single day was the same. There’s no reason for her to remember when this started.
[ Timothy ] Is everybody catching what he is saying? I mean, we’re way past zombie territory that supposedly she can’t remember when the alleged abuse started because we didn’t celebrate birthdays. Isn’t that what he is saying?Yes, not only that, but he says she didn’t do anything unique. Nothing unique. Nothing unique.
Every day. Every day was the same. Same, dull, mindless.
You can do the same thing every day and it would still be exciting. If you were an artist, you’d go in and you’d paint. But no, she would literally get up.
It’s just a Monday, gray day. It’s kind of like having Alzheimer’s at a very young age and you just don’t really know what’s going on. It’s like the movie Groundhog Day.
Remember the movie Groundhog Day where he wakes up every single day and it’s exactly the same. That’s like what he’s saying. Yeah, except you could make a movie out of that.
This is like nothing unique. Nothing unique. She didn’t do anything unique.
I’m pausing here because everybody, you need to listen carefully. This is King County prosecutors in Seattle, Washington. This is their level of what they consider credible testimony, mature prosecutions.
Yeah, this is how they prosecute cases. Okay, what he wanted to say, he wants to stand there and say they are a wicked, evil cult. He wants, but he can’t say that, so he’s attacking because he’s trying to say that because Sound Doctrine was a cult and in cults, I guess you do things the same every day, but actually that’s not true.
[ Jacob ] That’s not even true. [ Timothy ] Even in a real cult, that’s not even true, but that’s what he’s trying to say. That’s what he, you know, they didn’t do Christmas, they didn’t do birthdays. They are evil, evil, evil.He’s just like McCall, like they’re wicked and twisted and they’re evil and so I’m going to, you know, right? Isn’t that what he’s, that’s what he wants to say because that, the whole, the whole thing. Well, no, he has to explain why she cannot remember when the abuse allegedly started.
Yes. All right. So since the, okay, here’s the deal.
If every day we’re the same, I mean like this gray, dark purgatory, no interaction, no people, it’s all the same. You get up, you have the same oatmeal, you vacuum the floor. Yeah, like prison.
Prison’s the same. Exactly. But even more so the way he’s describing it, it’s like she could not remember any events because her brain was so dead.
Yeah. All right. That’s what he’s saying.
Okay. Let’s just, let’s just take this at his word. Let’s go.
Okay. You want to go down that line, right? Yeah.
So her every day was the same. This is this gray, blackish, murky, like nothingness, right? Yeah.
Then all of a sudden she’s abused. That’s not going to stand out in your mind. That would definitely stand out.
I mean, is that not a, like an event that took place? This would be a life changing event if it took place. If it took place, she would literally remember that.
That would be the one event in her, whatever age she was, this, this, I was abused and they came in the room and did all this stuff. It’d be like aliens came. You would remember, you’d get up and finally start looking at the calendar.
It would be a huge wake up call, wouldn’t it? Yeah. I mean, if every day were the same.
Yes. Well then you would think that her story would actually then be consistent because the whole problem is like she doesn’t remember and this is why she doesn’t remember. But like you’re saying, if everything was so dull and gray and this event was so unique, then she should remember this event.
She’d have to.
[ Jacob ] She’d have to. But she doesn’t. She remembers it all wrong. [ Timothy ] She remembers it all wrong. [ Jacob ] Because it didn’t happen. [ Timothy ] What’s the other way around? Because it didn’t happen, she doesn’t remember the day. [ Jacob ] I know. [ Timothy ] That goes along with his logic. She doesn’t remember anything because nothing happens. Every day’s the same.That’s right. She was never abused on this day.
[ Jacob ] She was not abused on that day. [ Timothy ] She was not abused on this day. [ Jacob ] Any of these days. Nothing changed. Nothing changed. [ Timothy ] So it’s proof that she’s lying. Now I’m taking a breath because you’ve got a jury of fools listening to this going, uh-huh. What do you think you’re doing?Watching the Twilight Zone? Go ahead and play that particular little intro for this. Because he’s, listen people, behind the scenes, King County prosecutors despise homeschoolers.
