Wa. State No Longer Bar Exam : Devil Details

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Wa. Supreme Court

What begins as a con ends as a damnable lie.

When the Washington State Bar Association set into motion the con that bar exams would be stopped because of, you guessed it, COVID, it was easy to anticipate the following full scale legal corruption.

Indeed the Washington State Bar Association and the Washington State Supreme Court have not even cleaned up the corruption in the current system, and these are individuals we can trust to create something better. Only fools chosen by the State to be on a jury would believe what they are listening to in Washington State Courts is as it appears.

Yes, the same court that literally allows dogs in court, crushes grandmothers and refuses to address the City of Enumclaw hate crime has decided on an entirely politically correct, undermining the rights of everyone who does not adhere to their personal proclivities system of legal oppression.

Defense attorneys in Washington State are already cowardly enough, and this will ensure that not a single shred of justice or truth can enter the Washington State Court system.

Make no mistake, this is the death kill of justice in Washington State.

Hang onto your hats; the devil is indeed firmly planted in the details.

Gonzaga School of Law

  • Gonzaga School of Law Dean Jacob Rooksby said he is supportive of alternative pathways but hopes they will be implemented at a smaller scale first.“I’m on board with it in concept,” Rooksby said. “The devil is in the details.”

Yes, sir, Law Dean Jacob Rooksby, that devil is in indeed in the details. Your being "on board with it in concept" shows that you are part of the massive court corruption that is crushing the reasonable application of "the law."

What happened, and is now happening, is this. Washington State’s lawless court system ensures that all lawyers will adhere to politically correct ideology rather than honest concepts of law. See: Spokesman Review

How about Dean Jacob Rooksby assigning, if you have any students that still adhere to the Constitution, Bill of Rights and reasonable use of words like "evidence," examine in detail the full-on corruption of Judge Lori K. Smith’s ideology prosecution and trial instead of "agreeing in concept." Gesh!

Email Sent


I am in the process of writing an article and wanted to give you a chance to respond.

How about Dean Jacob Rooksby assigning, if you have any students that still adhere to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and reasonable use of words like "evidence," examine in detail the full-on corruption of Judge Lori K. Smith’s ideology prosecution and trial instead of "agreeing in the concept" of doing away with the bar exam. A system that will ensure that corruption is the standard statewide.

Article: Wa. State No Longer Bar Examine: Devil Details

Timothy Williams

Truth Translation

The Supreme Court called for the investigation and adoption of assessments and programs to help ensure lawyers remain competent throughout their careers, not just at initial licensure. The Spokesman-Review Spokesman-Review

Truth Translation: The Supreme Court has called for a oppressive system that will make all lawyers conform to politically correct ideologies "thoughout their careers."

Judge Lori K. Smith Example

Judge Lori K. Smith’s bragging points scream radical, out of touch with reality, unbalanced ideology oppression of the law where facts and solid evidence are meaningless. And not just meaningless but objects for oppression if the correct gender, religion and ethnicity are not present.

Note there is nothing about accuser rights, white individuals, the bill of Rights, or complete social justice for everyone. Instead, as I experienced firsthand, Judge Lori K. Smith’s ideology trumped reality and rational terms such as "evidence." Judge Lori K. Smith serves as a prime example of political corruption where words become not only meaningless but redefined at will to crush anyone who disagrees with her personal proclivities. The system of conformity the Washington State Courts has implemented is desired to be sure all lawyers bend to their current ideological oppression.

In short, pity a white male accused of a crime as all rights, evidence, and a rational, logical approach to all areas of life are not just null-n-void but targets of the oppressive abuse use of the law.

This is so true that the types like Judge Lori K. Smith can sit along with a minor, script out accusations and then put white male Christianity as the main focus of prosecution.

Prejudicial Bragging Points of Judge Smith

Zero about justice for all.
Zero about justice for husbands, males.
Zero about justice for white conservative Christians
Zero about justice that adheres to reality, facts and rational definitions of evidence.

The above and below facts are why King County Prosecutors selected Judge Lori K. Smith for the City of Enumclaw, Detective Grant McCall’s conspired hate-crime prosecution! Remember her peers like Judge Susan J. Craighead, who passed away without repenting of the sin of claiming that whites are too white to understand justice.2

  • Judge Lori k. Smith "has been actively involved in efforts to improve the judicial system and is currently the co-chair of the Minority and Justice Commission’s Education Committee and the co-chair of the Gender and Justice Commission’s Tribal and State Court Consortium. She is also on the CCYJ Judicial Advisory Board. Judge Smith has taught at Judicial College and has been a presenter at numerous judicial conferences and other CLE programs. Throughout her career, Judge Smith has been involved in mentorship through minority bar associations, private organizations, the University of Washington School of Law and Seattle University School of Law. In 2011, along with her fellow King County Superior Court commissioners, Judge Smith received the King County Washington Women Lawyers Judge of the Year Award." Judge Lori K. Smith

Under Judge Lori K. Smith’s radicalized oppressive use of the "the law" City of Enumclaw Police Detectives were able to create with a co-conspirator a hate crime that crushed, you guessed it, a white male, bible-based Christian Church. Radical, ideological judges like Judge Lori K. Smith should never been sitting in judgment, let along receive awards.

