Status Report: Sound Doctrine Church
Status Report: Sound Doctrine Church
Former prosecutor Jason Simmons destroyed a righteous church over a decade ago. Sound Doctrine Church pursued the righteousness and joy that comes from loving a good God. King County Prosecutors decided that slander, hatred, and lawfare against an ideology they could not, nor were willing to, understand was a temptation for a prideful conviction they certainly would not pass up. Details and evidence are clearly presented here and on The Consider Podcast.
Solitary Life
King County Prosecutors of Seattle, Washington had one goal: to destroy Timothy Williams, Sound Doctrine Church, and WinePress Publishing through a proxy prosecution of Malcolm Fraser. It worked, and the church was scattered. Each church member went their own way and chose their course, as my name became a pariah to be avoided at all costs. I live a very solitary life to this day. The truth is, I cannot blame anyone for not associating with me, as it would take real dedication and selfless love to associate with someone so demolished by ex-prosecutor Jason Simmons and Judge Lori K. Smith. But as the Good Book declares, Though rulers sit together and slander me, your servant will meditate on your decrees. (Psalm 119:23)
Some of those scattered were the humble in the land and now live quiet lives, while a few others gave way to the sins that had been held in check because of the righteous atmosphere at Sound Doctrine Church. It is very hard work to protect a church from outside opposition and its members from their sins. When ex-prosecutor Jason Simmons tore down that wall of protection, some had to return to abusive situations, while others gave way to sin and stopped resisting their lusts.
Once it became known that Enumclaw Police would not just deny lawful protection to Sound Doctrine Church members, but were actively setting up false accusations with King County Prosecutors even more crimes came to the surface and were committed.
The fact that Seattle King County Prosecutors helped ensure hate crime activity, self-preservation set in, and some started committing crimes before they were scattered. Make no mistake about it ex-Prosecutor Jason Simmons and folks are responsible for inciting and enabling crimes.
Case In Point
The video clip below is taken from a larger story of selected crimes committed against Sound Doctrine Church and WinePress Publishing. In this clip, you will see a church member who had confessed to the sin of moving up the corporate ladder by getting others in trouble, seizing that opportunity to fulfill such sin. Those involved in the hate crime began to plan to steal from WinePress before the collapse of everything.
Prosecutors Protecting The Hate Crime
The video reveals that WinePress was being stolen during the hate crime, long before the verdict of guilty. Indeed the registered agent for the new company to receive stolen property was in the false accuser mother’s name. That is, Athena Dean Holtz’s new company Redemption Press.
Prosecutors and Police had been protecting Ms. Holtz hate crime however King County Prosecutors, on the first day of the trial, dropped Athena Dean Holtz from testifying for the prosecution. This enabled her to continue the grooming, stealing, and defiling others into the multi-level marketed hate crime before, during, and after the set-up.
Points to Consider
At this time individuals should consider:
- Those with criminal backgrounds have attempted to place themselves back into those positions of temptation because the holding back power of Sound Doctrine Church was destroyed by government officials. Please be on guard.
- Others had to return to abusive situations because the protection of the church was destroyed.
- Some live quietly in the land — some loving God, others keep a delusion of loving God. Finally others turned their back on the grace and mercy of God.
- There is no longer any church nor is one planned.
- Every lie has been proven false to Jason Simmons and Prosecutors, yet they refuse to repent.
- All backdoor slander has been thoroughly refuted but City of Enumclaw officials refuse to take action against corruption.
- All those in authority, whether minions or authorities, stubbornly refuse to repent of the very clear errors in judgment.
- The more corruption is revealed within the legal system the more they continue to devise new ways to remain in the dark.
Bottom Line
Timothy Williams, no longer shepherds these individuals, nor am I in contact with them. This is not possible because of ex-prosecutor Jason Simmons,1 Enumclaw Police, and Washington State Prosecutors. The number of individuals I have significant fellowship with is, shall we say, low.
There is no Sound Doctrine Church, nor is one being planned.
