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$2,000,000 Million & Counting

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Updated: June.Thursday.26.2024

Auburn Police Officer Jeffrey Nelson found guilty but he is a guilty scapegoat as these kinds of crimes are a result of Judges, Prosecutors and Police not doing their jobs. Hold in great suspcision those who testified against Officer Nelson as they lie, frabricate and tolerate "small" injustice all-the-time. In short, such probably, most likely lied for the Prosecution. Otherwise Enumclaw Police Grant McCall would never have been tolerated or allowed into a King County Courtroom. Period.

If Enumclaw Policeman Grant McCall can get by with pulling a shotgun on other officers in anger and creating a hate crime, grooming an accuser, conspiring with others to frame, then who else is guilty besides Officer Jeffrey Nelson in his department or the prosecutors’ office who permits these criminal acitives to build up and occurr? See www.enumclaw.com

Updated: May.Thursday.19.2024

Defective Detective Grant McCall’s relentless lying, contradictions, and frame-up activities. All King County Prosecutor and Judge approved!!

Place this at the forefront of your mind.
King County Prosecutors, King County Judges, and their pimped-out prosecutors will never condemn police that lie for them.

Attention Pimped-Out Lawyers: since you boast that you do pro-bono work, here you go, an extremely easy prosecution is availble by bringing to justice Enumclaw Detective Grant McCall.

  • Just do not expect any help from King County Prosecutors and Judges – they lust too much for their liars.

Updated: Saturday, April 20, 2024

Naturally King County Judge Nicole Gaines Phelps is very willing to hide in darkness from the Jury that King County Prosecutors have pimped-out the prosecution. At the moment the pimp-out stands at corrupt tune of $2,000,000! 5

Auburn Police Officer Jeffrey Nelson Trial

$2,000,000 Million Tax Dollars Later 4

Desire to start a new and expand your law firm in Seattle?

No conflict of interest for King County Prosecutors because nothing about "the law" applies to prosecutors.

3 Points

According to the news and King County Prosecutors, Morgan Lewis Law Firm is:

1: Your friends with the wannabe law firm startup in Seattle.
2: Just divert COVID money to help out because, well, they are your friends.
3: Pimp-out Prosecutions for all the wrong reasons because, well, we are prosecutors that prostitute "the law" for ourselves. (See Detective Grant McCall)

We are discussing two, as in two million dollars so far, to prosecute a simple excess force trial.

Naturally, the "prosecution" is being turned into a feel how bad it is rather than than facts and evidence as defined by reality and truth.

Feelings Peverted To Evidence Level

The unconstitutional corrupting influence of the "Family" Court, or CPS, has now invaded like a lousy cancer all aspects of the Criminal Court where the rule of honest laws, rules of facts and evidence is arrogantly corrupted to fit a feel-good pouncing by the State of Washington. 2 See Judge Nicole Gaines Phelps, King County, Wa. State boasting and bragging about her experience in crushing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.3

Where feelings override facts, emotions ignore truth, and evidence is the hyper-emotion of the charges accused of by prosecutor and judges.

Remember, Prosecutors never, ever, as, in, never ever, prosecute those who lie for them.

If it "feels" right to prosecute, prosecutor and judge will prosecute. In this situation an extra $2,000,000 and counting really solidifies the "feelings" of these corrupting influences.

If individuals can movie-act, play-act a winning performance to a dumbed-down jury that is believable regardless of the facts, King County Prosecutors will in-fact Prosecute – with Judges ensuring a win.

Indeed, since the police script out accusations with Judges who could-care-less, prosecutors are becoming increasingly belligerent and lawless. See Chief Judge Lori K. Smith and pals.

If you choose to perform Jury Duty with such overwhelming corruption, do not place your soul under judgment by supporting this pimped-out prosecution.

Payroll Folks

King County Prosecutors have an outside law firm, Morgan Lewis, for the Auburn Police Officer Jeffrey Nelson Trial.

Has billed over $2 million so far in the case and the trial has not even started.

11 different attorneys

2 paralegals

6 librarians

6 other employees 1

…and a partridge in a pear tree

Judge Nicole Gaines Phelps, King County, Wa. State Approved.

