Warning! Washington State Prosecutors Inducing Lies

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Weaponization of False Accusations


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Warning! Washington State If You Are Accussed

This matter has been thoroughly investigated and demands the utmost seriousness. This is not a joke. Washington State prosecutors and police are actively scripting and fabricating false accusations.

Follow the Finger

Exactly What Happened

For over a year, a known manipulator groomed the accuser while conspiring with a self-righteous, religiously motivated officer to frame a church they both despised.

Enumclaw Police have a history of manipulating testimonies and planting false accusations. Detective Grant McCall sat alone with the accuser, deleting evidence, shutting the recorder on and off, and leading her into a scripted narrative.

Prosecutor Jason Simmons falsely claimed the accusations were consistent—just one of many deliberate deceptions. The prosecutorial team, including Mark Larson, Lisa Johnson, Nicole Weston, Rich Anderson, and Jason Simmons, constructed a web of lies to support a predetermined narrative.

Judge Lori K. Smith reinforced these falsehoods, even going as far as to claim that Washington State’s Constitution does not apply when it comes to religious freedom.

If you are facing false allegations, be warned: King County courts and their entire system will manipulate testimonies, implant false memories, and support corrupt police tactics designed to secure convictions.

Prosecutor Dan Satterberg, alongside Leesa Manion, has orchestrated a systematic effort to fabricate charges—leveraging institutions from Harborview Medical Center to social services, children’s court, and various nonprofit organizations—all working together to manufacture evidence that leads to guilty verdicts. Without a vigorous fact-finding examination looking for liars of false accusations that would be prosecuted it is impossible for there to be an examination for truth. As Prosecutors never charge their liars truth and evidence become irrelevant and the courtroom takes on emotional hysterics.

These individuals demonstrate a blatant disregard for truth, evidence, and the rule of law—their goal is not justice, but control.

The Evidence That "Never Happened"

Initially, the accuser clearly stated, "He never… like… penetrated me or anything."

But Enumclaw Police, alongside Washington State Prosecutors, pressured and manipulated her to change her testimony.

Despite this, King County Prosecutors brazenly lied to the jury, claiming the accuser had always maintained that penetration had occurred.

Detective McCall’s tactics were blatant. He had already heard the accuser say, "No, he never penetrated me." But when that didn’t fit his narrative, he redirected her, asking again—this time with coaching.

When her response remained the same, he abruptly changed the subject, introducing a new accusation—one that was never part of the initial report.

This was more than a fabrication—it was a deliberate act of misconduct, engineered outside the courtroom, in a coordinated effort to weaponize the legal system against a Christian church they wanted to dismantle.

The Scripted Accusation

A manipulated witness originally stated an event did not occur, only to reverse her testimony after weeks of influence by police and prosecutors.

The critical turning point? The moment the recorder was turned off.

Detective McCall needed one thing to escalate the case: an allegation of penetration. So he coached the accuser into saying it.

When she hesitated, he shut off the recording and called for a break.

Moments later, the recorder was turned back on— and suddenly, the story changed.

Now, a once-unsure accuser sounded confident, repeating a newly constructed narrative that perfectly aligned with what McCall wanted.

Judge Lori K. Smith and Prosecutor Jason Simmons locked in the lie, treating it as if it had always been part of the testimony—completely ignoring prior statements that proved otherwise.

How The Accusation Was Manufactured

The only source of the "finger penetration" allegation was Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall.

McCall sat alone with the accuser.

He introduced the idea of penetration.

When that didn’t work, he suggested a different version of events.

When the accuser hesitated, he stopped the recorder.

Then, after a closed-door conversation, the accusation miraculously appeared.

This was not an investigation—this was prosecution by design.

McCall’s goal was clear: escalate the charge to a felony level. And with the full support of King County Prosecutors and Judge Lori K. Smith, they ensured the fabricated accusation would stick.

Closing Arguments – The Prosecutor’s Own Words

During closing arguments, Prosecutor Jason Simmons doubled down, falsely claiming the accuser had always maintained the allegations.

This was a blatant distortion.

The reality?

The original testimony contradicted the prosecution’s case. But the entire system— from the police to the courts—was in on the deception.

The Truth They Refuse to Acknowledge

Detective McCall orchestrated the lie.

