#37 Jury Duty and Justice Pt 1

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Video: One misdemeanor, two misdemeanor, three misdemeanor, Felony Four, prosecutors plea-bargain in the dark, prosecutors plea-bargain as they crush, prosecutors plea bargain with pompous pride. Desire a jury trial, then prosecutors punish with Felony Four. (Matthew 5:37). Let your language be ‘yes, yes,’ or ‘no, no.’ Anything in excessiveness comes from the Evil One. The consider Podcast. Examining today’s madness, folly, and wisdom. www.consider.info.

Timothy: Jacob, what is the number one, the number one rule for understanding what justice is?

Jacob: The number one Well get wisdom you’re supposed to fear the Lord. So, the number one rule for justice, this is going to sound like a joke. Don’t talk to cops, but no I don’t know what it is.

Timothy: Play the intro and let’s talk about it.
Intro: Welcome to the Consider Podcast where we turn our minds to consider wisdom, madness and folly. Join the host Timothy and Jacob on a quest to have God enlighten the mind according to verse 25 of Ecclesiastes chapter 7. So, I turned my mind to understand. To investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly. Ecclesiastes 7:25. The Consider Podcast examining today’s events and Paulorrow’s realities at www.consider.info.

Timothy: Let’s begin by looking at Proverbs chapter 28, verse 5. Jacob, why don’t you go ahead and read that as we discover the number one rule. The number one rule you have to have to understand what justice is.

Jacob: Proverbs chapter 28 verse 5. “Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it fully.”

Timothy: I know the obvious answer kind of would be well how do you understand what’s the number one rule for understanding justice it would be seek the Lord. Well, the Lord’s not rule but what’s the first rule. Again, you may you may not figure out this point. But what’s the first rule that God will teach you when it comes to understanding justice?

Jacob: That you’re wrong.

Timothy: Yeah, that’s a good starting point, but that’s not a rule.

Jacob: Well, but somebody is wrong I am wrong.

Timothy: Oh, for sure.

Jacob: Oh, that’d be a rule of thumb.

Timothy: A rule of thumb I like that. Well, the first part of verse 5 says, “Evil men do not understand justice.” They’re just not going to get it and by evil men, we first have to define who are evil. Well, anybody not picking up their cross. Anybody not hating their own life. Anyone not fully having paid the cost of following Jesus Christ is evil. Is that simple? So, that pretty much covers all of the legal system, right?

Jacob: Correct.

Timothy: I don’t know of any prosecutor judge, any of them that actually are disciples of Jesus. They might have a cultural Christianity, even that’s doubtful anymore

Jacob: Even, yeah.

Timothy: There’s a lot of even defense attorneys or whatever that believe that they’re Christians and I’ve got an open invitation. If you think you’re a true Christian in Jesus Christ or defense attorney or a policeman or a prosecutor or judge. Give me a call and we’ll do what Corinthians says, “And put that to the test.” We’d love to discover one. “Evil men do not understand justice.” So, you just start right there. So, when you think of jury duty who’s going into jury duty with the holiness and the Godliness Comes from Jesus Christ. You’d have to say that’s far and few between. So, it’s no wonder things are a total mess and corrupt.
“But those who seek the Lord understand justice,” and not just justice but fully understand what justice is. It’s something that just resides in there. Because obviously an understanding of what justice is comes from the Lord. And only a mind that has been transformed or made different by the power of the Holy Spirit is going to be able to have the thoughts and the attitudes of the living God. In fact, Romans tells us that the sinful mind of man is hostile to God. So, when you talk about justice the normal sinful mind is hostile to everything that we’re looking at here. We’re going to look at the number one rule that will put us into a position where we can be taught by God what justice is and most people won’t go there. So, they’re not going to have that wisdom and understanding that comes fully from the Lord. Any thoughts on that so far, Jacob?

Jacob: No really, I’m curious to find out what the ultimate number one rule is.

Timothy: Well, let’s go, let’s keep pressing forward and we’ll kind of get there maybe. Let’s go to Proverbs chapter 14 verse 33. This is going to sound arrogant and special. It’s not really, it’s just a truth, because God only gives wisdom to the humble. He only gives this kind of knowledge that is a full understanding what justice is to those that are being broken of self and of pride and of opinion. It’s interesting that judges when down the rulings. It’s always their opinion. Well, Proverbs says, “Only a fool delights in airing their opinion.” And that’s why the judicial system is not only corrupt but it’s more corrupt than it was 10 years ago and it’s certainly more corrupt than it was 25 years ago. It is never what we would call holy or good, but it is way down into that sinkhole called injustice. It’s just all over the place at this point. It’s out in the open. Proverbs 14:33. Go ahead and read that Jacob.

