Prosecutor Simmons Abusing Jesus

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Since the vast majority of individuals reject Jesus out-of-hand, finding His demands offensive, Prosecutor Jason Simmons made that repulsion towards Jesus front and center to the jury.

Prosecutor Simmons never linked the crime to Jesus, or Sound Doctrine Church. However, Prosecutors did twist the opposition individuals have towards a Holy God as the means to achieve a guilty verdict and to satisfy their own corruptions. This trial was, on every level, an abuse of Jesus. Evidence points to the fact that the alleged crime was used as a pretext to destroy a Christian Church Washington State opposed.

Sucking Truth and Love

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. (1 Peter 1:22)

So profound was the love God worked at Sound Doctrine Church that once someone turned their backs on such they can find no rest in the normal Christian Churches. Thus, those who lied for the Prosecution their bitterness springs from the knowledge of their hopeless situation. Like the Devil they now fully understand time is short and are full of rage.

But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." (Revelation 12:12)

King County Prosecutor Jason Simmons and Team1 used the natural offense towards Jesus to abuse Sound Doctrine Church.3 Had I been given the opportunity to preach the whole gospel to the jury, the same reaction would have occurred. The only difference and it is a difference between heaven and hell, is my preaching is overflowing with the love of God and Truth. Whereas Jason Simmons and Team pounded lie upon lie by using an abuse of power given by Judge Lori K. Smith.

Since the vast majority of individuals reject Jesus out-of-hand and find His demands offensive, Prosecutor Jason Simmons made that repulsion towards Jesus front and center to the jury.

Every truth, aspect of love with the grace and mercy overflowing at Sound Doctrine Church was sucked out of the courtroom. The motives for this are dimensional, and there is little space to discover those facts right now.

For the moment, it is enough to understand that every aspect of Sound Doctrine Church’s deep love, patience and kindness were slandered and sucked out of the courtroom. Judge Lori K. Smith was all-to-eager, even laughing at the accused while creating a lynchlaw courtroom. Video Trial coming soon.

Why So Many Left The Church

Why did so many leave Sound Doctrine Church?

Besides the final blow by King County Prosecutors who only practice conviction through extortion, part of following Jesus is to witness many individuals no longer continue to walk the narrow road. It was these bitter individuals who were given full authority by Jason Simmons to spill their bile in Judge Lori K. Smith’s courtroom.

From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. (John 6:66)

It was this fact that Judge Lori K. Smith and King County Prosecutors used to slander the Truth and lawlynch an innocent man. Fact is Prosecutors and police are experts in the sinful art of getting individuals to betray friends.

Those in the world will often say, "You find out who your friends are when accused of a crime." It is this sinister manner prosecutors abuse to divide and conquer. Note most of those who are accused ever go to trial.

In the same way, Jesus finds out who His friends are when persecution or the demands of the Christian life are too much for individuals.

Guilty By Extortion

Remember, King County Prosecutors and Enumclaw Police’s goal was to drive Sound Doctrine Church and Winepress Publishing to destruction. This is one reason Prosecutors delayed the demand for a speedy trial. King County Prosecutors from the start asked, "So what are you going to do when your church can no longer meet?"

Such is the typical Prosecution by Extortion that the "justice" system primarily employs.

Wa. Court Corruption

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[chc-content] Basic Information
Judge and Police Corruption
King County Court Ideology Prosecutions

Seattle Washington
City of Enumclaw Police
King County Prosecutors
Roughly 2010 Frame Up

Enumclaw Police
Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus
Chief Judge Lori K. Smith
Detective Grant McCall
King County Prosecutors
Short List Below

Judge Beth Andrews whitewashed the crimes of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, setting into motion the whitewashing of the City of Enumclaw’s criminal activities.

Judge Lori K. Smith purposely created a "family court" in a criminal trial. In other words, Judge Lori K. Smith, because of her prejudicial mindset, threw out the concept of evidence and rights of the accused.

Judge Smith, being raised to her position by prosecutors and as reflected on her website, is so narrowly focused on her agenda that aspects of criminal law are undermined.

Judge Beth Andrews and Judge Lori K. Smith created the lawlessness inherent in the Family Court with a criminal trial. Combined with Seattle’s police prosecutor corruption, the ideology-driven trial of Detective McCall’s foolish religious beliefs and police power abuse was steamrolled ahead.

Thus, prosecutors were enabled to rid the jury pool of anyone who believed in evidence. Literally, King County Prosecutors asked potential jurors if anyone thought that evidence was necessary for a criminal trial. Such were sent packing.

The city of Enumclaw Police backed Baptist "Detective" Grant McCall’s contradictory, self-righteous religious beliefs with abusive police tactics to support Mr. McCall’s criminal hate crime activities.

The City of Enumclaw Police was thus able to frame an innocent man with zero evidence because Detective McCall was creating a crime that did not and was impossible to commit.

Fact is, had any authority done their job the criminal activity of Grant McCall would have been quickly revealed.

More information is located at: [/chc-content]

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1 Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus, Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, Chief Judge Lori K. Smith, Seattle King, Seattle, King County Washington, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Seattle, King County Prosecutors Judges, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson, Prosecutor Leesa Manion, Prosecutor Jason Simmons, Enumclaw Police
3 King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff, V. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant Cause No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt was in truth and fact King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff V. Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw Washington.