They despise Christians. And what you’re seeing here, you need to pay attention to because they will do it to you. Or what we also discovered is behind the scenes, they are corrupting the whole process.
You will not get due process. They will come in on every level to circumvent your right to defend yourself and to get the truth out. We’ll get into that hopefully later on.
But right now I want you to understand what he’s saying. That her mind was such a blank because we didn’t celebrate birthdays and we didn’t do all of these things. Well, if that were true, the day that the abuse began, allegedly started, that would have been the biggest wake-up call in her life.
That would be all she could remember. That would be, I’d remember the time, the season, the sun, what was going on in the house. Everything would come into focus.
Otherwise, you’d have to literally be comatose. You’d have to be something wrong. Go ahead and play this next clip.
The scene, actor giving believable testimony. The setting, Seattle, Washington State. King County prosecutors opening intro to the Christian zone.
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. And it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.
This is the dimension of imagination where time is meaningless. It is an area which we call the timeless Christian homeschool zone. Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
She didn’t celebrate her birthday. They don’t celebrate holidays in the sound doctrine church like that. For her, every single day was the same.
She was homeschooled. Prosecutor Simmons, Bible study questions. The Consider podcast.
Examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness. www.consider.info And Jacob, you’d made a really, really good point just before we came in that for her, every day was not the same. In fact, every other weekend was different.
Would you like to share? There’s no way that Prosecutor Simmons, Rich Anderson, I could go down like Judge Laurie K. Smith.
All these people knew this. Her life, this is lie upon lie upon a dark kind of lie. Because why, Jacob?
Explain it. Because of all the kids in sound doctrine church, her biological father was not in the church and he had visitation rights. So I don’t know the exact schedule, but I know that it was weekends.
And I believe it was like the traditional every other weekend. So she of all people, her mindless gray timeline was mixed up. So let’s say she had the mindless timeline every other weekend.
She gets to go party hardy with the original father. Correct. Did they not celebrate birthdays?
I’m pretty sure she probably would have gotten a present or something.
[ Jacob ] I’m going to guess they did, right? [ Timothy ] No, they did. I guarantee you they did. So her life wasn’t mundane.She wasn’t this mindless little creature. She could attach it to, well, I’m going to my father to visit his weekend and not this weekend. But the abuse started over here.
She had all kinds of frames of reference for days because her life was in a constant state of turmoil. One week with one parent, one week with another parent. Not to mention it is a complete and utter lie to suggest that the days of sound doctrine were these joyless, dark, gray.
I mean, I think of all the children’s songs that my wife, who was alive at the time, the kids would all sing. One of them is, this is the day the Lord has made. Mr. Simmons and King County prosecutors and then all of you unrepentant sinners need to understand that to us in sound doctrine church, every single day is special because it is the day the Lord has made. Go ahead and do a little search for a kids song that says, we rejoice now because this is the day the Lord has made. It’s sung all the time. Every day was special.
Besides, you know what? If I’d come in as a supposed cult leader and said, we’re not going to celebrate birthdays, all the women would have gone for it because they wouldn’t have had to tell how old they are. So this would have been a very popular one to go on.
[ Jacob ] This is theday, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. We will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it. For this is the day that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made.
[ Timothy ] You know, you keep playing that I’m going to burst into singing tune. We definitely don’t want that. There was so much joy in sound doctrine church.You know what’s sad is, you know what’s sad is that Mr. Simmons, there are, you know what’s sad? There are real abuse cases out there, right? There are real abuse cases that you can go, you know, unfortunately it’s the classic, like the kid was physically beaten and physically beaten as in like there’s actual marks on his body.
It wasn’t fairly detailed stuff. Actual what you call evidence. Yeah, actual evidence.
But you know what I mean? Because it is true that there are cases in America where kids are abused, they’re neglected. You know, every day is this.
