Bad Actors List

Table of Contents


Unrepentant Principal Bad Actors’ List

Had any one of these individuals actually done their job the active hate crime would have been exposed quickly and efficiently.

Instead, each participated in ignoring evidence, corruption, and facts to protect their positions. All these individuals below were confronted clearly with truthful evidence but chose to continue the hate crime and corruption institutionalized within the Washington State legal system.

Those who used the government to wage lawfare using lies. See Matthew 27:62
Government employees who turn a blind eye to full-scale legal corruption. See history.

Note: This is by no means a complete list of those who are in desperate need of repentance.

(Acts 2:40) With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation."

City of Enumclaw, Washington State
Mayor Liz Reynolds
Mayor Jan Molinaro
City Administrator Mike Thomas
City Administrator Chris Searcy
Beau Chevassus and City Council (past and present)

Enumclaw Police Department
Chief of Police Jim Zoll
Chief of Police Tim Floyd
Commander Tony Ryan
Detective Sergeant Grant McCall

King County Prosecutors
Prosecutor Dan Satterberg
Prosecutor David Seaver
Prosecutor Jason Simmons who is afraid of the police
Prosecutor Lisa Johnson
Prosecutor Nicole Weston
Prosecutor Rich Anderson
Prosecutor Paul G. Sewell
Prosecutor Mark Larson, who claims a "holy mission"
King County Prosecutor Leesa Manion brags she is a woman while carrying on the corruption of King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg
King County Deputy Chief of Staff Ian Goodhew

King County and Washington State Courts and Judges
King County Superior Court
Judge Lori K. Smith
Judge Beth Andrus
Washington State Court of Appeals
Judge Marlin J. Appelwick
Judge Ronald E. Cox,
Judge Stephen J. Dwyer
Washington State Supreme Court
Justice Charles Wiggins
Justice Barbara Madsen
Justice Charles Johnson
Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud

Attorney General Bob Ferguson Washington State
Governor Jay Inslee

Washington State Bar Association

State Representatives and Senator
Representative Christopher Hurst
Representative Cathy Dahlquist
Senator Pam Roach

For more information see;

Basic Information

Judge and Police Corruption
King County Court Ideology Prosecutions

Seattle Washington
City of Enumclaw Police
King County Prosecutors
Roughly 2010 Frame Up

Judge Beth Andrews whitewashed the crimes of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, setting into motion the whitewashing of the City of Enumclaw’s criminal activities.

Judge Lori K. Smith purposely created a "family court" in a criminal trial. In other words, Judge Lori K. Smith, because of her prejudicial mindset, threw out the concept of evidence and rights of the accused.

Judge Smith, being raised to her position by prosecutors and as reflected on her website, is so narrowly focused on her agenda that aspects of criminal law are undermined.

Judge Beth Andrews and Judge Lori K. Smith created the lawlessness inherent in the Family Court with a criminal trial. Combined with Seattle’s police prosecutor corruption, the ideology-driven trial of Detective McCall’s foolish religious beliefs and police power abuse was steamrolled ahead.

Thus, prosecutors were enabled to rid the jury pool of anyone who believed in evidence. Literally, King County Prosecutors asked potential jurors if anyone thought that evidence was necessary for a criminal trial. Such were sent packing.

The city of Enumclaw Police backed Baptism "Detective" Grant McCall’s contradictory, self-righteous religious beliefs with abusive police tactics to support Mr. McCall’s criminal hate crime activities.

The City of Enumclaw Police was thus able to frame an innocent man with zero evidence because Detective McCall was creating a crime that did not and was impossible to commit.

Fact is, had any authority done their job the criminal activity of Grant McCall would have been quickly revealed.

More information is located at:

Video Playlist

As the legal corruption has expodenally festered in Washington State it is no longer difficult to believe that Seattle’s, King County Prosecutors fully enguaged in a hate crime prosecution.

The evidence is overwhelming that the City of Enumclaw Police conspired to frame Sound Doctrine Church, (aka Timothy Williams).

Seattle’s King County Prosecutors, City of Enumclaw Police, hate crime shake down.


The Consider Podcast hosts attempt to express opinions through God’s holiness.
Views expressed by others are their opinions. Nothing concerning justice or injustice should be taken as legal advice or a call to action. There is no political agenda. There is no church to join. There is no individual moral life advice. Each person is solely responsible before God and man for their beliefs, actions or inactions. The Consider Podcast is narrowly focused on one thing, and only one thing – the need for all to surrender to a life of repentance according to the whole gospel.

The Consider Podcast
Acts 26:13-14
Where the rubber meets the road.

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