Hey!- Beau Chevassus -Thanks!

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Beau Chevassus Repentance Clock
City of Enumclaw
King County Prosecutors, Judges

Mr. Beau Chevassus thoroughly slandered the gospel of Jesus and then promoted Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, who scripted out false accusations, in order to destroy Timothy Williams. Mr. Beau and the City of Enumclaw voted to promote corruption.

Mr. Chevassus has stubbornedly refused to repent, but claims to be a Christian and elder in his church.

Before running for City Counsil of Enumclaw Washington Mr. Chevassus increased his multiple sins by trying to flatter me out of the website www.enumclaw.com

"Hi there Tim, it’s lovely meeting you! I like your website and actually design websites of my own. It really is a lovely theme…Keep up the excellent writings my friend." June 2019 Beau Chevassus City of Enumclaw Council Position No. 2

Below is a copy of the original post presenting you with the Truth concerning your vile opportunistic slander that helped to put an innocent man in prison under the vilest of false accusations.

Mr. Beau Chevassus, you are a major player in the setup of an innocent man who is now in prison. Everyday you are free, he is in prison. Compound that sin with the promotion of Grant McCall. Once more God pleads with you to repent and escape this corrupt generation.

Those responsible still have not repented.

Jesus said if you sinned against someone to leave your gifts and go be reconciled.

Jesus did not say that the person you need to repent toward should agree with you, or be worthy enough in your sight, you did wrong, you sinned and you have failed to repent day after day.

You, Mr. Chevassus, are way behind the words of Jesus when He declared, “quickly”.

  • “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. (Matthew 5:23-25)

There is a reason even before the clock started ticking you did not notice any change in your relationship with God. Consider well that you sensed zero grieving of the Holy Spirit.

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)

  • With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” (Acts 2:40)

Beau Chevassus

City of Enumclaw Council Position No. 2
Gee thanks for flattering my “excellent writings” but many would argue, including myself, that I am not an excellent writer on any level.

Ok, “my friend Beau Chevassus” I will “keep up the excellent writings” after all, as an elder, if you sin, God declares you are to be publicly rebuked. (Actually this is a kindness.) Let your faithful people correct and punish me. My prayers condemn the deeds of those who do wrong, so don’t let me be friends with any of them. (Psalm 141:5)

Naturally, I had hoped you would come privately to me and repent, but alas have not done so. As God wrote through the Apostle Paul, Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning. (1 Timothy 5:20) Add to that the fact that God will judge leaders with more sternness, these are very weighty matters indeed. My friends, we should not all try to become teachers. In fact, teachers will be judged more strictly than others. (James 3:1)

Though it will take some serious time to lay out all of the due rebukes, I guess, I am forced to get started.

While this single post cannot begin to expose the multitude of sins, guess it is time to get started as the repentance clock below has up ticked many a day.

Quick question first: According to you, wouldn’t your “love” for a “hijacked www.enumclaw.com” be accepting tools for “dishonest advertising”?

Why would you, as an elder and City of Enumclaw Council Member No. 2, desire to be associated with “hijacked advertising?”

Does seem kind of “lame” to me – but – hey what do I know, according to you my “doctrine has always been frightening.”

Maybe I am just being cynical thinking you are just another opportunistic politician who mouths off careless words while attempting to use flattery for profit and to gain www.enumclaw.com for yourself just before running for the Enumclaw City Council No. 2 seat.

If you were not so busy using Jesus to preach yourself, you might have been given the grace to confront and cleanup the corruption in the City of Enumclaw.

For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. (2 Corinthians 4:5)

As it is the worldly envy your unspiritual charisma. You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4:4)

Bookstore “Hijack”

"(also sort of lame that they hijacked www.enumclaw.com to point to their bookstore. That’s honest advertising right there…:)"
March 25, at 7:05am 2015 -Beau ‘Bodelishus’ Chevassus

Beau Chevassus, City of Enumclaw Council Position No. 2, if you liked the excellent writing on enumclaw.com you might want to get a copy of Insanity In The Church as there is much you might find to be a blessing. God sent his chosen Son to you first, because God wanted to bless you and make each one of you turn away from your sins. (Acts 3:26)

Be warned though, many legal and law officials do not care for the writing you find to be “excellent.”

