Basic Information Insanity in the Church: A Powerful Delusion Sent by God by Timothy Williams "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not…
Jury Duty Goads
The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. (Ecclesiastes 12:11) Jury Duty Goads Transcript Jury Duty Goads Goad 1 If is not illegal prosecutors need…
Saved From Corruption
Peter The Preacher Years of following Jesus resulted in what kind of preaching at the first sermon after Jesus was raised from the dead? "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified,…
Podcast: Insanity In The Church, pt 4
Podcast: Insanity In The Church, pt 4 Great Things Madness Transcript Insanity In The Church, Part 4 Intro: Insanity in the Church by Timothy Williams read by a professional reader. The Consider Podcast. (Ecclesiastes 1:17). Examining today’s Wisdom Folly and…
Easter or Passover?
Easter or Passover? Easter is a pagan holiday. What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What agreement between the temple of God and idols? Come out from them be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I…
It Is Finished: Why Haven’t You Started?
It Is Finished – Now Get Started Then Get Started Do not be fooled by Cultural Christianity’s shallow celebration of Jesus’ crucifixion. If you know The Way "is finished," then why have you not started picking up your cross, denying…
#66, Joe Rogan The Believer
Joe Rogan The Believer Transcript 66, Joe Rogan The Believer Video: It is not being judgmental; it is teaching everything demanded by a holy God. Jesus commanded make disciples. Baptizing want to be disciples, then teaching disciples to obey everything.…
Podcast: Insanity In The Church, pt 3
Podcast: Insanity In The Church, pt 3 Numbers Madness
“I Cannot Lie”
Quote Ready for a Timothy Williams quote. 1, 2, 3 …quoting the host. "If I lie my soul risks a fire of sulfur hell. If Police, Prosecutors and Judges enshrine lies, they are promoted." Timothy Williams. The Consider Podcast Examining…
Once-Saved Always Saved, Chapter 2
How Fruit Turns Bad Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but ones inner destroys much good. (Ecclesiastes 9:18) It smells sweet at first and then it stinks to high heaven. Such is the nature of apples when they first…