Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall manipulates the accuser to lie for him.
King County Prosecutor Jason Simmons then hardened the lie of an inserted finger knowing Grant McCall had induced the lie when the accuser always stated before such never happened.1 Multiple prosecutors were in daily contact with the family and extended family to ensure the lying narrative was reinforced.
Judge Lori K. Smith then protects and enables Prosecutor Jason Simmons to pound this lie to a jury while denying the defense the ability to defend.
If you are facing accusations of a sexual offense, be aware that King County Courts and their associated systems will manipulate testimonies, implant false memories, and support corrupt police practices that script these allegations. Prosecutor Dan Satterberg, along with Prosecutor Leesa Manion, has compromised every aspect of these accusations. From Harborview Medical Center to social services, kids court and various non-profit organizations, the focus is on fabricating charges that will lead to a guilty verdict. These individuals exhibit a strong if not violent disregard for factual evidence concerning such alleged crimes and the rule of law.2 Indeed, King County Prosecutors and sub-systems were in constant daily manipulation mode outside the courtroom with those involved in promoting lies against a Christian church they were gunning to take down.
Court Documents “Never Happened”
Manipulated Accuser flat-out stated: “never ‘like penetrated me or anything.'”
Enumclaw Police and Washington State Prosecutors manipulate her to change her testimony.
King County Prosecutors of Seattle Washington then lie and assert before a jury that the Manipulated Accuser always stated that he inserted his finger into her anus.
“Det. McCall has already heard xxxxx, in her opening statement, say Malcolm never ‘like penetrated me or anyting.’
But not that xxxxx has described, with his help, how Malcolm touched her vaginal area, he ask her again. And when her answer is again a consistent “no,” he movs on to a completely new topic that was not in the initial DSHS narrative , and is completely inconsistent with this answe that Maleah now already asked and answered: no penetration occurred.”
Scripting To Lie Accusations
Washington State Prosecutors and Police are Scripting Accusations
Warning: This matter has been thoroughly investigated.
This is no joke and should be taken with the utmost seriousness.
Washington State prosecutors and police are scripting and planting false accusations.
A Manipulated Witness initially claimed that an event did not occur, only to completely change her testimony after the police and prosecutors had thoroughly manipulated the allegations. Evidence of the false testimony inserted by Seattle’s King County prosecutors, Judge Lori K. Smith, and Enumclaw Police can be found at www.consider.info.
Please refer to the post titled “Follow The Finger.”
For a direct link, visit www.consider.info/vjxp.
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Follow The Finger
- Prosecutor Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith exploit the fabricated and manipulated lie instigated by a City of Enumclaw Detective for their self-advancement. Proof: Follow The Finger
The City of Enumclaw’s Grant McCall orchestrated false accusations, with his co-conspirator grooming the situation as they engaged in a multi-level marketing scheme surrounding a hate crime.
Prosecutor Jason Simmons and his team accepted these fabricated accusations and transformed them into a damaging narrative aimed at a righteous Christian Church, which they sought to undermine.
Judge Lori K. Smith collaborated with the prosecutors to systematically erode the truth and violate the rights of the accused.
In his closing statements, Prosecutor Jason Simmons asserted that the manipulated accuser had previously reported abuse to Social Services. The standard disinformation tactic employed by Mr. Simmons distorted these statements to the point of being entirely false.
The manipulated accuser merely mentioned to Social Services that she had been abused, lacking any specifics except that “no penatration” took place. Period – no penatration. In order to elevate the accusations to a felony level, the City of Enumclaw Detective McCall needed to introduce an allegation of penetration.
Detective Grant McCall suggested and guided the accuser to claim that a finger had been inserted. At that moment, the manipulated accuser exhibited hesitation, stalling and stammering.
Detective McCall then stopped the recording, stating they would “take a break.”
Upon resuming the recording, the narrative of the fabricated finger insertion quickly instantaneously began to emerge.
Judge Lori K. Smith and Prosecutor Jason Simmons took this contrived lie and solidified it during the trial as if the manipulated accuser had consistently maintained this account from the start. In short the accusation of a finger event came 100% from Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall.
This is not merely a questionable allegation; it represents a criminal act that the King County Prosecutors are concealing.
Official Transcript of Events
- City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall sits alone with a manipulated accuser introducing the finger in the vagina and, when that did not work, went for the anus. The Manipulated Accuser hesitating causes the detective to quickly shut off the recorder to take a break. Remember McCall has also been deleting evidence and refusing to investigate the actual allegations.
- Detective Grant McCall, with Prosecutor Simmons’s blessings, prompts the accuser what to say then quickly shuts down the recorder to “take a little break?”
- When the Manipulated Accuser does not quickly respond to the finger in the annus Detective Grant McCall immediatlly calls for a break shutting the recorder off. (He also deleted evidence.)
The two alone take a break.
Detective Grant McCall prompts and introduces the finger in the vagina and anus accusations.
Remember, Enumclaw Grant McCall needs the finger in something in order to evaluate the charges and make dramatic the story-line so his co-conspirator can continue her hate crime activities.