Judge Smith became highly agitated when her "morals" were questioned, thus demonstrating once again that her personal self-righteousness and willingness to accept the bribe of praise had fully corrupted not just "the law" but reality.

Judge Lori K. Smith Bribed

Men, which includes women exactly like Judge Lori K. Smith, who are bribed by "Woman of the Year Awards" than by serving justice and justice alone. 1

  • Men are more often bribed by their loyalties and ambitions than by money.
    United States v. Wunderlich, 342 U.S. 98, 103 (1951)
    Robert Houghwout Jackson (February 13, 1892 – October 9, 1954) was United States Solicitor General (1938–1940), United States Attorney General (1940–1941) and an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court (1941–1954). He is the only person in United States history to have held all three of those offices. He was also the chief United States prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials.

But, hey, what else can one expect when it is Governor Jay Inslee who is doing the promotions while supporting Fentanyl Ferguson Bob of Wa. State sane border crusher, grandma destroyer, free speech oppressor, the user of the poor who has destroyed the very foundations of a safe, productive society.


The Consider Podcast attempts to express opinions through God’s holiness. Nothing concerning justice or injustice should be taken as legal advice or a call to action. There is no political agenda. There is no individual moral life advice. Indeed, each person is solely responsible before God and man for their actions or inactions. The Consider Podcast is narrowly focused on one thing, and only one thing – the need for all to surrender to a life of repentance according to the whole gospel.

The Consider Podcast
Examining today’s wisdom, folly and madness with the whole gospel.


Washington State to No Longer Require Bar Exam for Attorney Licensure by Supreme Court Decision

On October 6, 2022, the Washington State Supreme Court convened in the Barbieri Courtroom at Gonzaga University Law School to hear a case. The photo, taken by DAN PELLE for THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW, captures the scene.

According to two orders issued on Friday, the state Supreme Court in Washington has decided that passing the bar exam is no longer a prerequisite for becoming a lawyer in the state.

In 2020, a task force was appointed to investigate the matter, and as a result, the court has endorsed alternative methods of demonstrating competency and obtaining a law license.

The Washington Administrative Office of the Courts announced that, according to the Bar Licensure Task Force, the conventional exam is not only marginally successful in assessing competency, but it also disproportionately hinders marginalized groups from pursuing a career as practicing lawyers.

The state of Washington has joined Oregon in not mandating the bar exam. Oregon had already implemented this change at the beginning of the current year. Other states, such as Minnesota, Nevada, South Dakota, and Utah, are also considering different options for becoming licensed to practice law.

According to the statement of Washington Supreme Court Justice Raquel Montoya-Lewis, who led the task force, the suggestions have been provided by a varied group of attorneys from both private and public sectors, as well as academics and researchers. Their valuable perspectives, differing viewpoints, and thorough research have led us to our current state. These alternative pathways have been established with the understanding that there are numerous approaches to producing competent and licensed new attorneys, who are greatly needed throughout the state.

Three different options for experiential learning will be available for those pursuing a legal education, instead of the traditional bar exam. The details, scope, and execution of these pathways are still in the process of being determined.

Upon graduating from law school, individuals have the opportunity to undertake a six-month apprenticeship under the supervision and guidance of a certified lawyer. This apprenticeship also involves completing three courses.

In order to be considered ready for practice, law students must fulfill the requirement of completing 12 qualifying skills credits and 500 hours of work under a licensed legal intern. Once these prerequisites are met, students can then present a portfolio showcasing their work in order to waive the bar exam.

According to the report of the task force, students usually engage in an internship during their second and third years of law school, acquiring approximately 400 hours of experience. After that, if they dedicate three hours per week to legal work throughout their final year of law school, they could have a total of 500 hours of experience by the time they graduate. This would leave the portfolio as the only requirement before becoming licensed.

In addition, individuals can pursue a career as a lawyer without attending law school by fulfilling required educational materials and meeting specific standards under the supervision of a mentor attorney. This must also be accompanied by 500 hours of practical experience as a licensed legal intern.

Previously, individuals had the option to learn law from a practicing attorney and eventually become certified by passing the bar exam. However, this newly established avenue offers standardized educational resources and eliminates the need for an examination.

