Truth Translation
Washington State Bar Association, "The drink of injustice is on us."
Truth Translation: Washington State Bar Association: Now that we WSBA have thoroughly corrupted Judges and Prosecutors, their first order of business is to bankrupt you so that you are at the mercy of the Public Defenders we own. Guilty or not, you will be destroyed. In short, the Washington Bar Association now owns you lock-stock-and-barrel …hee, hee
Bonus Truth Translation: If you are a straight, white male just plead guilty as all justice will be denied. I was already ran out of the City of Enumclaw through the WSBA, Poice, Prosecutor, Judge Washington state sponsored hatecrime. Conclusion if you are a white Christian male you will be more than denied justice – you will be punished.
WSBA Adopts New Public Defense Standards
Adopted March 2024
WSBA Adopts New Public Defense Standards
Defenders and a landmark national study confirm lower caseloads and more support staff are necessary to right to an effective defense. Washington State Bar Association
WSBA Adopts New Public Defense Standards
Adopted March 2024
WSBA Standards for Indigent Defense Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Press release
Board of Governors March 2024 meeting materials
The Council on Public Defense (CPD) unites representatives of the bar, private and public criminal defense attorneys, current and former prosecutors, the bench, elected officials and the public to address new and recurring challenges that impact the public defense system. The Council educates and informs policy makers on issues that need reform and provides concrete proposals that are enhanced by the comprehensive nature of the Council’s membership. The CPD is guided by its Charter (2023) and meets regularly throughout the year.
Robert Boruchowitz (Emeritus), Seattle University School of Law
Ann Christian (Emeritus), Retired
Rachel Cortez, Law Office of Rachel Cortez
Leandra Craft, King County Prosecuting Attorney
Eileen Farley (Emeritus), Northwest Defenders Association
Kevin Flannery, Stoll Berne
Louis Frantz, Retired
Molly Gilbert, Union President, King County Department of Public Defense
Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud, Washington Supreme Court
Christie Hedman, Washington Defender Association
Paul Holland, Seattle University School of Law
Larry Jefferson, Office of Public Defense
Anita Khandelwal, King County Department of Public Defense
Kathy Kyle, Snohomish County Public Defender
Arian Noma, Gonzaga University School of Law
Jonathan Nomamiukor, ACLU of Washington
Abigael Pence, Pacific Point Defense
Judge Marla L. Polin, Spokane County Superior Court
Anthony Powers, Seattle Clemency Project
Abraham Ritter, Gonzaga University School of Law
Erika Rutter, Yakima County Volunteer Attorney Services
Jason Schwarz (Chair), Snohomish County Public Defender
Judge Dee A. Sonntag, Tacoma Municipal Court
Travis Stearns (Emeritus), Washington Appellate Project
Christopher Swaby, Swaby Law Firm
Maya Titova, University of Washington School of Law
Maialisa Vanyo (Vice-Chair), Whatcom County Public Defender Office
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