Thanks Judge Veronica Galvan

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Judge Veronica Galvan

Seattle King County Washington

Every once in a great while, quality sneaks into the “justice” system. Such was the case with Judge Veronica Galvan in the case of State of Washington versus Jeffrey Nelson Case #20-1-06432-3KNT.

I do not know if she would have seen through the crimes of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall, in his setup hate crime, but in this case, Judge Veronica Galvan got King County Prosecutor Mark Larson 100% correct. He is a “pretzel” of corruption.

Just as Paul the Apostle commended, we commend Judge Galvan. Too bad her fellow judges bow down to King County Prosecutors.

  • (Acts 24:10) When the governor motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so I gladly make my defense.”

Thanks Judge Veronica Galvan

Issue: Auburn Police Officer Charged in 2019 Fatal Shooting Arraigned, Pleads Not Guilty

Thank you, Judge Veronica Galvan of Seattle, King County, Washington State.

I will try and keep this short.

Thanks for seeing right through King County Prosecutors; most notably Prosecutor Mark Larson. Your insight was 100%.

Prosecutor Mark Larson is a “pretzel” of corruptions, and many an innocent individual has suffered his prosecutor abuse.

The fact is Prosecutor Larson has been manipulating and corrupting the jury process as he stated, “As Chief Deputy, I have overseen the inquest process for almost 20 years.”

Fast forwarding to 2006 Prosecutor Paul Sewell, speaking for all of King County Prosecutors; has, as he stated, reduced jury selection down to a “dog and pony show.”

However, the focus here is to thank you for your quality at the time of this mentioned trial.

Owed Thanks

  • (Romans 13:7) Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Short Information

King County Prosecutor Mark Larson objected to a police officer accused of murder needing to post bail.
Prosecutor Mark Larson and Defense Attorney Alan Harvey, who enjoyed the flattery of Mr. Larson, also objected.
Prosecutors get what they want because King County Judges are sycophants. Judge Veronica Galvan stood her ground, just as the facts demanded. King County Judges than caved, gave in, and enabled the further corruptions that King County, Seattle Washington State have sunk deep into by removing Judge Veronica Galvan from the State of Washington versus Jeffrey Nelson Case #20-1-06432-3KNT
Prayer For Judge Veronica Galvan

My prayer for you is that you are not defiled by the other sycophant King County Judges you work with as time passes by. Remember well that all will have to give a full account to God for each judgment, including the method by which those judgments were arrived at. (See The Consider Podcast as we discuss jury duty and justice.)

Please remember and “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33)

“Lord we pray for Judge Veronica Galvan that you might inspire and direct her to strongly serve justice and justice alone. Attempt to protect her from the prosecutors and judges that will attempt to defile her judgments. Amen.”

King County Legacy of Corruption

From jury tampering, by corrupting the process, to endorsing City of Enumclaw Police Detective Grant McCall’s conspired criminality of creating, enhancing, and setting up a hate crime to the tune of openly instructing a False Accuser on what to accuse, while deleting evidence. In addition to actively denying justice to those who sought to present the truth, Prosecutor Mark Larson has spearedheaded these corruptions system-wide and much suffering is inflamed.

Background Information

Auburn Police Officer Charged in 2019 Auburn Examiner

Removal of Judge Veronica Galvan
State of Washington versus Jeffrey Nelson
Case #20-1-06432-3KNT

King County Prosecutor Mark Larson set no bail in this murder case.

Judge Veronica Galvan disagreed and set bail at $500,000.00

Reason: Bail should be set for a charge of murder.

Judge Galvan’s quote from the hearing:
“I have been doing this work for 17 years and never have seen in my memory a filing by summons for the charge of murder in the second degree, never. The state is turning itself into pretzels to explain to me why the rule applies. I know the rule applies. I’ve been applying this rule for the last two years. That’s all the analysis I do on a day-to-day basis.”

Request made to remove Judge Veronica Galvan from this case by Defense Attorney Alan E Harvey.

Defense Attorney Alan Harvey’s quote from the hearing:
“Judge Galvan, before the media and open court accused Mr. Larson of ‘turning itself into pretzels to explain to me why the rule applies’ to Officer Nelson.”

Background Judge Veronica A. Galvan

Judge Galvan joined the King County Superior Court bench on January 22, 2015. She assumed the position previously occupied by Judge Gregory Canova, who retired in December 2014.

Judge Galvan was born in Bremerton and grew up in the Yakima Valley, where her father picked fruit for a living. She was the first member of her family to graduate from university, earning a bachelor’s degree in sociology, with an emphasis in criminology, from Western Washington University and later a law degree from the University of Washington School of Law.

After graduating from law school, Judge Galvan practiced as an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Seattle, where she specialized in the prosecution of domestic violence cases. She then served as an Administrative Law Judge in the Office of Administrative Hearings from 2002 until 2007, when she was appointed to the Des Moines Municipal Court. During her tenure in Des Moines, she implemented the only Spanish-language traffic court in the State of Washington.

Judge Galvan has served as a faculty member for the Washington State Judicial College and as President of the District and Municipal Court Judges Association. Judge Galvan also teaches Spanish for lawyers at Seattle University School of Law. She received the Juez Excepcional award from the Latino Bar Association of Washington in 2014.

Jury Duty Podcast


The Consider Podcast attempts to express opinions through God’s holiness. Nothing concerning justice or injustice should be taken as legal advice or a call to action. There is no political agenda. There is no individual moral life advice. Indeed, each person is solely responsible before God and man for their actions or inactions. The Consider Podcast is narrowly focused on one thing, and only one thing – the need for all to surrender to a life of repentance according to the whole gospel.

The Consider Podcast
Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness with the whole gospel.

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