Jacob: “Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she lets herself be known.”

Timothy: Wisdom reposes. When you think of the word “repose”, what do you think of Jacob?

Jacob: I don’t know. I’d legitimately have to look at a dictionary but reposes is like it settles in. It sort of it hangs out. It’s like I don’t know.

Timothy: Why don’t you surf to Webster there, and let’s go ahead and look it up. And while you’re doing that, I’ll do the second part of this verse. It says, “Even among fools she let herself be known.” Every once in a while, wisdom will sneak into the judicial system. You don’t see it very often, but if God didn’t do that things would collapse instantly. Let’s just say that God pulled his goodness back from the world and pull back his wisdom from the world. No influence whatsoever, the earth would self-destruct within micro seconds. Because it’s only the spirit of the Lord that holds the world together and holds semblance of justice within the legal system, the United States are really any country. We often say when we see those things well that’s just an exception to the rule because it’s true.

But even among the foolish, even among the stupid, the problem is that wisdom will make itself known to fools and they’ll think they’re wise based on that one decision. They hold on to it for life. Whereas the righteous, you get a taste of wisdom, you get an understanding what justice is, you want to understand more and more. But in order to get there, it’s back to what you said earlier. You have to be willing to be made wrong. That’s how child learns and we’re supposed to all be children in Jesus Christ. So, we’re taught the word no or that’s not correct. It’s kind of like a child that you’re raising that they’ll bring the words back and I watch parents dialogue with their children and the children are repeating backwards. They don’t quite fully understand and so you’re constantly building on that.

Well, fool is a type of person who they get one little concept down and they think they’re good for life. And they go on out to protest, do all kinds of things or get into positions of leadership or become policemen or judges or whatever and they just bring all of the folly in mixed in with one or two truths that they think they have. They’re deceived false Christians. If they’re Christians, otherwise they’re just pompous pride all puffed up and they’re pagans. They don’t even really care about justice. They’re just part of the legal system. “Well, wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning.” Did you find the word “reposes”?

Jacob: Yeah, there’s a lot of definitions but we’ll go number one. Number one A, a state of resting after exertion or strain. 1B is eternal or heavenly rest.

Timothy: Interesting. Interesting. I would not expected that to be in Websters.

Jacob: Yeah.

Timothy: Proposes reminds me of a laid-back position. Strenuous activity. I like that definition. You pick up your cross. You deny yourself. God comes along to break you so you humble yourself. You just devour the word of God and you let it just flow through your being. You don’t really understand what’s going on or what’s there. It dwells and works in there and then God begins to bring that together. There’s a lot of work that goes into involved to being humble, to being taught by wisdom but once it does, it just kind of reposes. It’s just sitting there. You’ve done all the effort. You’ve picked up your cross. You follow Jesus Christ. You hate your own life despite your own opinions. You learn to die to self and when you’ve been wrong, you admit it and man, you are worn out being broken by God.

Wisdom then comes in and can just relax. It can just be there and so it comes out quickly. Over the years, I’ve had from time-to-time people tell me that I should have been a lawyer or I’d made a good lawyer as what they’ve actually said. I take it as a compliment, but truth is I would have never lasted because I’m concerned with justice and I would have been driven out of the quote unquote justice system. When God comes back to justice system, he’s going to sue them for fraud and false advertising. Because it’s anything but justice. It’s based on totally something irrelevant and the opposite of justice because the understanding of justice comes from God. And unless the court system is fully acknowledging, surrendering to, and seeking the living God, guess what? It’s not going to have any holiness to it. And we know, let me remind everybody, when Satan tempted Jesus out in the desert, he offered him all the governments of the world throughout time. Did he not?

Jacob: Yes.

Timothy: He’s not bluffing. And they belong to Satan. So, when Satan was offering that, Jesus didn’t go, well, you don’t really have the United States of America so you’re not offering me everything. Satan owns the governmental system Satan is fully in charge of the legal system and we’ll see more and more. We could be here all day long talking about how corrupt it is but we will touch on some topics and look at that. So, Satan wasn’t bluffing. Back again to, “Wisdom reposes in the heart of discerning and even fools she lets herself be known.” So, God will come in and sometimes on a trial or whatever a situation or somebody set free and wisdom will enter in. Well, you have to know it’s not because those people are good or the judicial system is up to par it means God just said, okay, that’s enough, I’m going to come in, I’m going to act, otherwise this thing’s going to collapse very very quickly.