But it’s just sad because it’s also like, it’s, it’s like insulting to them as well. You’re like, he’s lying. Well, what’s really sad is they’d have plea bargained out and they would have got lots of sentences.
Only people who actually are innocent and who want to go to trial and want to prove their innocence, then they’re punished. And then the judge and the prosecutors do everything in their power to be sure that they cannot present a defense. And then of course you’re broke and busted by the end of it.
Professor Simmons, this is a day the Lord has made. We rejoice and be glad in it. The kids were, Jacob, you grew up in the church, right?
Yes. When did you become aware of time? Because according to what he’s saying here, Malia got up every day and it was all gray and dark.
And so she had no sense of, well, this is Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. You know, we didn’t even celebrate Christmas. We don’t, we don’t do things like that.
So when did you become aware of the fact that there really was a thing called time and dates and events like fall season and all of that? I think any kid, I feel like every kid at some point in their life wants a watch. As soon as you have a watch and you learn to tell time, then you have an awareness of time.
And then, you know, you’re answering that in a very deep way. I’m just, I’m like going, this is a stupid question. Oh, well, okay.
I mean, we lived, we lived downtown, Enumclaw. Yeah. She had a separate family.
Yeah. We were busy in the community. Homeschooling was extremely active.
Field trips, doing all kinds of activities. Carla ensured that it was an extremely fun time, a learning curve. She was into books and all.
By the way, she also wrote books and she really was the author of all the books. But anyway, the kids were highly involved. There was a deep interaction because we’re going to get to it next in what do you mean by fellowship?
Well, Mr. Simmons, the fellowship really is everything. The joy, the fellowship, the comradeship, the purity, the holiness, nothing you know anything about. But these kinds of, to take this to a prosecutor level.
Yeah, this is crazy. You’re in insanity territory. Like this is, yeah.
You’re such a, well, okay, he’s an evil prosecutor. But like really, man, this is your way out. Like if we’re talking about like the professionalism of a prosecutor, like this is what you come up with?
Yeah. This is like insulting to other prosecutors, even though they’re all like that. At best it’s a psychobabble.
And if this were true, where’s your psychologist that comes in and goes, she’s suffering from mental like time displacement. Yeah, yeah, where’s the expert? Where’s the expert?
See, part of the problem is we don’t want, you can’t defend yourself when you go to court because they just make up. Correct. They’re just lying.
[ Jacob ] Reality, they’re lying. [ Timothy ] It’s just lying. There needs to be a law that’s passed that unless they have actually proven a point, they can’t bring it up. Because you’re getting into, he might as well be a fiction writer.Yeah. Or a science fiction, fantasy fiction. Do a Lord of the Rings or the Lord of Stupidity or whatever.
But this has nothing to do with reality. And then it can change the dynamics. Suppose you come in and you answer this.
Well, then he can just make up something that’s not been proven, it’s not related. And you’re going, where did that come from? She wore a green dress every day.
What’s that got to do with anything? Yeah, what’s that got to do with anything? But he’s allowed to make all this up.
And you’re not allowed to bring in their family situation or what’s going on or anything. You know, he talks about, oh, she was homeschooled. She was homeschooled.
When we tried to get the public school records, guess what? We weren’t allowed to do that. We couldn’t know anything about her.
But supposedly he could sling all these lies out here. It reminds me of Proverbs 29.9. It says, if a wise man goes to court with a fool, the fool rages and scoffs and there is no peace. And that’s what this whole trial and ordeal was about.
It was stupid from day one all the way down. You have Detective Grant McCall planting specific evidence, saying things she never said. It’s extremely clear that this was a setup by a lot of people.
I’m not going to go into details right now because that would be something we would go into any different. Play the clip one more time. People need to really let this sink in of just how absurd the prosecutor system really is.
When you go to jury duty, understand that by the time you’re sitting in that jury box, complete idiocy has come up through the system. And what you’re seeing is a complete facade and a lie on every level. You need to assume that that judge, every time he or she opens her mouth, is flat out lying.