Detective Grant McCall
And you’re sure that his fingers didn’t penetrate your vagina?
Manipulated Accuser
Detective Grant McCall
“What about your anus? It’s okay if you want ot take a little break?”
Manipulated Accuser
Immediately, micro-seconds after the recorder is turned back on, Detective Grant McCall simply states, “Okay.”
No other input from Detective McCall, but now, after the in dark break, the Manipulated Accuser has a whole story-line to tell that fits perfectly with what McCall was after.
Instantly, the Manipulated Accuser, after hearing McCall say “Okay,” begins a story-telling fabrication of conspired events.
Closing Arguments Prosecutor Simmons
Prosecutor Jason Simmons and his associates falsely portrayed the accusations made by the Manipulated Accuser as having originated in her mind from the outset, deliberately overlooking evidence that the Multi-level Marketer of Hate had been grooming her for over a year in collaboration with Grant McCall.
Now that the lie has been solidly placed on record, it is time for the Manipulated Accuser’s attorney, Judge Lori K. Smith and Prosecutors Jasons Simmons, to represent the lie as if the accuser had produced the accusation on her own. Contrary to all evidence.
Truth reality Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall and co-conspirator had groomed the situation knowing King County Prosecutors and Judge Lori K. Smith would have no objection to the lies because it would facilitate the destruction of Sound Doctrine Church, aka Timothy Williams.
- Detective Grant McCall had concocted it.
- Prosecutor Simmons twists McCall’s scripting accusations into a lie he could use for a conviction.
- The lie had been planted, and Prosecutor Simmons ran with it.
Now that the falsehood is firmly documented, it is time for the attorney representing the Manipulated Accuser, Judge Lori K. Smith, and Prosecutor Jason Simmons, to conceal the evidence that the accusation of a finger originated from the evil imagination of Detective McCall.
Detective Grant McCall and his co-conspirator understood the situation and anticipated that Judge Lori K. Smith and the King County Prosecutors would not challenge the falsehoods, as it would assist in the dismantling of the Sound Doctrine Church or Timothy Williams by prox-prosecution. Indeed, Judge Beth M. Andrus had whitewashed Detective Grant McCall’s criminal acts as if he was just too stupid to know that what he did was wrong.
Detective Grant McCall devised the scheme. Prosecutor Simmons manipulated McCall’s fabricated accusations into a deceit he could leverage for a false conviction. Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall had established the falsehood, and Prosecutor Simmons pursued it vigorously with Judge Lori K. Smith’s strong endorsement.
Prosecutor Simmons Own Words
The finger goes from the closed off, turned off recorder, sit alone, introducing accusations by the police with King County Prosecutor Jason Simmons lying that it came from the accuser and thus should be considered credidable. According to Prosecutor Simmons own words the Accuser is lying because the accusation came from Detective Grant McCall – thus the trial ends as it began with a finger of a lie.
“That is credible in fact that if this was concocted, no one would say that.” -Prosecutor Simmons, Closing Statement.
Correct Prosecutor Simmons – since it was concocted by Detective Grant McCall she produced the statement and would not have said it on her own!
Now repent.
Further Proof Prosecutor Corruptions
What Happened
- For over a year, a person well known for manipulation began grooming the accuser while conspiring with a self-righteous religious cop to frame a church both hated.
- Enumclaw Police manipulate and plant false accusations. Policeman Grant McCall sat alone, deleting evidence, shutting the recorder on and off scripting accusations.
- Prosecutor Jason Simmons lies that the accusations were consistent. (Among a mountain of lies.) The prosecutorial team included Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson and Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
- Judge Lori K. Smith hardened the lies of King County Prosecutors. Just one example: Judge Smith stated that the Washington State Constitution when it came to religious freedom “did not apply.”
Detective Grant McCall had concocted it.
Prosecutor Simmons twists McCall’s scripting accusations into a lie he could use for a conviction.
The lie had been planted, and Prosecutor Simmons ran with it.
Video of Judge Lori K. Smith’s Corrupt Court
Video Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall’s Tactics
Perverts of Jurisprudence
Judge Beth M. Andrus‘s favoritism towards Prosecutor Rich Anderson came with a wink after reprimanding him for his inappropriate, prejudicial and offensive remarks. She whitewashed the criminal actions of City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, which contributed to a narrative aimed at undermining the church and its operations within Enumclaw. Eventually, destroying a business, church and bookstore while driving the church out of town. Though Ms. Andrus was a pastor’s daughter, she systematically proved that she is not a Christian believer.
Judge Lori K. Smith collaborated with King County Prosecutors to obstruct the defendant’s right to mount a defense. She transformed the criminal court proceedings into a chaotic “family court” environment that enabled deceitful accusations to make a mockery of justice. Judge Lori K. Smith so bribed by being named “woman of the year,” perverted justice to ensure a guilty verdict against a man.