Jacob: Oh well interesting that you said that because well I always think of as soon as you’re saying what’s the number one rule for understanding what justice is. Because then I think even like worldly Christians or anyone, even non-Christians pretty much agree that like you won’t kind of get, don’t expect justice out of the judicial system. And so, as a Christian, you’re like well true justice is only going to come God, you just made a statement though that what? Every once in a while, you think God looks down and actually allows some justice to enter the courtrooms. Is there any true justice even being administered in courtrooms today?

Timothy: No, if it is, it’s by accident.

Jacob: Okay, so and that’s where we come back to what’s the number one rule for understanding, because that would mean none of the judges actually understand what justice is but they just kind of bump into it and it just happens.

Timothy: Correct. That’s why I’ve said juries always get it wrong because even when they’re right, they’re getting it correct for the wrong reason.

Jacob: Correct. Justice, well we’ll look at it here in just a minute. In fact, we’re getting up to what that number one rule is to be taught. Now there may be other rules and we’ll discover those as we go on. But this is the number one rule to get started. Like you and I debate a lot of things, we examine a lot of stuff and we do that before the Lord. We’re dialoguing, we’re wrestling. I’ll sometimes admit when you’re right because you are right. And then we go back and forth and we banter. We really have fun discussing for the Lord, and looking all kinds of things that have to do with justice. What’s the number one thing you don’t probably realize you’re doing and what is it that you’re actually number one rule employing so that we can even discuss what would be justice in a particular situation?

Jacob: Well, I think of, well Jesus says don’t judge by mere appearances but make a right judgement. So, I think a lot of times when we’re talking, we’re trying to from the like well what’s the right judgement, what’s the right thing in this situation. Whether it’s a new story or a judicial story or whatever. Like what should have happened, what should have been done. But from the Lord’s eyes like kind of like what would he have done type thing.

Timothy: Correct, oh yeah. You’re right onto it. The number one rule here it is, “Forget the crime.” The number one rule for us to even have a discussion about what justice would look like and what justice would be you to forget the crime. You have to forget what’s charged. What do prosecutors always want you to focus in? Always. Every single time they want you to zero in and just look at this one particular point and never look at anything else. What is that? Now that I’ve kind of given you a hint, what is that one thing?

Jacob: I’m still drawing a blank. What’s the number one thing they want? Well, they’re already manipulating whatever they want done. So, they only want you to focus in on whatever the one tiny thing is that they want you to focus on.

Timothy: And what’s that one tiny thing they only want you to see. They don’t want you to see their corruptions. They don’t want to see their smoke and mirrors. All those things are used for you to just look emotionally at one point.

Jacob: I don’t know.

Timothy: The crime.

Jacob: Oh, the crime. Oh, even the supposed crime.

Timothy: Well, I’m saying we’ve given that for example. The crime. Because what happens with plea bargaining? You go in. You plea-bargain and they’re in private and they’re doing everything, the prosecutors and different attorneys. They do all this in the dark. Well of course who’s the author darkness but Satan. So, they’re sitting around. They’re talking about, oh well, you know we could do these years and this many things over here but they have to do that. So, nobody sees what’s going on. And it’s always a reduction like here’s the crime but if he pleads guilty, we’ll reduce it down to this. Correct?

Jacob: Yes. Correct. He has to admit to the crime.

Timothy: No, no. He has to admit to whatever the prosecutor saying the crime is.

Jacob: Yes.

Timothy: Not the actual crime.

Jacob: Oh, the charges.

Timothy: The charges. So, it’s actual crime they went to. So, if you reject the plea-bargain, they immediately what do the prosecutors run do? They magnify the charges.

Jacob: Charging up Adam on.

Timothy: Instead of let’s just say it’s one count of evil, right?

Jacob: Yeah.

Timothy: So, you go in plea-bargain. He’s got one kind of evil. But if he pleads not guilty or he pleads guilty to our terms and goes through this. We’ll reduce it down to a misdemeanor. And it may be a misdemeanor. That may be the actual truth as an actual crime against the law. Because now I want to go to trial. Whoa, all of a sudden it becomes a felony. Usually what they do is this. They’ll charge a bunch of; they’ll charge a felony out there. It could be a speeding ticket, right? And normally that’s a misdemeanor. Pay your fine gun. But in order to plea barring which means they extort some type of guilty plea. They’ll up it to like, oh, it’s a felony now. We’re going to charge a felony. Everything’s a felony anymore.

