Basic Beliefs & Definitions
Nicene Creed
The Consider Podcast holds to the Nicene Creed. However, the creed does not make one a disciple of Jesus. In fact the failure of the Nicene Creed is that it produced the Christian religion rather than disciples following Jesus.
Cultural Christianity
A set of opinions, usually associated with conservative vaules. Cultural Christianity has replaced the Living Word of God with princepals, steps and outlines. Cultural Christianity is opposed to Jesus and walking as He walked. Very selective in the acceptance of Scriptures.Self-directed Christian walk while using the words, "God", "Jesus," "Holy Sprit" and the "Cross."
Insanity In The Church
The Cultural Christian’s true Bible.
Disciples of Jesus
Those who have and are surrending to the Holy Spirit by way of denying self, losing one’s life, despising wealth, picking up His cross and following Jesus. Disciples of Jesus are known for being persecuted by Cultural Christianity and embracing the complete gospel message.
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