You can be sure the prosecutor is lying. And you can be sure their witnesses are lying because they reward their witnesses. We’re going to get into it later.
The amount of people she had surrounding her to help her in these lies is staggering, and there’s no way they weren’t manipulating her, prompting her, moving her in a direction so that she would say exactly what the narrative should be. Play this again and let it sink into this. I know we’re hammering it, but listen to the absurdity.
And this is just one aspect. If anybody were a reasonable person, sit down and look at the whole thing, this is not out of the norm. This is absurdity number, what, 200?
Yeah. And it just goes down to that. One more time.
She was homeschooled. We didn’t celebrate birthdays or Christmases. Remember, we gave to the poor.
Evil, evil. You don’t give to the poor without what, somehow losing your mind? Anyway, go ahead and play.
This is court testimony that we recorded. Her life was the same every day. She didn’t celebrate Christmas.
[ Jacob ] She didn’t really do anything that was unique. Her day was the same, day in and day out. Well, she had her birthday.She didn’t celebrate her birthday. We don’t celebrate holidays in the sound doctrine church like that. For her, every single day was the same.
There’s no reason for her to remember when this started.
[ Timothy ] You know, I’m not an expert on other religions, but I’m pretty sure Muslims don’t celebrate birthdays. No, they don’t. They don’t.Should we go arrest all the Muslims? Oh, I think Prosecutor Suzumoto, he ought to go do for it. The parents are evil.
Yeah, and they have those. There’s so many other, even like, I’m using groups of people that also don’t do birthdays, or are not into it and all the gifts and cakes. There’s actually even plenty of people that don’t.
And there’s a variation on top of all of that.
[ Jacob ] Correct, yeah, there’s variations. [ Timothy ] Oh, and a lot of cultures, other cultures, right? I think it’s Japanese. You give the gifts to somebody else or something.So they’re all evil too. All their lives are ruined. And there’s split families where some families, the parent that’s not the parent will give the gifts and the other parent they’re isolated from.
There’s a whole gamut of stuff for him to, you know, again, I’m shaking my head. I’m lost for words because it’s like, every time I started to say this, well, yeah, it’s just stupid. It’s just ridiculous.
And let me, here’s a fundamental question. And it was a joke that went around the church. I assume since we didn’t celebrate birthdays, right?
And we didn’t celebrate Christmas and the traditional Santa Claus gave gifts, right? You never, ever got gifts, right? What do you mean never got gifts?
Well, that’s the only time that people give gifts, right? Because you got Mother’s Day, which is almost a federal law that if you don’t give mom a card or a call, you’re in deep trouble. Father’s Day is not so much.
That’s a misdemeanor kind of thing if you miss that. In other words, we got this whole cultural thing going on. So the implication he is having is, well, we didn’t do birthdays.
So therefore there was no special attention. There was no significance of like saying I love you. There was no giving gifts or anything else.
So there used to be a joke because you wind up getting more gifts throughout the year. Correct. It was a loving church.
People got gifts all the time. Game gifts to each other. Yeah.
Or like a lot of times Christmas, these traditional American times are when people get together and have food and you play games and like la, la, la, la, right? Norman Rockwell type stuff. Yes.
In the church, we did that kind of stuff all the time. All the time. We just didn’t do it necessarily on Christmas.
Although as we already talked about, we actually did pour boxes. There was still food. So we actually did.
Actually, we had more fun than the people doing the service around the tree. So the wording forces us into
a corner to be defensive. It’s the other way around.
You could go on and on about all of the get togethers we would have, lakes and rivers, and we’d go places, and you went to the zoo, and you went to the Seattle Pacific Science Center, and you could go on and on and on with all the activities that we did.
[ Jacob ] Didn’t you go to the Arab Museum? Yes. [ Timothy ] All the same stuff that all the whiny little kids in public school go do on their field trips. At Sound Doctrine Church, all of the homeschoolers did that too. You went and you went on field trips and you did all that stuff.It’s the same stuff. It was just at home and not in a horrible public school system. And because we were all alive, it happened so much.