I don’t want to get too sidetracked. So, then they come back in and then they’re hassling it and your defense attorney who’s really working for the prosecutor. But we covered that in another show. Works out a bargain, like a Walmart used car lot, oh well you know what? We have this car over here, but if you’re willing to pay this and go on there, the judicial system is down to a used car salesman type thing. And I say that with apology just to use car salesman, because it it’s just corrupt. So anyway, you turn down the offer, you want a jury trial, prosecutors don’t like to work. They don’t like their power being authority. They don’t want you to go to trial. So, then they heap it on one after another after another to break you to do what? The plea-bargain.

So, the number one thing you got to do especially if you go to jury trial forget the crime and we’ll see why this is important in a moment. I could care less what the crime is because I don’t trust the prosecutors. Only a fool would trust prosecutors. Only a fool would trust the policeman. Only an absolute really idiot would trust that judge. There’s so much lying and corruption. Just take a quick look at YouTube or watch some videos if you don’t believe that to be true. So, you forget all that. You tune all of that out and you examine how did We get to that. Judgement. Where did it come from? How’s the state conducting itself? And we’ll see why this is true in a moment. But I want to kind of deviate. Who’s the first prosecutor that came into existence Jacob?

Jacob: Well unfortunately, I can see it on my screen.

Timothy: Yeah, but that’s one way to that’s why I did the below the graphic. I kind of hit it a little bit.

Jacob: Exactly, I would know yeah.

Timothy: Well, let’s go to Genesis 4:22 and for punishment I’m going to make you read it because I’m terrible with names.

Jacob: Okay.

Timothy: Quite embarrassing for a pastor that I usually kind of old sermons you’ll hear me mumble over. I never could get it all straight. So, nobody’s ever named Smith or John in the Bible. So, let’s go to Genesis 4:22. Let’s talk about who the first prosecutor was. Technically, I need to refine that just a tad for the legal class. Who was the first human prosecutor? Because the very first prosecutor is Satan. And he used the serpent to prosecute the character of God. God’s really Holding things bad. God has wounded you. You deserve justice. The justice is you should be able to eat from the fruit in the Garden of Eden.
So, Satan technically is the first prosecutor. He is the author of lies. He’s the accuser of the brethren and any first grader Sunday school student knows that that’s the case. But who is the first like human prosecutor? Because we have to acknowledge the judicial system is not based on justice, it’s based on vengeance. Am I correct on that? Somebody does a crime? They do something to you. So, you convict them. You’re not, you call it justice but it’s not. You’re looking for vengeance.

Jacob: Yeah, you somebody you’ve been wronged, and so then this other person is going to pay the price. Yeah, that’s what you know, yeah.

Timothy: That’s what it’s all about.

Jacob: That’s what it’s all about. The family sits in the courtroom. He let’s just say murder, so and so got murdered and they want justice and the justice is the guy, well ultimately either he dies or he goes to jail for life or something bad happen to him because he did something bad.

Timothy: Correct. And just as a side note, when I was growing up, I happened to be in an age group when the judicial system and parenting and all this stuff is going through massive changes. People don’t realize this whole thing about people that have been wounded by other people and crimes and speaking in court, that’s a new introduction. That happened when I want to say I was 10 years old right around that time and I don’t mean this some boastful edge but even them going, no, this is not a good thing. So, it’s out of control at this point. When you enter in this kind of vengeance and I understand the frustration of wanting to speak in a courtroom, but that’s not how the law is supposed to work.
The law is supposed to be a buffer between the mob and between the actual crime and what’s going on, but it’s not now it’s all blended. And we’ll see here in a moment just how corrupt that’s becoming. Alright, so let’s Look at the first prosecutor that the name of that person is Cain and his children. Go ahead and read Genesis 4:22-24.

Jacob: “Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron. Tobal-Cain’s sister was Nemah. Lemek said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lemek, hear my words. I have killed the man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lemek 77 times.”