Prosecutor Simmons weaponized it.

Judge Lori K. Smith ensured the falsehood held up in court.

Proof of Corruption

Even as evidence mounted that the accusation was planted, King County shielded those responsible.

Instead of correcting the miscarriage of justice, they doubled down—because acknowledging the truth would mean exposing their own corruption.

A Call to Awareness

This was not a flawed investigation—this was a deliberate, coordinated attack on due process and justice.

For a deeper dive into these corrupt practices, visit consider.info/VJXP.

The Consider Podcast
Examining today’s wisdom, folly, and madness.

Let Your Lawyer Know

If you have been charged with a crime by the Washington State Police and Prosecutors, it is crucial to recognize that they are engaging in a pattern of inducing falsehoods, flat-out lies, misleading testimonies and unfounded accusations.

It might be prudent to inform your defense attorney and others about the issues of corruption Washington State Prosecutors and Judges. Especially as Prosecutors and Judges practice extortion to force a plea-deal.

City of Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall has been known to script accusations while alone with a manipulated accuser.

Subsequently, King County Prosecutors have reinforced these fabricated claims by distorting the truth, denying facts, and obscuring a hate crime.

Judge Lori K. Smith, like other judges in Washington State displaying sociopathic tendencies, even ruled that the Washington State Constitution freedom of religion does not apply. This came after Judge Beth M. Andrus whitewashed the criminal actions of Detective Grant McCall. See "Follow The Finger."1

Should not be taken as legal advice.

See "The Finger" Proof

The very fact Police, Prosecutors and Judges have not denounced the frame-up of an impossible crime demonstrates all too clearly what Prosecutors are doing behind the sences, every day in every courtroom.

Scripting & Planting Lying Accusations

Washington State Prosecutors and Police are Scripting Accusations

Warning: This matter has been thoroughly investigated.

This is no joke and should be taken with the utmost seriousness.

Washington State prosecutors and police are scripting and planting false accusations.

A Manipulated Witness initially claimed that an event did not occur, only to completely change her testimony after the police and prosecutors had thoroughly manipulated the allegations.

Evidence of the false testimony inserted by Seattle’s King County prosecutors, Judge Lori K. Smith, and Enumclaw Police can be found at www.consider.info.

Please refer to the post titled “Follow The Finger.”

For a direct link, visit www.consider.info/vjxp.

The Consider Podcast
Examining Today’s Wisdom, Folly and Madness

This Whole Interview Is "Worthless"

Responsible Groups

Prosecutors urgently need to confront their own shortcomings and seek genuine repentance. Instead of boasting about their tactics to manipulate judges while fabricating prosecutions, they should be addressing the widespread damage they are inflicting on society. In essence, they should examine their own failings before attempting to prosecute those they pressure into plea bargaining by the practice extortion. Furthermore, these prosecutors, along with their complicit judges, dismiss jury duty as their "dog and pony show." And this is just a couple examples of their wholesale abuse and mis-use of power. Remember Prosecutors never, ever prosecute those who lie for them because they themselves practice the evil art of lying.

Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys

Do not fall for the con. If you mention injustice or this corruption the prosecutors will always say, "Oh, we are glad it does not happen here." This is a lie for if prosecutors really cared injustice they and their organizations would have denounced this long, long, long ago. You will notice below no one is assigned to ensure truthful, honest and clean prosecutions.

Russell Brown, Executive Director
David Gecas, Staff Attorney
Jason Walker, Trial Skills, Internship, Recruitment & Retention
Jessica Paxson, Sexual Assault Resource Prosecutor2 Rachel Grettum, Administration & Training
Jamie Bayerlein, Administrative & Training Assistant