Note also that the Washington State Bar Association, King County Judges are openly anti-white-males. Judge Nicole Gaines Phelps is second choice for this trial. The Prosecution was not happy that the first judge refused what prosecutors desired – therefore the first judge was sent to the back of the classroom to learn her lesson.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://consider.info/wp-content/uploads/Sub-314-PAGE-6-ONLY-Over-2-Million-Billed.pdf” title=”Sub 314 PAGE 6 ONLY Over $2 Million Billed”]

4 Types Jurors

Example: Officer Scripts for the Prosecution

Text of Motion

King County Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys are civil servants who represent the State of Washington. Their resources and office support are limited. There is no financial incentive to generate billable hours or to secure convictions. Ask any homicide prosecutor at an omnibus calendar in courtrooms E1201 or GA about their work and they will talk about the struggles of managing an ever-increasing caseload, preparing for and conducting trials, working with detectives on unfiled cases and managing pager duty that has them responding to homicide scenes at all hours of the day and night. They share a paralegal with several of their colleagues. At trial, they will often have the assistance of a junior deputy, however that dynamic tends to function more as a training opportunity for the second deputy.

While this case has been either under investigation or pending trial for approximately 55 months, Morgan Lewis is entering its 16th month on the case. During the first three plus years, the prosecutor’s office team consisted of three attorneys: Mark Larson, Kathy Van Olst and Ian Ith; and a paralegal Lebryna Tamaela.

Through public disclosure requests, the King County Prosecutor’s Office has provided copies of the Morgan Lewis invoices through February 2024 (14 months). During that time, they had 11 different attorneys, two paralegals, six librarians, and six other employees billing on the case (total of 25 people).

In the invoices provided that span the 14-month period, Morgan Lewis billed the King County Prosecutor’s Office over $2,000,000. The attorneys and staff expenses topped $1.945 million. They billed for an addition $117,000 in costs. Notably, these figures do not include March 2024 where there were court hearings on the admissibility of experts that spanned three weeks.


The Consider Podcast attempts to express opinions through God’s holiness. Nothing concerning justice or injustice should be taken as legal advice or a call to action. There is no political agenda. There is no individual moral life advice. Indeed, each person is solely responsible before God and man for their actions or inactions. The Consider Podcast is narrowly focused on one thing, and only one thing – the need for all to surrender to a life of repentance according to the whole gospel.

The Consider Podcast
Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness with the whole gospel.

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1↑ King County Prosecutor Designated Attorney Daniel Clark Hired Outside King County Prosecutors Attorney Patty Eakes, Attorney Angelo Calfo Morgan Lewis 1301 Second Ave., Suite 3000 Seattle, WA 98101 United States
2↑ Family Court, CPS knowlingly declare they do not have to follow the Constituation of the United States or the Bill of Rights. Thus illegally using the Constitution to void the Constituion. Deep corruption to say the least.
3↑ From law school, Judge Phelps joined a small Seattle-based boutique family law firm and three years later moved to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (KCPAO). As a deputy prosecuting attorney she spent 7 years prosecuting cases from misdemeanors and juvenile crimes to high-profile felonies. After leaving KCPAO, she moved to a small civil practice firm focusing on civil litigation, worked as a contract public defense attorney, ran a solo practice, and served 9 years as an administrative law judge (ALJ) in the Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings. During Judge Phelps’ tenure as an ALJ she specialized in cases involving Child Protective Services (CPS) allegations of child abuse and neglect against parents and foster parents; eligibility for public benefits, including medical care and benefits for persons with developmental disabilities and eligibility for special education services for child attending public schools. Nicole Gaines Phelps, King County, Wa.
4↑ These monies need to be returned immeditaly and to ensure justice be given to the defense. Pronto.
5↑ The defense was also enabled to hide from the jury its source of funding. The defense should be allowed to protect it's source of financle help, because of Prosecutor power embalances and corruptions the jury should be fully informed. In short, the Defense owes the State zero information, whereas the State owes us taxpaying Jurors 100% of the information. Current Court and Legal Team Judge – Nicole Gaines Phelps Prosecutors: Under the supervision of the King County Prosecutor Designated Attorney Daniel Clark Private Attorneys Hired 12/8/22 Patty Eakes https://www.morganlewis.com/locations/seattle Angelo Calfo https://www.morganlewis.com/locations/seattle