Those who helped, abetted, stood by, or fed exaggerated lies to law enforcement are now responsible for an innocent man being in prison. What King County Prosecutors and Judges did was in sinful ignorance, but those who behind in the darkness used wicked lawfare are guilty of a greater sin. As Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." (John 19:11)
Ex-Prosecutor Jason Simmons and gang will have hell to pay, unless they repent, for causing some to stumble in the faith for as Jesus said, It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. (Luke 17:2)
The Consider Podcast
Examining Today’s Wisdom, Folly and Madness
As with the shot-out windows, graffiti, death threats, harassment, property damage, assault and other crimes committed against Sound Doctrine Church members, Enumclaw Police did nothing. During this highly turbulent and stressful time, Jezebel was able to contact some employees of the company and attempt to scare them into quitting from Winepress. To help hasten the demise of the company, one individual unhappy about Winepress’ financial situation decided to join hands with Jezebel and, in similar fashion, chose to start causing trouble for the employees that remained. This individual we refer to as Korah. As it would turn out, however, causing problems was far from the limits of what Korah was willing to do in his betrayal of others who worked at the company. Just to provide a bit of context, keep in mind that many of the individuals still working at Winepress at this time considered themselves tightly-knit church family, not mere co-workers, and this particular stretch of time was one of the most stressful, painful and turbulent times of their lives. It would be like being in a foxhole with men you’ve spent years training and fighting with, only to have one abandon his company and start fighting for the adversary. This betrayal only added to the stress of the employees who were working overtime in an attempt to help get authors all of their files should the seemingly inevitable take place the end of Wine Press Publishing.
Korah’s actions didn’t stop at causing trouble for the accounting department. He eventually announced his intention to resign from the company and, as a member of the IT department, he was tasked with passing off instructions for managing the company’s servers, passwords and data. In meetings with employees trying to take over his responsibilities, he purposely typed out vague and confusing instructions and left condescending remarks insinuating that those taking over his responsibilities were underqualified. Despite a number of time-wasting meetings with Korah, employees from other departments were able to easily take over his duties in addition to their own. While undertaking these duties, and after Korah was no longer with the company, one employee was working to get the author’s domain names switched over from being registered to Winepress and changed them to be under the author’s name to ensure they maintained access to their domain. In the events, winepress closed its doors. During this process, an employee discovered that Korah had begun the process of stealing these authors’ domains. Seeing that he was a former member of the IT department, he had passwords to all company servers and services, which he chose to retain access to upon his exit of the company. He then proceeded to change the domain registration information from Winepress or the author who owned it to his own name and an address that would later be discovered to be an alternate business.
As it would turn out, this was only the beginning of a larger plan that would unfold in the coming weeks, and this was only the very tip of the iceberg needed for Jezebel to begin her new company. As if the coordination and obvious corruption throughout this situation were not enough, on the articles of incorporation for the business, the false accuser’s mother, delilah, was listed as the registered agent on this freshly established publishing company. This company was under a new name, of course. However, it was started with all of the book files dozens of Winepress employees had strived for decades to create.
In spite of the incompetence and undermining, jezebel had put in their way work which she was all too happy to take credit for. Dozens of hardworking employees had just lost their jobs as a direct result of Jezebel’s actions, and she was awarded all the fruits of their labor free of any charge, by Enumclaw City Attorney Mike Reynolds, along with the Enumclaw Police Department. After stealing all of their work, jezebel celebrated by doing a grand opening complete with a ribbon cutting. This was strikingly similar to the grand opening Wayne Press and the Salt Shaker had done years previous. But this is very much in character for who Jezebel was and is. She can create nothing new or original and she does not have a single creative bone in her body. Instead, she can only lie, steal and manipulate until she ends up with a hollow husk of what talented, creative, hardworking individuals had made before her. Nevertheless, jezebel’s original statement that she found the Christian marketplace to be gullible ended up being even more true than perhaps even she realized. As such, a number of former Winepress authors did trust Jezebel with their books, allowing her to take their book files and replace the Winepress logo with her new imprint. To this day, there yet remain a number of books sporting the book cover, typesetting and editing done by the Winepress team sitting on her poorly designed website. Sometime later, a number of industry professionals were asked to do an estimate based upon the number of author files that were stolen, the applicable services done to build their book files things like book cover design, editing and typesetting and the estimated total came out to approximately three million dollars in stolen assets.