I mean, I kind of hate to confess this, but so many events went on, and they were so busy doing fun stuff, and it had its serious overtone. Don’t get me wrong. Life is a serious matter.
Life is serious. Being a Christian is serious. Exactly.
You might be prosecuted. You might be persecuted. So there’s an element of soberness in all of these things.
Correct. And that’s part of what the false accusers kept focusing in. It was all the sober part, so they never came in on the joyful part.
But anyway, I was always invited to go to all these things. And I usually have to go, no, I can’t go or I don’t want to go. Because it was just constant and all the time.
But it wasn’t that we were down. I was down on them. It’s just I literally didn’t have the time.
It’s a little difficult, Mr. Simmons, to keep a church clean and holy and protected from evil outside sources that lie against you, as you well have participated. Yeah, and you wonder why we didn’t want to stick kids in the public school system. Oh, absolutely.
You know what I mean? He’s part of the problem. In fact, I bet if we could get into those records and the environment that she was in public school, this is where she learned to false accuse.
This is where it all became extremely exaggerated, the hatred for Christianity. Correct. That’s why they fought so hard to keep us getting into those records.
And we never did get those records, by the way. Because, you know, you can’t even really question the false accuser. The only time you really get to is when they’re on the stand.
And by then, they’ve been mightily influenced, coached, influenced. They’re the ones. That’s why they think that’s what we’re doing.
You know, Mr. Simmons, here’s a point that I’m probably a little early on, but you thought behind the scenes I was having like daily meetings telling everybody here’s what we say and here’s what we do. None of that went on, like zero. All I ever said was tell the truth.
And I was too busy defending the church and too busy fighting off your lying attacks and the hate crime that was going on to have any type of meeting to say we need to do this or do that. And I didn’t want to do that because I wanted everybody to learn, and the Lord had made it clear, they needed to stand on their own. That was their moment to really stand up and declare the truth.
So don’t judge me by your heart and what you prosecutors do, and we have the proof for it. Don’t even go there and try and go, no, we’re all independent. You are anything but professional on every level.
Judge Laurie Kay Smith, you flat out lie, and you harbor liars all to win your Woman of the Year Award. You need to repent on every level. Let’s go on and talk about another birthday.
Let’s talk about John the Baptist’s birthday. And you’ll like this one, Mr. Simmons. This has to do with authorities and places and doing harm to godly men and women.
Go ahead and play the clip here, and then we’ll come in and discuss this.
[ Jacob ] Mark 6, 17 through 29. For Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, whom he had married.For John had been saying to Herod, it is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife. So Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she was not able to do so because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man.
When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled, yet he liked to listen to him. Finally, the opportune time came. On his birthday, Herod gave a banquet for his high officials and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee.
When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests. The king said to the girl, Ask me for anything you want, and I’ll give it to you. And he promised her with an oath, Whatever you ask, I will give you, up to half my kingdom.
She went out and said to her mother, What should I ask for? The head of John the Baptist, she answered. At once, the girl hurried into the king with a request.
I want you to give me, right now, the head of John the Baptist on a platter. The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John’s head.
The man went, beheaded John in the prison, and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. On hearing of this, John’s disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.
[ Timothy ] Happy birthday. Happy birthday, Mr. Simmons. This is what you did.You come in because we preach the gospel of truth to people that need to repent, and we preach very specifically by the love and grace of God. You decided that that shouldn’t be heard anymore. So this whole thing was concocted and arranged.
It’s abundantly clear this was a setup by Detective Grant McCall and his co-conspirators. You wanted to hear what you wanted to hear, and it’s no wonder you emphasize birthdays as the central point. As we saw in the previous podcast, Satan’s high holy day, and that’s kind of a contradiction in terms, but high unholy day is birthdays.
Now you’ll notice it says in Mark 6, verse 25, actually, let’s see, blah, blah, blah. Let’s go up to, go ahead and read 23, 24, and 25, Jacob. The king said to the girl, ask me for anything you want, and I’ll give it to you.