Mid Point

Timothy: So, right here, we have in a very tight set of words what our legal system is all about. The laws keep becoming more and more vengeful. The judges become more and more vengeful and self-righteous and puffed up. The laws become mounting and it’s all based on I was injured and so I need justice, and justice becomes if I’m repaid immediately. There’s no trust of God and that you would expect. If we can’t put our trust in God to deliver us or to bring about vengeance at the proper time and judge correctly, we’re going to take it into our own hands. So, it’s the spirit of Cain that is in the courtroom and everybody who’s a Christian, a true Christian. If you show up for jury duty and you sit down in there, you have to understand you are watching the spirit of Cain.
When we went through the hate crime that we went through and the policeman who literally committed a crime and planted evidence and the prosecution of course mounted up, because we wanted to go to trial with all kinds of extra charges. The defense attorney turned us and said, well, it’s the state of Washington that’s really on trial here. And there’s a lot of truth to what that defense attorney said. The problem is nobody pays attention to what that means. That’s not what they’re doing. The jury is not sitting there going, well, how is the Washington state court system coming to these conclusions. Because clearly, you have a policeman sitting there scripting out accusations alone. Let me back up and let me rephrase this. I don’t even want to word it this way, because it’s just so nasty. You bring a girl in and you sit her down in a room and you’re an authority figure and you’re sitting alone one on one, and you begin to go, he did this to you, yeah. He did this to you, and then he did this and then he did this. And she’s going, yes, yes and nobody within the legal system of Washington State raised an eyebrow that says, there could be some crimes going on here.

Now that tells me a whole lot. Number one, it tells me that the prosecutors in Washington State lie all the time. Because the only reason you can overlook that is because you do it all the time. Somebody that’s really full of justice is going to go, you can’t lie no more than I can lie. You can’t manipulate somebody to get what you want. No more, nor than I can. I would go to J rightly so for that kind of perversion. Well, believe it or not, this policeman in the city of Enam Claw and Washington State was promoted after it was all done. The judges that let this go on. They were by Governor Inslee promoted to a higher level.

What does that tell you? It is a spirit of Cain. It is a spirit of lying and it’s only people that want the truth out there that are punished and sent to prison. It’s an amazing thing to watch what happened because it is the spirit of Cain. Now let’s remind for people that don’t know, what did Cain originally do, Jacob?

Jacob: He killed his brother.

Timothy: And why did he kill him.

Jacob: Because he was jealous that his sacrifice was accepted by God.

Timothy: Correct. So, there’s the sayings that, “No goodness goes unpunished.” Tucker Carlson actually on one of his speeches said that it’s the truth that’s always punished, it’s because you’re watching the spirit of Cain. It’s actually anything that is truthful and since the prosecutors have way too much power. They will crush any truth to make sure it doesn’t get into court. They will bankrupt you, so you can’t defend yourself. Often you got to laugh because it’s just kind of so ridiculous to go, well, you had a trial. You could’ve presented defense. No, you couldn’t. You’re totally broke. The prosecutors went on for like 28 days and you just sitting there listening to one slander after another slander. I would have taken another 28 days and a couple million dollars to have an equal offense. If there was any type of reform and there isn’t. So, I’m just going to throw this out there because it wouldn’t happen.

The state needs to start paying for everybody to be able to defend themselves. Dollar for dollar, power for power that if the prosecution has this much money, they’re investing in a crime, the defense is entitled the exact same dollar, the exact same power to call witnesses in and it needs to be an equal thing so the truth can come out. You think that’s going to happen?

Jacob: No.

Timothy: No. Alright. “So, if Cain is avenged seven times and Lemek 77 times.” In short, between verses 23 & 24, the legal system came up with a whole bunch of new laws in order to make it 77 times when you’re punished, correct?

Jacob: Correct.

Timothy: Alright, so let’s move in and look now at God, because if we take our eyes off the crime, what we need to look at is justice is moved into a situation. If I was called a jury trial and the system were fair and the system were just and the law was just and those are a lot of big ifs, then I would be totally inclined to go that’s justice. But that’s not what happens. It’s all about vengeance, smoke and mirrors. the prosecutors can lie.

Literally lie. In fact, police are trained to be expert liars. They are literally trained. Other prosecutors that are now defense attorneys will tell you that they’re trained to be liars. You really think a policeman’s just going to show up on the stand and then just telling the truth. He’s an expert liar. He reflects the lying nature of prosecutors and judges in the court. Alright, kind of handed that to death, didn’t that, Jacob?

Jacob: You did, I can’t help, but say though I think I’ve even mentioned it before because I know you focus a lot almost kind of on prosecutors and then we don’t ever. I mean you throw judges in there, but we don’t really hone in on the judges of how corrupt they are, I feel like. Because like even if even in a supposed modern-day court where you enter the courtroom. Like you were saying, the defense should get dollar for dollar, same as prosecutors. But even like when you enter that courtroom, the judges auPaulatically always siding with the prosecutors. Like you’re not getting a fair trial and you’re not getting a fair trial for a lot of reasons. But at the top, the number one person in charge of the entire courtroom is the judge. And because of their corruption because they’re not even allowing evidence to come in or you know what I mean?

