Prosecutor Rich Anderson Betrayal
The following is taken from the timeline we maintained during the Prosecutor Abuse incident.
Not merely abuse, but a profound betrayal.2
Prosecutor Rich Anderson and his team of prosecutors assured us that they would take the evidence of the hate crime and the abuse by the City of Enumclaw seriously. Instead, they betrayed our trust by dismissing the complaint, which facilitated a cover-up of the crimes.
The outline is extremely interesting as it records the snide remarks by Prosecutors, the absolute bias and unwillingness to examine evidence. Very eye opening once again. Right Ms. Anderson since the mere looking in the windows resulted in the complete destruction of many innocent lives and livelyhoods! But then again that is the first wicked goal of King County Prosecutors.
The case is continued at the request of the defense, who are continuing to gather evidence of Mr. Fraser’s innocence.
Mr. Fraser’s attorney meets with DPA Rich Anderson, who refers to Sound Doctrine Church as a “cult.” Mr. Fraser’s attorney thoroughly admonishes him for the prejudiced comment and draws his attention to the United States constitution which guarantees freedom of religion.
Mr. Fraser’s attorney also provides a 72-page document packet to DPA Rich Anderson, showing evidence of witness tampering by Athena Dean. The packet includes personal statements from Timothy Williams, and other Sound Doctrine Church members, detailing the harassment they have experienced from Ms. Dean.
Mr. Anderson claims the Prosecutor’s Office will “take it seriously.” However, they do nothing except forward it to the Enumclaw Police, who do nothing except use the knowledge to continue the hate crime of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall.1
God’s Law
1 Peter 4:4-5
They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
Washington State prosecutors brought a Christian church to trial during the same period that Attorney General Bob Ferguson was targeting a Christian grandmother for refusing to arrange flowers for a same-sex wedding. Prosecutor Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith utilized absurd corrupt legal tactics not only to undermine religious freedoms but also to obscure Detective Grant McCall’s hate crime. This intense 28-day trial persecuted through prosecution the truth and love of a holy God associated with Sound Doctrine Church and Timothy Williams. These podcasts aim to address those concerns, at least for those willing to listen. From planting lies to destroying evidence every, and all, corruptions were employed Prosecutor Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith. Click here for a Consice Recap.
Location: Seattle, Washington
Involved Entities:
King County Court
City of Enumclaw Police
King County Prosecutors
Approximately 2010 Frame-Up
Key Individuals:
Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus
Chief Judge Lori K. Smith
Reality Check
In the case of King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff, vs. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant, Case No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt, it is essential to clarify that the actual plaintiff is King County Superior Court, State of Washington, against Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw, Washington. Washington State Prosecutors have engaged in abusive legal practices and are pursuing an impossible crime with the goal of eliminating Timothy Williams or Sound Doctrine Church from Enumclaw. The defendant, Malcolm Fraser, has been improperly used by King County Prosecutors and the Enumclaw Police to proxy-prosecute Timothy Williams.
Key Figures Involved in Corruption:
Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus
Chief Judge Lori K. Smith
Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall
Prosecutors: Mark Larson, Lisa Johnson, Nicole Weston, Rich Anderson, Leesa Manion, Jason Simmons
Overview of Corruption:
The corrupt practices involving judges and law enforcement within King County’s legal system raise serious concerns:
Judge Beth M. Andrus has whitewashed the misconduct of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, contributing to the ongoing criminal activities in the City of Enumclaw against Sound Doctrine Church or Timothy Williams.
Judge Lori K. Smith has compromised the integrity of criminal trials by introducing a "family court" atmosphere, dismissing evidence and the rights of the accused. Her biases, influenced by a close relationship with prosecutors, undermine fundamental criminal law principles. Judge Lori K. Smith is bribed by her "Woman of the Year" award and became a people-pleasure rather than a judge of honor.
Together, Judges Andrus and Judge Lori K. Smith have perpetuated lawlessness within the Washington State legal system. Detective Grant McCall sat alone with a manipulated accuser literally scripting out the accusations.
The practice of the King County Prosecutors included dismissing jurors who value evidence in criminal cases was most abhorant. Potential jurors who believed in the necessity of evidence were systematically excluded from participating in the trial.
The City of Enumclaw Police has supported Detective Grant McCall’s conflicting religious beliefs through abusive policing tactics, enabling his criminal acts to bewcome a hate crime.
As a result, the Enumclaw Police successfully framed an innocent man without any evidence, fabricating a crime that did not exist. If any authorities had fulfilled their responsibilities, the misconduct and crimes of Detective Grant McCall and his main co-conspirator would have been swiftly uncovered.
Main Bad Actors
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office – King County, Washington
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office – King County, Washington
King County Prosecutor Leesa Manion leads the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (PAO). The Prosecuting Attorney’s Office represents the state and county in both criminal and civil legal matters. We are responsible for prosecuting all felonies in King County and all misdemeanors in unincorporated areas of King County.
Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus, Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, Chief Judge Lori K. Smith, Seattle King, Seattle, King County Washington, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Seattle, King County Prosecutors Judges, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson, Prosecutor Leesa Manion carrying corrupt Dan Satterburg’s torch, Prosecutor Jason Simmons, Enumclaw Police, Washington State Prosecutors, Washington State Attorney Emily Cordo who because of her bias is more than earger to support lies of false accusations.
City of Enumclaw
The City of Enumclaw continues to not just tolerate police corruption, but to promote it.
City of Enumclaw, Wa. State Corruption, Hate Crime by Officials, Enumclaw Police, Grant McCall Current Enumclaw City Council
Corrie Koopman Frazier
Jan Martinell
Bobby Martinez
Chance LaFleur
Thomas Sauvageau
Anthony Wright
Chris Gruner
Brett Vinson City Attorney
Bonny Lake Police Betrayal
Concise Recap
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[searchwp_form id=3]Prosecutor Simmons Bible Study Time
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