As Wine Press finally came to a close, former employees of the company and members of Sound Doctrine Church had little recourse within the city of Enumclaw. This had to do in large part because reporting a theft to police would have little effect if the person enabling the entire situation was the city’s own prosecutor. And police were fully committed to helping Jezebel get away with as many crimes as she wished. Helping Jezebel get away with as many crimes as she wished. These individuals had just had their livelihood destroyed, church shut down and positive influence in the community removed, all because the corruption within Enumclaw protected Jezebel and Detective McCall’s hatred against a church that did nothing but try to serve the community of Enumclaw. And with that, the days that followed marked the official end of Wine Press Publishing. Former employees were now left to find other employment but, far worse, had to watch as a con artist successfully stole over a decade of their hard work, creativity and service, all done in spite of the very person who stole it.
Now, up to this point we’ve covered quite a bit in this series and I know it may seem unbelievable the sheer number of people that contributed to the demise of the Salt Shaker Notation Printing and Winepress Publishing. We’ve talked about Enumclaw Police Detective Grant McCall fabricating allegations against the church pastor who also served in Winepress’ management. We’ve covered Athena Dean Holtz, Jessica Gambill and Kevin Cockarn stealing the company under the protection of the city attorney and the police department, all while dozens, or even hundreds of customers or even friends shrugged their shoulders and remained silent. But if you know your Bible, you would know that this is the exact same thing that happened to Christ himself when he was under trial. His very closest friends remained silent in the face of injustice, and others who had no particular bone to pick in that fight spoke up to yell, crucify him, even in spite of being offered Barabbas a thief in his place. In the very same way, enumclaw’s government and community were all too happy to side with a charity-conning swindler over a group of individuals whose only goal had been to live a quiet life and to serve the community in as many capacities as possible.
That being said, for a deeper dive into this and into the full gospel, I highly recommend you check out and listen to the Consider podcast. The very same whole gospel taught and practiced at Sound Doctrine Church. Same whole gospel taught and practiced at Sound Doctrine Church. Now, with as outlandish as this story sounds, however, it is not the end. There is yet another chapter that is arguably more absurd, astounding and corrupt than anything we’ve covered thus far. In the next episode we’ll cover the trial between King County and Sound Doctrine Church. Thank you so much for joining us in this series and I will see you in the next episode of Enumclaw. Thank you.
Reality Check
About: King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff, V. Malcolm Fraser, Defendant Cause No. 12-1-01886-0 Knt was in truth and fact King County Superior Court, State of Washington, Plaintiff V. Sound Doctrine Church of Enumclaw Washington. Washington State Prosecutors abuse legal activities and an impossible crime to destroy and drive out of the City of Enumclaw Timothy Williams or Sound Doctrine Church. The accused, Malcolm Fraser, was abusively used by King County Prosecutors and Enumclaw Police to proxy-prosecute Timothy Williams.
Disclaimer & Information
Enumclaw Hate Crime
Important Links
Basic Information3
Judge and Police Corruption
King County Court Ideology Prosecutions
Seattle Washington
City of Enumclaw Police
King County Prosecutors
Roughly 2010 Frame-Up
Enumclaw Police
Chief Judge Beth M. Andrus
Chief Judge Lori K. Smith
Detective Grant McCall
King County Prosecutors
Short List Below
Judge Beth Andrews whitewashed the crimes of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, setting into motion the whitewashing of the City of Enumclaw’s criminal activities.
Judge Lori K. Smith purposely created a "family court" in a criminal trial. In other words, Judge Lori K. Smith, because of her prejudicial mindset, threw out the concept of evidence and rights of the accused.
Judge Smith, being raised to her position by prosecutors and as reflected on her website, is so narrowly focused on her agenda that aspects of criminal law are undermined.
Judge Beth Andrews and Judge Lori K. Smith created the lawlessness inherent in the Family Court with a criminal trial. Combined with Seattle’s police prosecutor corruption, the ideology-driven trial of Detective McCall’s foolish religious beliefs and police power abuse was steamrolled ahead.
Thus, prosecutors were enabled to rid the jury pool of anyone who believed in evidence. Literally, King County Prosecutors asked potential jurors if anyone thought that evidence was necessary for a criminal trial. Such were sent packing.
The city of Enumclaw Police backed Baptist "Detective" Grant McCall’s contradictory, self-righteous religious beliefs with abusive police tactics to support Mr. McCall’s criminal hate crime activities.
The City of Enumclaw Police was thus able to frame an innocent man with zero evidence because Detective McCall was creating a crime that did not and was impossible to commit.
Fact is, had any authority done their job the criminal activity of Grant McCall would have been quickly revealed.
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