The judge is allowing the prosecutors to pretty much run the courtroom versus so you’ll never get fair trial. You can’t. That well, I just feel like and I know I’m not looking to totally like sidetrack from what we’re really talking about. But you know what I mean? I just, you can’t help but bring up the judges are so corrupt then that a prosecutors get more corrupt. I don’t know.

Timothy: But you know what? You’ve gotten pushy over the years and I appreciate it. What page are we on with my notes?

Jacob: 3.

Timothy: 3. On page 4, we talk about judges.

Jacob: Oh, we do. Okay. Yeah, I’m like.

Timothy: Oh no, I love it.

Jacob: I don’t even know.

Timothy: We’ll get geared up because we’re headed for judges and I think I would probably skim over but you’re absolutely correct. You’re absolutely correct. Alright. So, let’s go to Romans chapter 12 verse 19. And this isn’t to say that someone who’s committed crime shouldn’t be found guilty. That’s not what we’re talking about here today. It’s just, I don’t know what we’re saying. It’s just totally corrupt. The odds are they’re not going to sit you down on. You say, hey, I’m a Bible believing Christian and seeking Jesus Christ and I hate my own life. And in fact, your honor I hate my father, my mother, wife, and children and I hate and despise money and I’m pursuing holiness, right. They’re going to go well have a seat sir because you’re going to be able to come to correct decision. It’s just not going to happen.

Alright Romans chapter 12 verse 19. “Do not take revenge.” You have to start there. So, you can’t look at the crime. You have to at how we’re getting there. The whole nature of what the legal system does is take vengeance and then all the corruption comes from there. There has to be a repose, a rest in that God is the only one who can take vengeance. And if we had that attitude, our prisons would be much different. I’m not telling you a bunch of people would change or become different but we wouldn’t be putting them in these hopeless situations and these demeaning situations and this constant law after law that they have to pay back the victim. We’d be actually doing something constructive and we’ll see why here in a moment we’re going to get to those judges here in a moment and probably not on this show but maybe the next one. “Do not take revenge.” It’s clear. Is it not?

Jacob: Clear, very clear.

Timothy: So, I’m not going to sit in that jury pool and go. okay, I’m after vengeance here. I’m only after one thing, did the state presented in a clear, proper, proper laws, honest direction? If I pick upon, if I smell corruption by a prosecutor or a policeman or a judge, forget it. I’m not going to find guilty. I’m not going to impose upon anybody the nature of a guilty plea. If corruption’s with, if they’re doing the same thing, that makes no sense at all. Why would I convict a robber of breaking into my house and stealing everything I have when the police can pull you over on the highway and see you have money in your car and just take it and never bring it back. There’s no difference between the two.

So, in order to find him guilty, I’d had to find the system also guilty. In which case, the case is null and void, and that’s why this emptiness towards the judicial system and this contempt for it is increasing because people see this. This is just no difference. One just has a bigger gun than the other. The guy that breaks into my house to steal from me may have a gun but the local judge, the policeman down there has more gun than it’s bigger. So, that’s the only difference between the two. So, pick your poison. “Do not take revenge my friends.” He tries to tone it down. I you’d love God’s word the subtlety of it. Can you imagine you’re all worked up, right?

Somebody’s done you wrong. I understand that. You get to that. Says, “Do not take revenge.” And then there’s this pause here, “my friends.” Does that not tone you down? It brings us all together like, okay, let’s get our eyes off what the wrong was done to us and let’s be friends here and begin to discuss this. This whole discussion needs to be in our private blog situation because you need to have friends. Most of the world’s not going to go for this because multiple reasons. One, they’re trapped in sin and two, Satan’s just going to stir them up. “Do not take revenge my friends.” When’s the last time a Christian prosecutor and I’m using that in quote, people can’t see my hands. Worked out peace between the criminal and the person that was wronged. Blessed are the peacemakers. So, don’t even begin to talk to me about that there isn’t within the legal system.

“Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath.” The tremendous and horrendous hate crime that we went through. Every corruption that could be thrown of us short of a stall on us type of rules where it flat out just didn’t matter at all and they just take you out and shoot you was done to us. But you respond to that with not vengeance but truth. And so, by doing this you leave room. If you take every dime that you can get through legal system of vengeance and I have to be repaid and I hope you rot in hell and I hope all these bad things happen to you. God’s not going to give you justice at the end. Understand that clearly that if you want the justice of God to deal with the way you’ve been wrong, you have to leave room for God’s wrath. If we go for every dollar we can get, if we go for every year of punishment, if we’re just throwing up banners and protest everything, we want our last out which by the way never ends. There’s no such thing as somebody coming to the end of their venge and go., okay, it was repaid. If they’re put on the death row and they go to hell, right? It’s like I hope you suffer in hell for eternity. There’s no room for God’s wrath to deal with anything.
He goes on to say, “For it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repa,.” says the Lord.” Now this takes rich faith and we’ll get into that later. But the point is if you want justice and you want a sin on a jury trial and you’re a Christian. I’m not telling you; you wouldn’t necessarily come up with a guilty verdict but you better leave room for God’s wrath here. you’re not going to get everything in the justice system. That is not going to happen. Right now, with this hate crime that’s going on and they discovered long ago she was lying. That’s the case. And though everybody is covering their bases and moving around and going in different directions, why? Because they don’t want vengeance to come on them. So, you’re not going to get it. There’s no way that I can go after everybody that would be involved. Because the actual legal system was involved in the crimes that went on, and so they’re going to cover their baits. There’s no way you’re going to get to it. I hate to throw this out there but they could be even so sly as you know Governor Inslee, right?

Jacob: Yeah.

Timothy: He’s getting ready to retire.

Jacob: Correct.

Timothy: He could actually issue a pardon in this case.

Jacob: Yeah.

Timothy: And if they do that then there’s no recourse.

Jacob: Correct.

Timothy: He’s not declared innocent and it says, well, we did our job and all that and he’s just freed up. They’re nasty snakes. Don’t know if that’s going to happen or not. And maybe by suggesting that they might consider it, but that’s beside the point. You’re not going to get even for even. It’s not going to happen. “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says Lord. And thankfully so, he’s the only one that’s qualified. The only one that is qualified to actually bring about true justice judgement and it is to him we must trust as Christians sitting on that jury pool so that we’re not taken in by the hype and by the crimes and the sins of the state when we find somebody guilty.

We’re not going to be moved by the emotion of it. What do they always want to do? In a prosecution who who’s the last person to present all the evidence, and jury summation just before the jury goes back in. It’s the prosecution. Why? And why does the state allow that? Why isn’t the defense the last one? If you’re innocent to proven guilty. It should be the defense that has the last word. Not the prosecution. Prosecution has a little power. They started the process. Why should they finish it off? The idea is you’re emotionally worked up. And so, everybody goes back in and they’re just all worked up, oh, it’s a crime. And that’s what they want. They don’t want you taking notes. They don’t want you reasoning it out. They want you feeling it. They want you to come in with that vengeance. So, you can get the guilty verdict. That’s why based on the facts of the crime they went through, there’s no way. No logical way.

Let me rephrase that. There is no logical way this person could have been found guilty. It was all based-on emotion, all of it. Every ounce of it and that’s exactly what the thing was geared to. So, prosecutors will pride themselves on. Only took them an hour to come to a judgement. More people spend time discerning what they’re going to eat at McDonald’s when the menu chamber changes than they do with the jury trial. The one or two juries I actually served on, that’s exactly what it was. Everybody went back in. We took a vote and sure enough, it was like that was it. He was guilty on all the things. I sat down and by the way I got chosen as leader for the jury, so we took time. It took us 4 or 5 hours. It was a pretty simple case.

We found him half guilty on one part and innocent on another part. The judge was taken back. He even kind of mumbled. It was strange to watch. He’s looking at it because it just doesn’t happen this way. And he goes, I think this is the right verdict. So, whenever you sneak that kind of stuff in, when you sneak justice in, they don’t know what to do with it because it’s like out of the norm. Anyone serving in a jury, please, please, take more than an hour. Go back over every single thing with a fine-tooth comb. Let the emotions settle down. Strip away all the hyperbolic type of stuff and they really, it’s almost an evangelistic meeting where everybody gets their emotions all hooked up and then you make a look let all that die down.