And he promised her with an oath, whatever you ask, I will give you up to half my kingdom. She went out and said to her mother. Whoa, whoa, hang on.
What was her first reaction? I mean, she did this fine dance. She’s being praised.
All this attention, you know, all the drinking drugs and all that going on, you know, and he’s going, oh man. He’s clearly tipsy, huh? Clearly tipsy.
Yeah, exactly. So what’s her first reaction? He turns to her and says, I will give you anything up to half of my kingdom.
Does she ask for like a new dress or a new iPod or, you know, I don’t know. Car. Car, whatever they would ask for.
A new chariot, a new chariot with horses. Now I want you to pay attention. I’m going to let Jacob answer this question because first I want to read from King County Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
Court testimony lines 12, 13, and 14. And he says, quote, And this idea that she, meaning the false accuser, has concocted this to somehow gain the favor of her mother is simply unsupported. It is mere conjecture.
That’s right, Mr. Simmons. No daughter has ever in the purpose of crime wanted to please somebody else, correct? I mean, that’s just conjecture.
[ Jacob ] That never happened. [ Timothy ] Now birthday’s a different story, but this is just made up. You know, it’s just conjecture. Conjecture. [ Jacob ] Nevermind. [ Timothy ] Just for the record, I did instruct that particular side of the family that they were terrible parents. And they were terrible parents. They weren’t giving her the attention and the love that was in Jesus Christ.They were complete failures. And at one point I did say she would be better off with her real biological father than with them because they were so stubborn and would not repent. But, of course, we couldn’t bring any of that up, and we couldn’t show how dysfunctional it is and how the mother didn’t get along with anybody.
In fact, she gets in a fight with everybody. Go look at all the records, Mr. Simmons. It’s there.
So what did she do? What was it that she went? I know I’m repeating it, and I want to quote Simmons first and set it up again.
And this idea, Mr. Simmons says, that she concocted this is somehow to gain the favor. Her mother is simply unsupported. You know, for a guy that does psychobabble, he sure is naive about psychology.
Correct. It is mere conjecture. All right.
So, Jacob, what did she go do? In Mark 6, verse 24, she went out and asked, or no, she went out and said to her mother, what shall I ask for? Oh, man, look at how they’re one in heart in this whole thing.
You know, bang, just going, hey, what should I ask for? You know, it’s hard to believe the daughter didn’t quite know, but that’s a whole sermon territory. What shall I ask for?
And this is all immediate. This is fast. You’re nursing a grudge.
You’ve got bitterness. Sounds like the home life that I rebuked. Mr. Simmons, and why we wound up in this position, Mr. Simmons, and why you fell for their lies and their traps. What shall I ask for? Immediately, the mother says, the head of John the Baptist. She answered.
And then look at what the girl is. She wants to please her mother, right? Yes.
Isn’t that clear? But this is unprecedented. This is conjecture.
This is never, in the history of mankind. Yeah, daughters have never wanted to please their mothers. Correct.
Never. Never. And of course, the New Testament doesn’t mean anything because the word of God doesn’t mean anything,
but it does to us.
Mark chapter six, verse 25, at once. It doesn’t say, and the girl went out. Yeah, thought about it.
She muled over it. She wanted to, but mom, I really want that new race car. And she didn’t go, I don’t know.
[ Jacob ] Oh yeah, there was no hesitation. Oh yeah, she didn’t go. [ Timothy ] Asking for murder, huh? And chopping the head off. Ooh, that’s bloody and gross.Under sensitive girls, right? If you said, I’m going to go cut off the head of the cat. Ooh.
[ Jacob ] Right? [ Timothy ] I mean, you do it for emphasis. Go ahead. What were you going to say?Well, I’m jumping ahead in this verse, but see, according to how the scripture reads, she took it one step further because she wants it on a platter. A good point. Good point.
The mother didn’t say that. She escalates it. Yeah, technically the daughter, like mother, like daughter.
