A.G. Bob Ferguson Warping Black History Month

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Bob Ferguson Using and Abusing

Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s warped mind will use anyone, any cause and twist it so that he can win.

After all ever meet a Chess Champion whose mind was not off-center? More on that later in the year.

Attorney General Bob Ferguson was very reckless with "the law" to destroy border security while dividing brother against brother with the smooth sounds of a hissing snake. Mr. Ferguson mocks words like "justice", "equity" and "truth" but he is a mere mocker that stirs up destruction for Washington State.

  • Proverbs 29:8 Mockers stir up a city.

Fentanyl Ferguson Bob of WA. State sane border crusher, grandma destroyer, free speech oppressor, user of the poor has and continues to apply his wrapped mind to abusing "the law" for selfish gain.

  • Proverbs 12:8
    Men with warped minds are despised.

Celebrate Moral Grandmother Month

February 2024 is a time to celebrate all the Moral Grandmothers that have helped raise grandchildren given to self-discipline and a sense of good righteous.

Down through history there have been these old women, full of wisdom and love that tried to instill honor, purity and true respect for others even when differing in opinions and lifestyles.

The Grandmothers are the quiet humble one’s in the land that wrapped men, and women, such as Democratic Attorney General Bob Ferguson use as bread to feed their sinful lust for power. Such twist, pervert and divide the land while using Martin Luther King’s noble words for selfish ends.

  • Proverbs 6:14 Men who plot evil with deceit in his heart- they always stirs up dissension.

What unrepentant sinners like Bob Ferguson do to the weakest, humblest in the land foretells the violence that will come upon Washington State.

It is a good thing Attorney General Bob Ferguson is not a Christian as any Christian family or church would no longer be able to associate with him. That is, until he repents with godly sorrow. 1

Let us thank Arlene’s Flower Shop’s grandmother who stood against Attorney General Bob Ferguson and "his" gang until her strength ran out.

Attorney General Bob Ferguson
Feb 12
February marks #BlackHistoryMonth, a time to honor the achievements and contributions of Black Washingtonians and Americans. We are committed to recognizing, addressing and eradicating all forms of racism so that we can keep building on their achievements and gains.

Truth Translation

Truth Translation: "all forms of racism" is translated, "I Bob will contort everyone’s noses pitting friend against friend to feed my lust for power."

  • Proverbs 30:33
    For as churning the milk produces butter, and as twisting the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife.


Martin Luther King Jr., born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, was the son of Reverend Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. Growing up in a deeply religious household, King was exposed to the teachings of nonviolence and social justice from an early age. His father, a Baptist minister, played a significant role in shaping his values and beliefs.

King attended segregated public schools in Atlanta, where he excelled as a student. At the age of 15, he enrolled at Morehouse College, a prestigious historically black college in Atlanta. It was at Morehouse that King began to develop his intellectual and moral foundation, influenced by the teachings of Gandhi and the philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

After graduating from Morehouse with a degree in sociology, King went on to pursue a divinity degree at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. During his time at Crozer, he immersed himself in the study of theology and philosophy, exploring the works of theologians and thinkers who would later shape his understanding of justice and equality.

King’s education continued at Boston University, where he pursued a doctorate in systematic theology. His time at Boston University allowed him to deepen his knowledge and refine his ideas about social justice and the role of religion in the fight for civil rights.

King’s education played a significant role in shaping his worldview and providing him with the intellectual tools to articulate his vision for a more just and equal society. It laid the foundation for his future leadership in the Civil Rights Movement and his unwavering commitment to nonviolent resistance.

Martin Luther King’s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King Jr. emerged as a prominent leader in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. His leadership and strategic approach to activism played a crucial role in advancing the cause of racial equality and challenging the entrenched system of segregation and discrimination.

One of King’s most notable achievements was his role in organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. This protest was sparked by the arrest of Rosa Parks, an African American woman who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery bus. The boycott lasted for 381 days and ultimately led to the desegregation of Montgomery’s public transportation system.

King’s leadership in the boycott catapulted him into the national spotlight and established him as a powerful voice for civil rights. He went on to co-found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), an organization dedicated to ending segregation and racial discrimination through nonviolent protest.

Under King’s leadership, the SCLC organized numerous nonviolent protests and acts of civil disobedience. These actions aimed to expose the injustices of segregation and to mobilize public support for the cause of civil rights. One of the most significant of these protests was the Birmingham Campaign in 1963, which resulted in the desegregation of public facilities in Birmingham, Alabama.

King’s leadership and his ability to inspire and mobilize others were evident in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. This historic event brought together over 200,000 people and culminated in King’s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. His powerful words and impassioned plea for racial equality resonated with people around the world and solidified his status as a visionary leader.

