Wa. State Perverts : Public Schools

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Public School Darkness

Washington State is fast becoming a statehood of perverts. Think jury duty and be very afraid of these individuals rendering judgment. No wonder the hate crime was a success in the City of Enumclaw.2

Now you know why Governor Bob Ferguson, aka, Fentanyl Ferguson, grandma crusher, safe border destroyer and anti-free speech supports strong public schools.

Washington Public schools are stealing your children away from you and the following is just the tip of the iceburg.

Washington Democrats reject the proposal mandating immediate parental notification for students victimized by sexual misconduct from school staff.

Washington Democrats advocate for allowing felons to volunteer in schools.


Senator Marko Liias, a Democrat from Everett, sponsored Senate Bill 5599 in Washington State. The bill aims to lure weak, confused, and mind-manipulated transgender youth by exempting specific homeless youth shelters and host homes from parental notification requirements for minors seeking or receiving gender-related treatment or reproductive health services. Note the deafening silence, once again, by King County Prosecutors. Were this a Christian church doing this, they would be flat-out prosecuted. However, so peverted is the legal system in Washington State that they prosecute those who advocate moral sanity. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

Devil Details

Washington Democrats reject proposal mandating immediate parental notification for students victimized by sexual misconduct from school staff.

On Thursday, Democrats in the Washington House of Representatives voted against an amendment that would have mandated school districts to promptly inform parents if their child was a victim of sexual misconduct by a school employee. Republican Rep. Travis Couture, who introduced the amendment, expressed on X, “It’s outrageous that anyone could deny my amendment.”

The House Education Committee voted against the amendment to House Bill 1296, a bill that Democrats are using to revise the Parental Rights Initiative, which received overwhelming support from Washington residents last year. Instead, Democrats are seeking to enforce policies that cater to the needs of “gender-expansive” students, including withholding information about students’ health and mental health from their parents.

During the committee meeting, Couture stated, “In just the past year, we have witnessed an alarming number of sexual misconduct and sexual assaults committed by educators, including incidents involving two principals in a Vancouver school district who concealed a case of statutory rape of a 16-year-old female student from parents.”

He added, “As a parent, I would be horrified to learn that my children had been subjected to sexual abuse by staff and that I wasn’t notified immediately.” Couture recounted, “This has happened in my children’s school district, where an eighth-grade teacher was grooming and engaging in inappropriate sexual relationships with eighth-grade boys.”

“This has become all too common, and parents have the right to know immediately about any criminal activity or sexual abuse allegations involving staff that could affect their children’s safety.”

Despite his passionate arguments, the amendment was rejected by Democrats.

The Democratic-controlled Legislature has been working to dismantle Initiative 2081, referred to as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, since before the legislative session started. The initiative grants parents the right to review educational materials, receive notifications regarding their child’s physical and mental health, and opt out of sexual health education.

Additionally, Democrats have been challenging this legislation in court, even after it was passed last year.

Earlier this week, a King County Superior Court judge granted a motion for summary judgment in favor of Initiative 2081, permanently dismissing the plaintiff’s requests with prejudice, meaning the case cannot be re-filed in court.

Washington Democrats advocate for allowing felons to volunteer in schools.

Recently, Democratic lawmakers dismissed an amendment to another bill that would have mandated schools to notify parents if their child had been a victim of sexual assault.

Washington Democrats, spearheaded by a former felon, are advocating for the inclusion of convicted felons as volunteers in public schools. This initiative comes shortly after lawmakers rejected a proposal that would have required schools to inform parents when their child was a victim of sexual misconduct.

Currently, individuals wishing to volunteer in Washington public schools must undergo background checks, which typically reveal any criminal convictions. Representative Tarra Simmons (D-Bremerton), a former felon who has served time for theft, drug-related offenses, and firearm charges, is the primary sponsor of House Bill 1189. This bill would necessitate that school districts inform applicants about the possibility of submitting proof of rehabilitation, enabling them to volunteer in schools despite their criminal history.

If an applicant can provide evidence of rehabilitation and confirm no new convictions, the district or educational institution cannot reject their application solely based on their prior record. For those who lack proof of rehabilitation, the institution would still assess the candidate instead of automatically denying them, taking into account the elapsed time since the last conviction, whether the offense involved a minor, and if the applicant could participate without unsupervised access to minors.

Should the bill be enacted, educational institutions would be obligated to communicate their decisions to applicants within five days, offer explanations for any rejections, and outline how to appeal a denial to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Several school districts in Washington already permit individuals with criminal backgrounds to teach in public schools. For instance, the Seattle school district allowed Ian Golash, who has a history of arrests in Oregon for assault and other offenses, to work as a teacher and department head at Chief Sealth High School. He is currently on paid administrative leave following controversial social media remarks.

The bill is supported by several Democratic State Representatives: Lillian Ortiz-Self, Nicole Macri, Strom Peterson, Lauren Davis, Timm Ormsby, Monica Stonier, and Natasha Hill.

Nevada lawmaker Jovan Jackson, also an ex-con, provided testimony in favor of the bill to the Senate Law and Justice Committee, which is set to vote on it on February 6.

Last week, Democrats in the Washington House voted against an amendment that sought to require school districts to promptly notify parents if their student faced sexual misconduct by a school employee. Republican Rep. Travis Couture, who introduced the amendment, expressed outrage at its rejection on social media.

The recent legislation represents an effort by the Democratic-controlled Legislature to overturn Initiative 2081, known as the Parental Rights Initiative, which empowers parents to review educational content, receive notifications concerning their child’s health, and opt-out of sexual health education. Since the beginning of the legislative session, Democrats have been working to counter the Parents’ Bill of Rights, even pursuing legal challenges.

Credit For Information:

Washington Dems push to allow felons to volunteer in schools

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Disclaimer & Information


The Consider Podcast aims to convey opinions rooted in God’s holiness. Any discussions about justice or injustice should not be construed as legal advice or a call for action. There is no political agenda present. We do not provide individual moral guidance. Ultimately, each person is accountable to God and others for their actions or lack thereof. The sole focus of The Consider Podcast is the importance of surrendering to a life of repentance in accordance with the full gospel.

The Consider Podcast focuses on the importance of living a life of repentance in alignment with the complete gospel. This aligns with 1 Corinthians 2:2, which states, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Nothing but the whole gospel is preached and lived on The Consider Podcast.

Acts 5:20
"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the whole message of this new life."

Articulated Perspectives

The opinions shared are those of the speakers, Timothy and Jacob, stemming from a self-critical stance. They reject sin to allow the righteous truths of God to be conveyed through His Spirit of Truth.

We sincerely regret any errors, misunderstandings, or lapses in knowledge. As stated in Proverbs 18:15: "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out."

The Consider Podcast is not associated with any group organization or church. This is not out of choice but because the whole gospel is preached and lived others do not desire to fellowship in the Light.

No, Sound Doctrine Church was not a cult; in fact, it was the very antithesis of one. The church bore the fruit of holiness and faith, demonstrated through the love of Jesus, until it was undermined by corrupt authorities.

The opposition, persecution, and prosecution by anti-Christian prosecutors in Washington State serve as clear evidence of the positive impact of Jesus that was present in Sound Doctrine Church.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men.


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1 Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. Proverbs 9:9
2 Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson and Prosecutor Jason Simmons. Judge Beth M. Andrus, Judge Lori K. Smith, Governor Bob Ferguson, Prosecutor Leesa Manion, King County Prosecutors Office, City of Enumclaw.