Come back Romans 12:19. “Do not take revenge my friends.” Calm that jury down and begin to think about each point. And also examine what exactly is the law they’re being charged with. And what is the consequences of that law? I remember in New York City there were some people that were protesting, I don’t know whatever they were protesting. The jury found them guilty. And that judge gave them like 20 years in prison. It was just for a protest. It wasn’t like totally whacked out protest and anything down as far as I know. And even the jury came back later and said, man, if we would have known that it was 20 years, they were going to get we don’t ever find them guilty. See, the courts won’t even tell you what the consequences are because that’s not your job. Oh no, you’re just supposed to find them guilty and let the state roll over them. Forget it, there is no way I’m going to sacrifice what justice is and go, oh, just do whatever you want to know. That is Stalinist kind of thing. That is going into a court, you find guilty and the next thing is the firing squad. Oh, was it my responsibility? It is your responsibility.
We are there as jury to judge the law, judge the procedure, judge the prosecutor, judge the judge, judge the policeman, and if all those things are clean and correct and where they need to be and the law is fair and just, then and only then, talk to me about justice. Is that clear, Jacob?

Jacob: That’s clear.

Timothy: Let’s go to Acts chapter 8 verse 33. I’ll let you read that.

Jacob: Acts chapter 8 verse 33, “In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.”

Timothy: He’s talking about Jesus there. “And in his humiliation, he was deprived of justice.” I wanted to kind of stick this in there. Don’t be surprised if as a Christian you’re deprived of justice. I’d have to say, at least and you tell me if I’m wrong. A good 75% of the hate crime that we experienced by the state of Washington was a deprivation of justice. Their guilt really resides in the fact they refuse to investigate, and they blocked every call for an investigation. They wouldn’t look at anything, they wouldn’t dialogue, they wouldn’t even discuss. So, it was a depriving of justice. When somebody sits in a jury pool, you kind of have to ask for that which you can’t get to. Which meaning, well, why wasn’t done. You’ve got somebody here accused of a crime. Well, how did you arrive at that decision?

I know in the appeal process we went through. One of the prosecutors said, yeah, can you believe it? The defendant wants to know what the policeman did. And so, the judges go, yeah, we can’t let that happen. Why would the defendant ever be allowed to know what the police were doing? I’m going, what? The policeman is the evidence. He is the one presenting it there and we can’t know how he got to that. That’s absurd. Don’t be shocked then if as a Christian you go to court. Most of what you’re seeing there is a result of people being denied justice, and so of course you can frame anything. We’re going to eventually do an episode on indicting a ham sandwich, because they boast about that.

Understand what is left out is one question you should be asking. What wasn’t done that could have shown this person to be innocent. How often do you see executors get in trouble and that’s like in huge quote. Troubles for not presenting evidence that would have shown somebody was innocent. They do it all. They hide stuff all the time. If you’re sitting there in a jury box, just repeat yourself, “They’re hiding. They’re hiding. They’re lying. They’re hiding. They’re hiding”. And I want to know what it is. That’s why I said, you won’t be chosen if you come with that. You might be able to be assured as a snake and innocent dove and get in there.
Well, let me tell you, you bring in the righteousness and the holiness of Jesus Christ no matter what the opinion is of what other people think. You do what is holy. You do what is right. Get your eyes off the crime and look at the system. If the system is clean, if everything is in its proper place, go for it. Otherwise, you’re on your own. I’m not going to stand with you at the judgement scene and go yeah, they did what was right. Jacob, we probably had to pause at this point and we’ll pick it up later.

Outro: This has been the Consider Podcast at www.consider.info where yesterday’s folly is today’s madness. In the beginning, the unrepentant sinners words are folly. At the end, they are wicked madness. Ecclesiastes 10:13. Judgement begins with the house of God. Therefore, let everyone who loves the Lord with an undying love pick up their cross and walk the talk. As Peter the wrote. “Therefore, prepare your minds for action. Be self-controlled”. First Peter 1:13-14. The Considered Podcast, examining today’s events and Paulorrow’s realities. www.consider.info.

Disclaimer: The Justice and Legal Segment of the Consider Podcast is only concerned with calling all individuals to repentance. No matter which side of the bar one is on. The demand is for repentance in accordance with Amos 5:24. Let justice roll on like a river. Righteousness like a never-failing stream. Nothing discussed should be considered legal advice. Want legal advice? Pay a lawyer. Want justice? Pray to the holy God. As the living God recorded in Deuteronomy 16:20, “All must follow justice and justice alone”. The listener assumes all responsibility for their actions or refusal to act in accordance with justice and justice alone. Because the legal system hides their corrupt deeds in darkness any discussion is fraught with inadequate information the listener should keep in mind that the news media only communicates what sells. Finally, make note that the vast majority of what is called legal is in fact not lawful. The Consider Podcast. Examining today’s wisdom, madness, and folly. www.consider.info.


The Consider Podcast
Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness with the whole gospel

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