Oops, sorry, you already know that as you voted for the promotion of those who enforce their religious viewpoints with slander, legal darkness, and guns.

Slander & Praise

Strange words Mr. Beau Chevassus in light of the fact you slandered me years ago helping to fuel the hate crime activities in the City of Enumclaw.

Kind of overweening hutzpah to first help the City of Enumclaw vilify, attack, and then prosecute my “books” only to come in later and seek to profit from such wanton lawless destruction.

Your mentor taught you well.

Oh well, at least those who refuse to use masks have your blessing and financial help, but destroying through slander a church you do not agree with – well, that is Enumclaw Police Specialty 101.

A 101 which you promote and solidify through promotions at the City of Enumclaw Police Station.

What a waste of City of Enumclaw Council Position No. 2.

Instead of an “elder” that is sober in spirit we see the solidifying of City of Enumclaw Corruption …time to grab another bag of popcorn. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. (Colossians 4:5)

Mayor Jan Molinaro, Enumclaw

April 13, 2000 Mayor Jan Molinaro

  • Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders make the most of every opportunity. (Colossians 4:5)

Clearly Mayor Jan Molinaro and Mr. Beau Chevassus of the City of Enumclaw like protecting and promoting those who falsify police reports and fabricate with false “evidence” crimes.

  • Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord . (Leviticus 19:16)

As a Christian Dude whose life is made up of folly, showmanship, and sinmanship no one should be eating lunch, or popcorn, at Enumclaw City Council Meetings with you – until you repent. 1

God’s Demanded Response

But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. (1 Corinthians 5:11)

More Information

Facts on the hate crime: Enumclaw.com

Videos on the hate crime.

The Consider Podcast: Jury Duty

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1 King County Judge Marlin J. Appelwick, King County Judge Ronald E. Cox, King County Preacher Timothy Williams, Www.enumclaw.com, Seattle, City of Enumclaw, Washington, King County, Sound Doctrine Church, Sound Doctrine Christian Church, the Salt Shaker, Winepress Publishing, Redemption Press, Governor Jay Inslee, Enumclaw Hate Crime, Judge Susan Craighead, King County, Prosecutor Dan Satterberg, Prosecutor David Seaver, Prosecutor Jason Simmons, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson, Seattle, Washington State, Timothy Williams, Sound Doctrine Cult, Sound Doctrine Church, Washington State Bar Association, Wsba.org, Office and Conference Center Location Washington State Bar Association 1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 600 Seattle, Wa 98101-2539 , Preacher Timothy Williams, Paul G. Sewell Attorney Prosecutor, Dog and Pony Show, Washington State Judge Lori K. Smith, King County Prosecutors, Zero Detention Center, Enumclaw City Council, Anthony Wright Beau Chevassus, Chance La Fleur, Commander Tim Floyd, Enumclaw Attorney Mike Reynolds, Hoke Overland, Kael Johnson, Kyle Jacobson, Tony Binion, King County Committee, King County Judge Marlin J. Appelwick, King County Judge Ronald E. Cox, King County Judge Stephen J. Dwyer, Full Circle Athena Dean Holtz Redemption, King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff, V. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant Cause No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt, Court of Appeals State of Washington, Respondent, V. Malcolm Fraser, Appellant, No. 70702-7-1, Ian Goodhew King County Prosecutor Washington State, Justice Stephen J. Dwyer Enumclaw Police Department 1705 Wells St. Enumclaw, Wa 98022 City Enumclaw Attorney Mike Reynolds, City of Enumclaw Washington, Seattle, King County, Huebler, Bo Chief of Police City of Enumclaw Washington, Seattle, King County Floyd, Tim Commander City of Enumclaw Washington, Seattle, King County, Berean Baptist Church 9702 128th St. E Puyallup, Wa 98373 Po Box 73042 Puyallup, Wa 98373 Phone: 253-841-4100 E-mail: [email protected] Fentanyl Attorney General Bob Ferguson Washington State sane border crusher, grandma destroyer, free speech oppressor, user of the poor has done.