Wa. State Attorney General Bob Ferguson Misinformation

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Washington State Attorney General Fentanyl (Bob)

Ferguson’s Lie In "Misinformation"

Washington State Attorney General Fentanyl (Bob) Ferguson flat-out lies on his website. Such extreme misinformation, legal violence against the elderly cannot be tolerated by the State of Washington. {{Washington HB1333 Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission.}}

Arleen’s Flower Shop always "provided" flowers it is a flat-out misinformation (lie) to write this. It is fraud in the law.

Surely, this will be the first case on the docket of "misinformation" addressed, refuted and punished by Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State once the committee against radicalization becomes law.

On Bob Ferguson’s about web page he flat-out lies – as is his pattern.


Based on complete falsehoods, doublespeak and lies, the unrepentant continues their corruption through Washington State Bill HB1333.

What more can we expect?

Bob completely trashed The Constitution of the United States by undermining secure borders. Certainly Bob, and his kind, are so radicalized that they would rather see individuals addicted to and dying on Fentanyl for selfish gain than make Washington safe for everyone.

Sponsors of Bill HB1333 of radicalized Washington State Attorney General Fentanyl Ferguson that need to repent are:

  • Isaiah 30:12-14 Therefore, this is what the Holy One of Israel says: “Because you have rejected this message, relied on oppression and depended on deceit, this sin will become for you like a high wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an instant. It will break in pieces like pottery, shattered so mercilessly that among its pieces not a fragment will be found for taking coals from a hearth or scooping water out of a cistern.

Washington State Sponsors Bill Title: Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission. Partisan Bill (Democrat 22-0)

Governor Jay Inslee [D] Representative Bill Ramos [D] Representative April Berg [D] Representative Liz Berry [D] Representative Davina Duerr [D] Representative Mari Leavitt [D] Representative Jamila Taylor [D] Representative Sharlett Mena [D] Representative Strom Peterson [D] Representative Alex Ramel [D] Representative Cindy Ryu [D] Representative Tana Senn [D] Representative Tarra Simmons [D] Representative Chipalo Street [D] Representative Julia Reed [D] Representative Debra Lekanoff [D] Representative Beth Doglio [D] Representative Julio Cortes [D] Representative Gerry Pollet [D] Representative Lisa Callan [D] Representative Mary Fosse [D] Representative Nicole Macri [D] Representative Monica Stonier [D]

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Fentanyl Ferguson Bob of Wa. State is a safe border crusher, grandma destroyer, speech oppressor, user of poor.

Sure! Here’s a revised “You might be interested in” paragraph with embedded links: — Speaking of misinformation and its impact on public trust, you might be interested in learning more about misinformation, which has become a significant concern in today’s digital age. Additionally, the effects of fentanyl on communities highlight the challenges faced by law enforcement and public health officials. Lastly, exploring the role of attorneys general can provide insights into how legal frameworks address issues of public safety and health in various states. — Feel free to adjust the text as needed!

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