Prosecutor Dan Satterberg specifically allocated five prosecutors to target the church. Prosecutor Leesa Manion received backing from Satterberg and takes sinful pride in being the first Korean woman to hold a position in the prosecutor’s office. Ms. Manion actively supports the corrupt practices established by Satterberg to the extent of rehiring Prosecutor Rich Anderson.
Detective Grant McCall of the City of Enumclaw was involved in orchestrating a false hate crime. He deleted evidence and crafted accusations while refusing to investigate the claims, aware that examining the facts would reveal the deceit. King County Prosecutors obstructed and suppressed any attempts to initiate an investigation.
Prosecutorial Team included Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson and Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
The Washington State Supreme Court, when presented with the evidence and facts, responded that they would not even consider it. That they would not “even look at it.” Steven C. González: Chief Justice, elected as Chief Justice on November 5, 2020, and sworn in on January 11, 2021.Debra L. Stephens: Associate Justice, previously served as Chief Justice. Charles W. Johnson: Associate Justice, re-elected in 2014. Susan Owens: Associate Justice, re-elected in 2012. Douglas W. McQuaid: Associate Justice, elected in 2012. Richard Sanders: Associate Justice, ran in 2012 but did not win. Bruce O. Danielson: Associate Justice, elected in 2012.Bruce Hilyer: Ran for a position in 2012 but did not win. John Ladenburg: Ran for a position in 2012 but did not win.Sheryl McCloud: Won a position in 2012.
Eddie Yoon: Ran against Charles W. Johnson in 2014 but did not win. Note: Remember that this court is so actively bias against Christians that they went after a Christian grandmother for not arranging flowers for a gay wedding.
In the case of King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff vs. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant, Case No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt, it is essential to clarify that the true plaintiff is the King County Superior Court, State of Washington, against Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw, Washington. Washington State Prosecutors have engaged in abusive legal tactics to pursue an impossible crime aimed at eliminating Timothy Williams or Sound Doctrine Church from Enumclaw. The defendant, Malcolm Fraser, has been misused by King County Prosecutors and Enumclaw Police to effectively proxy-prosecute Timothy Williams.
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office – King County, Washington
Supplmental Information
Some Bad Actors
Judge Beth M. Andrus‘s favoritism towards Prosecutor Rich Anderson came with a wink after reprimanding him for his inappropriate, prejudicial and offensive remarks. She whitewashed the criminal actions of City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, which contributed to a narrative aimed at undermining the church and its operations within Enumclaw. Eventually, destroying a business, church and bookstore while driving the church out of town. Though Ms. Andrus was a pastor’s daughter, she systematically proved that she is not a Christian believer.
Judge Lori K. Smith collaborated with King County Prosecutors to obstruct the defendant’s right to mount a defense. She transformed the criminal court proceedings into a chaotic "family court" environment that enabled deceitful accusations to make a mockery of justice. Judge Lori K. Smith so bribed by being named "woman of the year," perverted justice to ensure a guilty verdict against a man.
Prosecutor Dan Satterberg specifically allocated five prosecutors to target the church. Prosecutor Leesa Manion received backing from Satterberg and takes sinful pride in being the first Korean woman to hold a position in the prosecutor’s office. Ms. Manion actively supports the corrupt practices established by Satterberg to the extent of rehiring Prosecutor Rich Anderson.
Detective Grant McCall of the City of Enumclaw was involved in orchestrating a false hate crime. He deleted evidence and crafted accusations while refusing to investigate the claims, aware that examining the facts would reveal the deceit. King County Prosecutors obstructed and suppressed any attempts to initiate an investigation.
Prosecutorial Team included Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson and Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
Washington State Supreme Court, which had destroyed all rights of a defendant,t literally bring dogs into the court to manipulate juries.
The Washington State Supreme Court, when presented with the evidence and facts, responded that they would not even consider it. That they would not "even look at it." Steven C. González: Chief Justice, elected as Chief Justice on November 5, 2020, and sworn in on January 11, 2021.Debra L. Stephens: Associate Justice, previously served as Chief Justice. Charles W. Johnson: Associate Justice, re-elected in 2014. Susan Owens: Associate Justice, re-elected in 2012. Douglas W. McQuaid: Associate Justice, elected in 2012. Richard Sanders, Associate Justice, ran in 2012 but did not win. Bruce O. Danielson: Associate Justice, elected in 2012.Bruce Hilyer: Ran for a position in 2012 but did not win. John Ladenburg: Ran for a position in 2012 but did not win. Sheryl McCloud: Won a position in 2012. Eddie Yoon: Ran against Charles W. Johnson in 2014 but did not win. Note: Remember that this court is so actively biased against Christians that they went after a Christian grandmother for not arranging flowers for a gay wedding.
In the case of King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff vs. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant, Case No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt, it is essential to clarify that the true plaintiff is the King County Superior Court, State of Washington, against Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw, Washington. Washington State Prosecutors have engaged in abusive legal tactics to pursue an impossible crime aimed at eliminating Timothy Williams or Sound Doctrine Church from Enumclaw. The defendant, Malcolm Fraser, has been misused by King County Prosecutors and Enumclaw Police to effectively proxy-prosecute Timothy Williams.
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