Throughout his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement, King faced numerous challenges and obstacles. He was arrested multiple times, subjected to violence and intimidation, and constantly under surveillance by the FBI. Despite these hardships, King remained steadfast in his commitment to nonviolence and his belief in the power of love and compassion to effect lasting change.

Martin Luther King’s famous speeches and quotes
Martin Luther King Jr. was a gifted orator and his speeches are some of the most powerful and influential in American history. His ability to convey complex ideas with clarity and conviction made him a compelling and persuasive speaker. Many of his speeches and quotes continue to resonate with people today, inspiring and motivating them to fight for justice and equality.

One of King’s most famous speeches is his "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered during the March on Washington in 1963. In this speech, King eloquently articulated his vision of a future where racial equality would be a reality. He spoke of his dream that one day, people would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Another notable speech by King is his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," written in 1963 while he was incarcerated for participating in civil rights demonstrations. In this letter, King defended the strategy of nonviolent resistance and explained why he believed it was necessary to challenge unjust laws and practices.

King’s speeches and quotes are filled with powerful imagery and memorable phrases. His words have the ability to evoke strong emotions and inspire action. Some of his most famous quotes include:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
"The time is always right to do what is right."
These quotes encapsulate the essence of King’s philosophy and his unwavering commitment to nonviolence and justice. They serve as a reminder of the power of words to inspire change and the enduring legacy of a man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of equality and freedom for all.

Impact of Martin Luther King’s activism
Martin Luther King Jr.’s activism had a profound and lasting impact on American society. His leadership and advocacy for civil rights transformed the nation and brought about significant changes in laws and attitudes towards racial equality.

One of the most significant impacts of King’s activism was the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This landmark legislation outlawed racial segregation and discrimination in public facilities, employment, and education. It was a major victory for the Civil Rights Movement and a testament to the power of nonviolent protest and grassroots organizing.

Another important achievement of King’s activism was the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This legislation aimed to overcome the barriers that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote. It eliminated discriminatory voting practices and allowed for greater political participation and representation for African Americans.

King’s activism also paved the way for the desegregation of schools, public transportation, and other public facilities across the country. Through his leadership and the efforts of countless individuals who fought for civil rights, the walls of segregation began to crumble, opening up opportunities for African Americans that were previously denied to them.

Beyond legislative victories, King’s activism had a profound impact on American society by challenging deeply ingrained attitudes and beliefs about race. His message of love, tolerance, and nonviolence resonated with people from all walks of life and forced them to confront the injustice and inequality that existed in their own communities.

King’s activism also inspired a new generation of civil rights leaders and activists. His legacy continues to inspire and empower individuals to fight for justice and equality, not only in the United States but around the world. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, King’s influence can be seen in the ongoing struggle for social justice.

While there is still work to be done to achieve King’s dream of a truly equal society, his activism laid the foundation for progress and continues to shape the fight for civil rights today. His impact is felt not only in the laws that were changed but in the hearts and minds of those who continue to carry the torch of justice and equality.

Martin Luther King’s legacy and contributions to society
Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy extends far beyond his role as a civil rights leader. His contributions to society are immeasurable, and his influence can be seen in various aspects of American life.

One of the most significant contributions of King’s legacy is the idea that change can be achieved through nonviolent means. King’s commitment to nonviolence as a strategy for social change has had a profound impact on movements for justice and equality around the world. His philosophy of nonviolence influenced figures like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and countless others who have fought for freedom and justice.

King’s emphasis on the power of love and compassion in the pursuit of justice has also left a lasting impact. His belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their race or background, continues to inspire efforts to build a more inclusive and equitable society.

In addition to his activism, King was also a prolific writer and theologian. His books and essays, such as "Stride Toward Freedom" and "Why We Can’t Wait," continue to be studied and celebrated for their insights into the struggle for civil rights and the principles of nonviolent resistance.

King’s contributions to society were recognized during his lifetime and continue to be acknowledged today. In 1986, Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established as a national holiday in the United States, commemorating his birthday and honoring his contributions to the country. This holiday serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice and the importance of nonviolent resistance.

King’s legacy is also preserved through various organizations and institutions dedicated to promoting his ideals and values. The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, founded by King’s widow, Coretta Scott King, continues to carry forward his teachings and work towards a more just and peaceful world.

Although King’s life was tragically cut short, his legacy lives on, inspiring generations of activists and reminding us all of the power of one person to make a difference. His contributions to society continue to shape the fight for equality and justice, and his message of love and nonviolence remains as relevant today as it was during the height of the Civil Rights Movement.

