Public School Darkness Washington State is fast becoming a statehood of perverts. Think jury duty and be very afraid of these individuals rendering judgment. No wonder the hate crime was a success in the City of Enumclaw. Now you know…
Plus Posts
Plus Posts Explained The "Plus Posts" are topics to consider that are normally outside The Consider Podcast. In order to not clutter up the main focus of The Consider Podcast, these posts are only viewed by choosing the TAG PLUS…
JD Vance 100% Wrong : January 6th Prisoners
JD Vance 110% Wrong JD Vance is completely mistaken. 100% wrong. JD Vance should focus on addressing the legal violence initiated by prosecutors, judges, and police. Those who instigated the chaos and subsequently engaged in the legal, emotional, and physical…
Protect Your Body And Soul From Cold
God’s Advice He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor. Job 37:6-7…
Post ID System Explained
Post ID System Directions For Post ID System Instead of copying and remembering long web addresses to a post you can enter in the Post Number to be displayed. On The Consider Podcast you may hear a post number mentioned,…
Consider: Derek Chauvin – George Floyd Autopsy
File Under Madness Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder without access to the full autopsy report and samples. In short, the Prosecutor and Judge tried a man for murder without establishing the cause of death and allowing the accused to…
Lawyer: Jury Nullification
Lawyer: Jury Nullificaton Link to Sheila. Having a potty mouth is a sin, but this lawyer knows the system is thoroughly corrupt. Those with a worthwhile souls should take to heart her advice. Beware Judges, Police and Prosecutors, though they…
Jesus Had Short Hair
Short Hair Command Jesus had short hair. He who made the soul created the body. That same love of detail and attention by God went into the making of both. To declare that God doesn’t care what you wear or…
Jury “Guilty” Verdicts
"But A Jury Found Them Guilty!" But a jury found them guilty. Non-thinking individuals declare. Well, then, with that simple logic, Nazi juries that sentenced Jews were correct. How about down South, when Negroes were sentenced and hung, the verdict…
Judge Beth M. Andrus “Dishonest Scales”
Judge Beth M. Andrus whitewashed Enumclaw Police Grant McCall’s criminal activities, thus unleashing his destruction upon a church he despised. Also enabling King County Prosecutors to block every call for an investigation into the conspired hate crime. Judge Beth M.…