The daughter escalated it. Good point. Like mother, like daughter, or like daughter, like mother.
I don’t know how the saying goes. Isn’t that a common saying? Super common saying.
Mr. Simmons, that’s a common saying. It’s not just conjecture. It’s an observation about how life works.
But you found it credible to be something totally the opposite of what life and society is about. Good point, Jacob. At once, the girl hurried.
We’re not picking up on like, okay, mom, I’ll go clean my room, you know, or I got to do push-ups, or I got to clean the kitchen. At once, the girl hurried in. You’re delusional to think that all the hatred that was in that home and all the constant lying, before they ever left, before they ever left.
The reason they left was they got tired of being rebuked for not being loving. That’s why they left, Mr. Simmons. And so she realizes that’s what it means to be a part of the family.
Correct? And then, of course, you have a divided family situation, thanking the state of origin. At once, the girl hurried into the king with the request.
I want you to give me right now. You know, she’d make a good lawyer. There’s nothing vague about this.
Like, I don’t know. I might have Miranda’d in and go, yeah, I’d like the head of John the Baptist. You know, okay, well, about 10 years, I’ll give it to you.
I mean, there’s no weasel here. This is a tight contract. At once, the girl hurried into the king with the request.
I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter. A very good point. Of course, the king was greatly distressed, but because of his what?
Oaths. Let’s just translate for what it is. Pride.
And his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. Think about it. If men in authority are willing to commit murder, to chop the head off of somebody that they consider to know to be a prophet and a godly man, for the sake of promotion, for the sake of their position, how much more King County prosecutors are willing to go with a lie in order to roll with it?
All right. So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John’s head. And the men went, beheaded John in prison, and brought back his head on a platter.
And he presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. Now, get the scene of this. This girl is not going, ooh.
Now, I understand, Mr. Simmons, all women and all girls are innocent. They never elicit anything. When you hear of everybody being arrested, it’s always the men, because the girls just never do anything.
Right. Contrary to human nature and this nature of sin. So she brings back the head, and eventually everybody mourns, and they go out and take the body.
Any comments on any of that, Jacob? No. Let’s go to Acts, Chapter 20, Verse 35, and let’s end with that.
And then I think Mr. Simmons will play your birthday song on the way out. But Acts, Chapter 20, Verse 35. This was Sound Doctrine Church.
Whether you like it or not, this is what it was. In everything I did, and I include myself in this, right now, this is Paul saying this. I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak.
Sound Doctrine Church did a lot of projects, didn’t they, Jacob? Yes. And they were all hard work, were they not?
Yes. There was a lot of deep joy, but there was also, within that joy, it came from the hard work that was involved. Some people would leave because they just didn’t like the hard work.
Life is full of hard work. How we help other people. I mean, we were downtown Enumclaw.
We were serving the community. We were involved in fairs. We were in people’s lives.
Whether they wanted us involved in their lives, it’s a different story. But we were there. We’re not some isolated group in the jungles of South America or even in the countryside of Washington State.
We’re right downtown in the middle of everybody. Everybody’s living right there, associating with people and their neighbors and everybody else. I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak.
Remembering the words of the Lord Jesus himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. You see, King County prosecutors, there’s a joy you know nothing about. It is a joy not to have a birthday.
An absolute joy. How can I reword that? Like, Jacob, a bunch of people came in and said, Happy birthday and gave me a bunch of gifts for my birthday.
What would be my reaction? Where would my joy come from? What would I eventually wind up doing?
I wind up giving all that stuff away. It is more blessed. At first it would be like, this is gross.
Well, yeah. I might out of love just not say anything.
[ Jacob ] I’m not going to go. [ Timothy ] Believe me, Simmons, I’m not going to jump into a fire and brimstone sermon on the evils of birth. The cake comes from demons and the candles of the burning fires of hell. I don’t even know I can pull it off.And the sweetness and stuff that’ll lure you down the path of fatness. And we all know that. It’s more blessed to give than to receive.