Martin Luther King Day and its significance
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the United States, observed on the third Monday of January each year. It is a day to honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., and to celebrate his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement and the fight for racial equality.

The holiday was established in 1986, after years of advocacy and lobbying by civil rights leaders, including Coretta Scott King, King’s widow. It was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan and became the first federal holiday commemorating an African American.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day holds great significance for the nation. It serves as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made by King and countless others in the fight for civil rights. It is a day to reflect on the progress that has been made and to renew our commitment to the ideals of equality, justice, and nonviolence.

The holiday is also an opportunity to engage in acts of service and community outreach. Many people choose to spend Martin Luther King Jr. Day volunteering or participating in activities that promote social justice and equality. It is a day to honor King’s legacy by actively working towards the realization of his dream of a more just and equitable society.

In addition to the national holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day has inspired a wide range of events and celebrations across the country. These include parades, concerts, and educational programs that highlight the life and teachings of King. Schools and universities often incorporate lessons and activities focused on King’s legacy into their curriculum.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not only a time to remember the past, but also an opportunity to consider the work that still needs to be done. It serves as a reminder that the fight for equality and justice is ongoing, and that each individual has a role to play in creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, let us remember his inspiring words and powerful example. Let us strive to live out his ideals of love, nonviolence, and justice in our own lives, and let us continue the work of building a world where all people are treated with dignity and respect.

Controversies and criticisms surrounding Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King Jr. was a highly influential figure in American history, but his legacy is not without controversy and criticism. While many view King as a champion of civil rights and a symbol of hope, others have raised questions and concerns about his personal life and political views.

One of the main controversies surrounding King is his alleged infidelity. In the years following his death, reports emerged of extramarital affairs, which raised questions about his character and integrity. These revelations challenged the image of King as a moral leader and led to debates about the separation of personal life and public achievements.

Another criticism leveled against King is his association with individuals and groups considered to be communist sympathizers. During the height of the Cold War, King’s connections to individuals such as Stanley Levison, a suspected communist, and his involvement with left-leaning organizations caused some to question his political beliefs and loyalty to the United States.

Furthermore, some critics argue that King’s emphasis on nonviolence and his call for peaceful resistance hindered more radical and militant approaches to the fight for civil rights. They argue that King’s philosophy of nonviolence allowed the white power structure to maintain control and avoid significant changes to the status quo.

It is important to recognize and engage with these controversies and criticisms surrounding King while also acknowledging the context in which he operated. The Civil Rights Movement was a complex and multifaceted struggle that involved a wide range of individuals and approaches. King’s leadership and commitment to nonviolence were not without their challenges and detractors, but they played a crucial role in advancing the cause of civil rights.

While it is important to critically examine the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., it is equally important not to let these controversies overshadow his immense contributions to the fight for racial equality. King’s leadership, his powerful speeches, and his unwavering commitment to nonviolence continue to inspire and guide generations of activists. His vision of a more just and equal society remains a powerful force for change.

Recognitions and honors for Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King Jr.’s contributions to the Civil Rights Movement and his advocacy for racial equality have been recognized and honored in various ways. Throughout his lifetime and in the years following his death, King received numerous awards and accolades that reflect the impact of his work.

In 1964, at the age of 35, King became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. The award recognized his leadership in the nonviolent struggle for civil rights and his efforts to achieve racial equality through peaceful means. King donated the prize money to the Civil Rights Movement, further highlighting his commitment to the cause.

Personal Proclivities

Attorney fentanyl Ferguson Bob of WA. State sane border crusher, grandma destroyer, free speech oppressor, user of the poor is a Pervert of Jurisprudence. Democratic Attorney General Bob Ferguson perverts the equality Martin Luther King preached, where no one is judged by the color of their skin, into Ferguson’s wrapped personal proclivities of approved politics, behaviors and speech. In addition to promoting Washington State to groom children towards his Personal Proclivities, but also to the tune of singling out an elderly grandmother while helping to run a Christian Church out of the City of Enumclaw.

Bob Ferguson has proven by his track record that he would destroy whole classes of individual’s freedom in order to win his dark-minded political chess match.


The Consider Podcast attempts to express opinions through God’s holiness. Nothing concerning justice or injustice should be taken as legal advice or a call to action. There is no political agenda. There is no individual moral life advice. Indeed, each person is solely responsible before God and man for their actions or inactions. The Consider Podcast is narrowly focused on one thing, and only one thing – the need for all to surrender to a life of repentance according to the whole gospel.

The Consider Podcast
Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness with the whole gospel.

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1 2 Corinthians 7:11 See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.