Adams County, Randy Flyckt, 210 West Broadway Ritzville WA 99169. (509) 659-3219
Asotin County. Curt Liedkie, 135 2nd Street PO Box 220 Asotin WA 99402, (509) 243-2061
Benton County, Eric Eisinger, 7122 West Okanogan Place Suite A230 Kennewick WA 99336, (509) 735-3591
Chelan County, Robert Sealby, 401 Washington Street. 5th Floor PO Box 2596 Wenatchee WA. 98807, (509) 667-6202 Clallam County, Mark Nichols, 223 East 4th Street Suite 11 Port Angeles WA 98362-3015, (360) 417-2301 Clark County, Tony Golik, PO Box 5000 Vancouver WA 98666, 1013 Franklin Street Vancouver WA 98660, (564) 397-2261 Columbia County, Dale Slack, 215 E. Clay Street Dayton WA 99328, (509) 382-1197
Cowlitz County, Ryan Jurvakainen, Hall of Justice 312 SW First Avenue Kelso WA 98626, (360) 577-3080
Douglas County, Gordon Edgar, Douglas County Courthouse 213 South Rainier PO Box 360 Waterville WA 98858, (509) 745-8535 Ferry County, Michael Golden, 350 E. Delaware Ave #11 Republic WA 99166, (509) 775-5225 Franklin County, Shawn Sant, 1016 North 4th Avenue B328 Pasco WA 99301, (509) 545-3543
Garfield County, Matthew Newberg, 809 Columbia Street PO Box 820 Pomeroy WA 99347, (509) 843-3082
Grant County, Kevin McCrae, 35 C Street NW PO Box 37 Ephrata WA 98823, (509) 754-2011
Grays Harbor County, Norma Tillotson, 102 West Broadway Room 102 Montesano WA 98563, (360) 249-3951
Island County, Gregory Banks, 1 NE 7th Street Coupeville WA 98239, 101 NE 6th Street Coupeville WA 98239, (360) 240-5506 Jefferson County, James Kennedy, 1820 Jefferson Street 3rd Floor PO Box 1220 Port Townsend WA 98368, 360/385-9180 King County, Leesa Manion, King County Courthous Room W-400 516 Third Avenue Seattle WA 98104, (206) 477-1200 Kitsap County, Chad Enright, 614 Division Street -M/S 35 Port Orchard WA 98366, (360) 337-7174 Kittitas County, Gregory Zempel, Kittitas County Courthouse. Room 213 205 West 5th Avenue Ellensburg WA 98926, 201 West 7th Avenue Ellensburg WA 98926, (509) 962-7520 Klickitat County, David Quesnel 205 South Columbus Avenue. Room 106 Goldendale WA 98620, (509) 773-5838

Disclaimer & Information


The Consider Podcast aims to convey opinions rooted in God’s holiness. Any discussions about justice or injustice should not be construed as legal advice or a call for action. There is no political agenda present. We do not provide individual moral guidance. Ultimately, each person is accountable to God and others for their actions or lack thereof. The sole focus of The Consider Podcast is the importance of surrendering to a life of repentance in accordance with the full gospel.

The Consider Podcast focuses on the importance of living a life of repentance in alignment with the complete gospel. This aligns with 1 Corinthians 2:2, which states, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Nothing but the whole gospel is preached and lived on The Consider Podcast.

Acts 5:20
"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the whole message of this new life."

Articulated Perspectives

The opinions shared are those of the speakers, Timothy and Jacob, stemming from a self-critical stance. They reject sin to allow the righteous truths of God to be conveyed through His Spirit of Truth.

We sincerely regret any errors, misunderstandings, or lapses in knowledge. As stated in Proverbs 18:15: "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out."

The Consider Podcast is not associated with any group organization or church. This is not out of choice but because the whole gospel is preached and lived others do not desire to fellowship in the Light.

No, Sound Doctrine Church was not a cult; in fact, it was the very antithesis of one. The church bore the fruit of holiness and faith, demonstrated through the love of Jesus, until it was undermined by corrupt authorities.

The opposition, persecution, and prosecution by anti-Christian prosecutors in Washington State serve as clear evidence of the positive impact of Jesus that was present in Sound Doctrine Church.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
Who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men.


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1 The prosecutorial team included Prosecutor Mark Larson, Prosecutor Lisa Johnson, Prosecutor Nicole Weston, Prosecutor Rich Anderson and Prosecutor Jason Simmons.
2 There is a strong emotional resistance against charging or prosecuting individuals who make sexual accusations, leading to an overwhelming burden on the court system filling the court with liars. Using sexual allegations as a method of accusation amounts to sexual exploitation. This deep-rooted destruction of societal foundations, particularly the dynamic between men and women, is exacerbating the issue of sexual assault. In summary, prosecutors share responsibility with those they claim to seek justice against.