According to Dean Jacob Rooksby of Gonzaga School of Law, he is in favor of alternative methods, but he suggests that they should initially be introduced on a smaller level.

According to Rooksby, he agrees with the concept but the specifics are what matter the most.

According to Rooksby, the assumption for law students is that law schools will play a role in some capacity. He noted that it is uncertain how this will affect Gonzaga at this time.

According to him, it was recommended that we proceed with caution in this direction and approach it as a case study or a trial to assess how the various schools could implement it, but on a smaller scale.

The suggestion was made to limit the number of students pursuing the experiential pathway to 5% of the incoming class initially, in order to assess the level of interest from both students and employers. Additionally, Rooksby expressed concerns that this pathway may primarily attract individuals with familial ties to the legal industry, which would not align with the goal of promoting diversity within the profession.

With the goal of increasing diversity and addressing legal needs in marginalized communities, he desires the implementation of "guardrails" to ensure success.

According to Rooksby, the implementation of an alternative pathway process at Gonzaga may not be possible until 2025 at the earliest.

The Supreme Court has urged for the examination and implementation of evaluations and initiatives that can guarantee the competence of lawyers throughout their professional journey, rather than just during the initial licensing process.

The state of Washington has recently made further modifications by adopting the NextGen bar exam developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. This updated exam places a greater emphasis on practical and real-life skills. Its implementation is scheduled for the summer of 2026.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the minimum passing score for the bar exam was lowered from 270 to 266 by the court, which was a decrease that has now been implemented.

According to Rooskby, the new exam will be administered to first-year students at Gonzaga and the school is currently revising its curriculum in preparation. He expressed satisfaction with the exam’s emphasis on practical skills rather than the traditional approach of memorization in standardized tests.

According to him, implementing the NextGen bar exam and decreasing the passing score are beneficial measures in addressing the issue of limited access to justice in Washington and other states.

The implementation of the changes by the Washington State Bar Association is pending, with no specific timeline currently in place. Upon request for comment, the bar association has not yet provided a response.

Next month, the state Supreme Court will be discussing and potentially implementing decisions regarding the recommendations made by the task force comprised of representatives from over 30 groups and areas of practice. The focus of the task force was on the character and fitness procedures for obtaining a lawyer’s license.

Justice Oppressions – Ideology Prosecutors

Chief Justice Steven C Gonzalez
Associate Chief Justice Charles W Johnson
Justice Barbara Madsen
Justice Susan Owens
Justice Debra L Stephens
Justice Sheryl Gordon Mccloud
Justice Mary I Yu
Justice Raquel Montoyalewis
Justice G Helen Whitener
and dogs in court.

Court Hate Crime Index

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Related Information

Had anyone of these individuals actually done their job the active hate crime would have been exposed quickly and efficently.

Instead each participated in ignoring evidence and facts to protect their positions. All of these individuals below were confronted clearly with truthful evidence but chose to continue the hatecrime and corruption institutionalize within the Washington State legal system.

This Enumclaw Police, notably, Grant McCall knew would happen – and so the support of his crimes took place.

King County Judge Marlin J. Appelwick
King County Judge Ronald E. Cox
City of Enumclaw, Washington, Attorney
Governor Jay Inslee
Bob Ferguson Washington State Attorney General
Prosecutor Dan Satterberg
Prosecutor David Seaver
Prosecutor Jason Simmons
Prosecutor Lisa Johnson
Prosecutor Mark Larson
Prosecutor Nicole Weston
Prosecutor Rich Anderson
Prosecutor Paul G. Sewell
Washington State Judge Lori K. Smith
Enumclaw City Council
Washington State Supreme Court
Beau Chevassus
Commander Tim Floyd
Enumclaw Attorney Mike Reynolds
King County Judge Marlin J. Appelwick
King County Judge Ronald E. Cox,
King County Judge Stephen J. Dwyer
King County Superior Court
State of Washington, Plaintiff, V. Malcolm Fraser
Court of Appeals State of Washington Respondent, V. Malcolm Fraser
Ian Goodhew
Enumclaw Police Department Enumclaw, Washington 98022
Berean Baptist Church Puyallup, Washington who should have publically disfellowshipped "Detective" McCall.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson Washington State

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1 Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you. (Deuteronomy 16:20)
2 Judge Susan J. Craighead passed away late last month. Appointed to the King County Superior Court in 2007 by Governor Christine Gregoire, Judge Craighead served as Presiding Judge during the completion of the Clark Children and Family and Justice Center and was a leader in efforts to eliminate racial disparities in the juvenile system. She retired in 2021. Judge Susan J. Craighead was kissing cousins with former Governor Christine Gregoire who as a corrupt prosector in the Wenatchee child abuse prosecutions. Which Dan Satterberg would go on to use for his own selfish ends.