There’s a deeper joy than all of your give me this gift and give me this prize. And I’m woman of the year and I’m man of the year and I’m prosecutor of the moment. And it comes with humility, though.
It comes with brokenness. It comes with a sense of sin. It comes with a sense of forgiveness.
All the good qualities of both suffering and joy in Jesus Christ. It comes together. And this is why in Acts 20, verse 36, when he said this, he knelt down with all of them and prayed.
All of these hard works. All of these things that we have talked about came about out of humility of bent knees and praying. It had the other complete lie is that everything came back to me.
Everything went to Jesus Christ. It is you who celebrate birthdays. It is you who thinks that because somebody doesn’t celebrate a selfish birthday, that somehow they’re mindless, they’re gray, they’re retarded, they’re just in this void, and they don’t really know what’s going on.
They can even be abused and it doesn’t even check a box because they’re so mindless. All because why? They’re homeschooled and they don’t celebrate birthdays.
So let’s play your hymn, Mr. Simmons. Here you go.
Perverts of Jurisprudence
Judge Beth M. Andrus‘s favoritism towards Prosecutor Rich Anderson came with a wink after reprimanding him for his inappropriate, prejudicial and offensive remarks. She whitewashed the criminal actions of City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, which contributed to a narrative aimed at undermining the church and its operations within Enumclaw. Eventually, destroying a business, church and bookstore while driving the church out of town. Though Ms. Andrus was a pastor’s daughter, she systematically proved that she is not a Christian believer.
Judge Lori K. Smith collaborated with King County Prosecutors to obstruct the defendant’s right to mount a defense. She transformed the criminal court proceedings into a chaotic "family court" environment that enabled deceitful accusations to make a mockery of justice. Judge Lori K. Smith so bribed by being named "woman of the year," perverted justice to ensure a guilty verdict against a man.
Prosecutor Dan Satterberg specifically allocated five prosecutors to target the church. Prosecutor Leesa Manion received backing from Satterberg and takes sinful pride in being the first Korean woman to hold a position in the prosecutor’s office. Ms. Manion actively supports the corrupt practices established by Satterberg to the extent of rehiring Prosecutor Rich Anderson.
Detective Grant McCall of the City of Enumclaw was involved in orchestrating a false hate crime. He deleted evidence and crafted accusations while refusing to investigate the claims, aware that examining the facts would reveal the deceit. King County Prosecutors obstructed and suppressed any attempts to initiate an investigation.
Prosecutorial Team included Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson and Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
The Washington State Supreme Court, when presented with the evidence and facts, responded that they would not even consider it. That they would not "even look at it." Steven C. González: Chief Justice, elected as Chief Justice on November 5, 2020, and sworn in on January 11, 2021.Debra L. Stephens: Associate Justice, previously served as Chief Justice. Charles W. Johnson: Associate Justice, re-elected in 2014. Susan Owens: Associate Justice, re-elected in 2012. Douglas W. McQuaid: Associate Justice, elected in 2012. Richard Sanders: Associate Justice, ran in 2012 but did not win. Bruce O. Danielson: Associate Justice, elected in 2012.Bruce Hilyer: Ran for a position in 2012 but did not win. John Ladenburg: Ran for a position in 2012 but did not win.Sheryl McCloud: Won a position in 2012. Eddie Yoon: Ran against Charles W. Johnson in 2014 but did not win. Note: Remember that this court is so actively bias against Christians that they went after a Christian grandmother for not arranging flowers for a gay wedding.
In the case of King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff vs. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant, Case No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt, it is essential to clarify that the true plaintiff is the King County Superior Court, State of Washington, against Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw, Washington. Washington State Prosecutors have engaged in abusive legal tactics to pursue an impossible crime aimed at eliminating Timothy Williams or Sound Doctrine Church from Enumclaw. The defendant, Malcolm Fraser, has been misused by King County Prosecutors and Enumclaw Police to effectively proxy-prosecute Timothy Williams.
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office – King County, Washington
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