Zephaniah 3:3 Her officials are roaring lions, her rulers are evening wolves, who leave nothing for the morning. Clip From The Consider Podcast In reality these clips are goads. Goads Kicking Against the Goads Meaning The phrase “kick against the…
Post ID System Explained
Post ID System Directions For Post ID System Instead of copying and remembering long web addresses to a post you can enter in the Post Number to be displayed. On The Consider Podcast you may hear a post number mentioned,…
#72 Simmons Bible Questions Pt 1
Judge Beth M. Andrus, Judge Lori K. Smith and Prosecutor Jason Simmons have turned themselves into fools with their practice of extortion. Extortion turns a wise man into a fool. (Ecclesiastes 7:7) Podcast Backstory Washington State prosecutors brought a Christian…
Meeting Sound Doctrine Church (Timothy Williams)
First Meetings "They made it about you." "They made it about you" was a comment declared when discussing Sound Doctrine Church. "They," enemies of the cross, have intertwined Sound Doctrine Church with the name Timothy Williams to the point they…
Enumclaw Concise Recap Hate Crime
City of Enumclaw Corrupt Police Astonishing details of who the City of Enumclaw hires to police it’s citizens. Could standing firm in your faith lead to a courtroom battle? Explore the real-life saga of Washington State v Malcolm Fraser, where…
Grant McCall City of Enumclaw Corruption
Notations On A Police Officer Policeperson Grant McCall along with a co-conspirator framed an innocent man to destroy a church McCall objected to. Lies, manipulation of facts, corruption, double-talk, police abuse – you name it – it was done by…
Prosecutor Simmons Lies About Christmas
Update: Note how Prosecutor Jasons Simmons enlist liars. First time the Manipulated Accuser states the truth that "we" as a whole church determine where the monies go. The money always went to an individual or ogranization not affilated with Sound…
Christians That Are Cast Out
Can Christians really find themselves in hell despite their faith? On today’s episode of the Consider Podcast, we grapple with this unsettling question, examining key Biblical passages like Revelation 19:9 and Matthew 22. Through the Parable of the Wedding Banquet,…
Christians Who Go To Hell
Transcript CHRISTIANS WHO GO TO HELL The Consider Podcast Examining Wisdom, Folly & Madness www.consider.info Today we will look at where Jesus Christ said that there will be Christians who go to hell. There will be Christians that make it…
“It’s The Tone”
Note: Carla, or reference to "my wife" do not apply. She passed away. We played the flute for you, and you didn’t dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not cry. Luke 7:32 It’s the Tone The Consider Podcast…