A Biblical View of the Bible
“When I give you advice, take all the sermons you have heard, all the books you have read, all our conversations and prayers, all your private Bible studies, everything that the Holy Spirit has taught you, all the ways you have died to self and add to that two things you do not know . . . then apply the advice given.” —Timothy Williams
As a new disciple of Jesus Christ, it was often very easy for me to take things I heard and apply them as a rule or law. Like a child who needs simple rules: Don’t touch, Say please, Eat with your mouth closed, so we as baby Christians need basic, easy to follow instructions to direct us to the Lord. Just as a parent, however, hopes that one day his or her child will move beyond mere “laws” of childhood onto maturity, so our Heavenly Father desires we also grow up to enjoy the blessings of walking in His presence.
The sermon transcripts, tracts, and other materials, included in this book, were not intended to give you everything needed to live the Christian life. Rather these materials were designed as goads or spiritual prods to simply point you in the right direction.
The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails—given by one Shepherd. (Ecclesiastes 12:11)
Over the past three years, God has granted me the wonderful privilege to learn under “the words of the wise” at Sound Doctrine Church. My joy reaches beyond description to discover a body of believers who live the full gospel of Jesus Christ in both honesty and truth. To find a pastor and his wife who intimately understand what it means to live the crucified life, is like taking a breath of fresh air. My greatest joy of all, however, lies in the sweet fellowship Jesus Christ Himself. Note: Sound Doctrine Church no longer meets.
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